The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 25 Yan Sheng rebels and Black Death Mou is born!

Iwakatsu's heart couldn't calm down for a long time. His only goal was to surpass his younger brother Jiguo Enichi. Apart from this, he had no other goals.

But now, with such bad news coming, how could Yan Sheng's heart be at peace. Thinking about his current age, he is not far away from 25 years old. Isn't he in danger of death at any time?

Just when Yan Sheng was extremely confused, he recalled the conversation he had with a strange ghost half a year ago. If I could gain endless life like a ghost, wouldn't it be simple to surpass Yuanyi?

It's just that he can't live in the sun, which is not a particularly big price for Jiguo Iwakatsu. In his opinion, as long as he can surpass his brother Jiguoyuan, everything will be worth it.

Recalling that when he first joined the Demon Slayer Corps, he was actually rescued by Enichi, Iwakatsu felt even more angry. The source of his anger was his jealousy of Enichi Tsukuni.

Tsukuni Iwakatsu came to his senses, shook off the petals from his shoulders, turned around and left the Demon Slayer Headquarters, disappearing into the dark night.

Somewhere in the outskirts of an unknown place, Tsukuni Iwakatsu hurried all night to the place where he met the strange ghost for the first time.

An eye made of flesh and blood quickly burst open after seeing Tsukuni Iwakatsu arriving here. Not long after, a man with red eyes in a black kimono appeared in front of Tsukuni Iwakatsu.

"Jikuni Iwakatsu, I knew you would eventually choose to join me. My hard work will not be in vain!" The man in black kimono said confidently, as if he had everything under his control.

Tsukuni Iwakatsu didn't think that much at all. He didn't care about these insignificant things. What he wanted was to obtain an immortal body to help him become stronger step by step until he surpassed Tsukuni Enichi.

"Stop talking nonsense, who are you and why are you so familiar with me?" Jiguo Yansheng asked sternly, without any courtesy at all.

Muzan doesn't mind Jiguo Iwakatsu's attitude, and there is no benefit in rashly fighting against Jiguo Iwakatsu. Muzan's attitude towards Iwakatsu Tsukuni is not like that of treating his subordinates. On the contrary, it is more like treating Iwakatsu Tsukuni as a partner.

"Now that things have happened, I won't be secretive anymore. I am the supreme ancestor of ghosts, the king of ghosts, Demon Dance Tsuji Muzan!"

Ji Kuni Iwakatsu was not too surprised. He had already guessed that the identity of the ghost in front of him was unusual. Even if he learned that he was the ghost king Wu Mei that the Demon Slayer Team had been looking for, he would not be that surprised.

Besides, Jiguo Iwakatsu has already made up his mind to join the Ghost King's team, will he still care about these details? The reason why he asked about Wu Mei's identity was simply because he didn't want to be deceived by some unknown person.

"I need endless life, how can I join your ranks?" Jiguo Yansheng asked calmly.

Wu Kuan smiled charmingly and replied: "It doesn't need to be too troublesome. The process of turning you into a ghost is very simple, but how do I know whether you are loyal?"

Muzan's meaning is very simple. If Jiguo Yansheng wants to join the ghost column, he can't just give his blood to the other party so easily. He must show his status as the ghost king.

Jiguo Yansheng said calmly: "Do you mean that I need to prove my loyalty with actions? Okay, I'll see you here the night after tomorrow."

Looking at Jiguo Yansheng's retreating back, Wu Mei couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh. His team finally welcomed a powerful ally.

"Iwakatsu, let him be the top stringer. With his strength, there will definitely be no problem!"

As for whether Iwakatsu will defeat them, Wuzan is not worried at all. If Iwakatsu brings other Demon Slayer swordsmen here, Muzan will not take it to heart at all and will just destroy them all.

However, it can be seen from Iwakatsu's eyes that his idea of ​​joining the ranks of ghosts should be real, so there is no need to worry too much in this regard.

After saying goodbye to Mukai, Tsuguni Iwakatsu rushed back to the Demon Slayer Headquarters overnight, and after a short rest, he went directly to Ubuyashiki Takezan.

"Iwakatsu? Why are you asking me for staying up so late?" Ubuyashiki Takezan came to Iwakatsu with the support of his wife.

"Ubuyashiki Takezan-sama, this should be the last time I call you, sir."

Before Ubuyashiki Takezan could say anything, a flash of sword light flashed, and Ubuyashiki Takezan's head was completely separated from his body.

Iwakatsu Tsukuni expressionlessly wrapped his head with a benevolent smile in black cloth, completely ignoring the horrified look in the eyes of Uyashiki Takeyama's wife, and pushed the door open directly.

His mission is to kill Uyashiki Takeyama and pledge his allegiance to Muzan. He doesn't want to talk to others.

Taking advantage of the thick darkness, Tsukikuni Iwakatsu escaped from the Demon Slayer Headquarters and headed straight for the meeting point with Muzan.

Just like the agreed time, Wuhan showed up at the appointed place on time. As soon as Wu Mei arrived at the scene, he could smell the strong smell of blood, and his scarlet ghost eyes became even more alluring.

"Oh, oh, Mr. Iwakatsu is so capable. He is indeed the man I like."

Tsukuni Iwakatsu casually threw Ubuyashiki Takezan's head in front of Muzan, and said coldly: "I believe you don't need me to prove anything anymore!"

Naturally, Wu Mei also has a certain standard, and his demands cannot be too excessive. The actions taken by Jiguo Iwakatsu have completely stood on the opposite side of mankind, and there is no need to worry at all.

"Now, I will give you my supreme blood. Whether you can withstand it depends on your own ability. However, I believe that with your strength, there will be no problem."

"Hurry up, don't be whiny." Jiguo Yansheng couldn't wait for a long time and didn't want to listen to Wu Ke's nonsense.

"Okay, okay, you have to enjoy the big gift I prepared for you!"

Muzan stretched out a tentacle wrapped in flesh and inserted it directly into Jiguo Iwakatsu's blood vessel, injecting his own blood into his body.

The moment the blood entered his body, Tsukuni Iwakatsu felt that his whole body was as hot as burning, followed closely by bone-piercing pain.

Jiguo Yansheng endured the pain in his body and clenched his teeth. Beads of sweat the size of soybeans slid down his face one after another.

Compared to the strength he is about to gain, what is this pain?

Muzan was not stingy with Jiguo Iwakatsu, and gave as much of his blood to Jiguo Iwakatsu as possible in order to give Jiguo Iwakatsu more power.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiguo Yansheng opened his eyes and felt the terrifying power contained in his body. He also showed a satisfied smile.

"Congratulations, Ji Kuni Iwakatsu. You have gained unparalleled power. From now on, you will be the first of the twelve ghost moons. Also, aren't you curious to take a look at your new look?"

After hearing Wuhan's words, Jiguo Yansheng came to the side of a small puddle and looked at his face reflected in the puddle. Jiguo Yansheng couldn't help but grinned and said, "This face looks real. Not bad, worthy of my temperament.”

Generally speaking, Tsukuni Iwakatsu's appearance has not changed much. Apart from the triple pair of eyes, it can be said that there is almost no change.

The pupil of the middle eye is also engraved with the word "上线一", and the single-wheel appearance adds a bit of power and domineering to Tsukuni Iwakatsu.

"By the way, since you have joined the ranks of ghosts, try not to use your previous name and change it to a name that suits your current status!" Wu Kuan suggested, leaning on the branch of a tree.

Jiguo Yansheng nodded slightly, Wu Kai's words made sense. Since he had joined the ranks of ghosts, it meant that he had no connection with human beings. It was time to think of a new name.

Jiguo Yansheng looked up at the dark sky, the corners of his mouth undulated slightly, and then blurted out: "My new name...let's call him Hei Shimo."

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