The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 993 992 [Eight Gate Fist]

Sun Yongzhen has never been fond of fierce fighting. He is not tall and not very strong, so he actually suffered a lot in the ring competition.

This has nothing to do with skill, it's just a matter of magnitude.

Zhu Guozhen is different. He is tall and powerful, and his fighting style tends to be fierce. This kind of person is born to compete in the ring. Twelve years ago, Zhu Guozhen scared a certain Tai Chi master in Hangzhou so that he did not dare to take the stage.

Seeing Zhou Hexuan nod slightly, Zhu Guozhen took a few steps forward and said, "Brother Sun doesn't need to take action, I will do it."

"Have fun, have fun!" Zhang Debiao geared up and laughed.

Zhu Guozhen said: "What are you competing for? Wrestling, boxing, and martial arts, you can choose from these three. Forget about horse riding and shooting. I only know a little bit about it, but I am not proficient in it."

Zhang Debiao said with a smile: "If you compete with me on horseback and shoot guns, I'm bullying you. Let's compete with Chinese martial arts. I practice Bamen Quan, what about you?"

Zhu Guozhen said: "Xingyi, Bagua, Tai Chi, and natural boxing."

Before the two of them took action, Zhou Hexuan waved and asked Sun Yongzhen: "What kind of boxing is Bamenquan?"

Sun Yongzhen explained: "Bamen Quan is very famous in the northwest. It has three branches: Bamen Fengshou Quan, Bamen Xinzi and Siyi Bamen Quan. There are many rumors about the origin of Bamen Quan. They claim to be founded by Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei. But according to the guesses of some masters in the industry, Bamenquan should be a military boxing technique from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This kind of boxing is clean and neat, without any pretense, and the movement range is not large, so it is suitable for ancient battle formations."

In order to consolidate border rule during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the imperial court mobilized a large number of troops to guard the borders. And these military men from the north and south of the Yangtze River brought the martial arts from their respective hometowns, and combined with the military formation training methods, various types of northwest boxing were born.

Among them, the two most famous northwest boxing schools are Bamen Boxing and Tongbei Boxing. Strictly speaking, Bajiquan, Piguaquan, Fanziquan and other boxing techniques all belong to the Tongbei Quan genre.

While Zhou Hexuan and Sun Yongzhen were talking, fighting had begun in the Juyi Hall.

Zhang Debiao uses the eight-door sealing fist, which is very aggressive. Just like charging on the ancient battlefield, there is no retreat or dodge, only an indomitable charge upward. His hands, either fists or palms, were directed towards Zhu Guozhen's face, but the real killing move was on his legs.

To put it bluntly, Bamen Fengshou Quan uses hand movements as a cover to block and interfere with the opponent's attention, and then uses the legs to secretly move towards death. If the leg attack is ineffective, then rush forward and grab the person with your hands, either by grappling the joints or wrestling the person.

We can change the arena to an ancient battlefield, where the two armies line up to fight, and the front row soldiers of both sides collide. At this time, there was no weapon attack range, so he waved his arms to interfere with the enemy's sight, and took the opportunity to lift his foot and kick him in the crotch. The opponent reacted quickly and avoided this severing kick, so we pounced directly on the enemy and knocked him down - being knocked down on the battlefield is almost equal to death.

This was the first time Zhu Guozhen encountered this kind of boxing. He was confused by the opponent's hand attack at the beginning. As a result, he was kicked on the knee and almost fell to his knees in pain.

"It's too poisonous." Sun Yongzhen whispered.

Zhang Debiao's eight-door boxing moves move along the joints of his legs, feet and crotch, and every time he moves his legs, he is hidden under the cover of the movement of his hands, just like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass.

After Zhu Guozhen was accidentally kicked in the knee, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Zhang Debiao was unyielding and his attacks became more and more fierce, forcing Zhu Guozhen to retreat and dodge in a hurry.

By this time, Zhu Guozhen had completed the test and finally understood that the opponent's two-handed attacks were all fake moves. Unfortunately, his knee was hit, causing his lower body to become unstable and unable to engage in a leg attack with the enemy. Zhu Guozhen had an idea and pounced directly towards Zhang Debiao.

Zhu Guozhen's idea is very simple. The opponent's hands are fake movements. If he pounces on him, he won't be afraid of being hit in the middle. Moreover, after shortening the distance, he can cripple the opponent's leg skills.

Xingyi rubs his hands.

Zhu Guozhen stepped up close to him, pinned his opponent's legs with one leg, and moved his hands around Zhang Debiao's chest like a mahjong ball. At the same time, he kept looking for opportunities to hit with his elbows.

This style of fighting is just the opposite of the Eight Gate Fist. The legs become tools to interfere with and block the opponent, and the hands launch fierce attacks.

Zhang Debiao also has a way to deal with it. The eight-door sealing fist is used to deal with close enemies, either by grabbing joints or directly wrestling. Now Zhu Guozhen's Xingyi hand rubbing speed is too fast, and all kinds of clever energy and force are released, like a loach, it is impossible to catch it. After Zhang Debiao was elbowed several times in a row, he simply went up to hug his waist.

Well, the two of them started wrestling.

Zhang Debiao's Bamenquan was very dirty, and he even didn't forget to break Zhu Guozhen's fingers when he was wrestling. This kind of small joint technique was banned in the UFC ring in later generations. If it were on the battlefield, Zhang Debiao would probably bite it with his teeth...


Zhu Guozhen was repeatedly tricked and plotted, and finally got really angry, so he lowered his head and hit him with his head.

Zhang Debiao was knocked dizzy, and Zhu Guozhen was not much better, but he took the opportunity to push the opponent away, and then followed him and rubbed his hands.

Zhang Debiao gradually had only the power to parry, and his hands kept blocking the movements of Zhu Guozhen's arms.

The writing is so intense, but actually watching the battle live is not the same thing at all. Until now, the two of them kept rubbing their arms and scratching each other, just like two shrews fighting, only waving at each other and scratching their paws - it was even uglier than a tortoise punch.

Many people laugh at Wang Ba Quan in traditional martial arts. In fact, Wang Ba Quan is rarely used in traditional martial arts, but Wang Ba Zhang is used.

When not wearing gloves, it is best not to hit with fists in actual combat, because it is easy to break your own hand. Especially for a heavy boxer like Tyson, don't brag about how many kilograms a punch can weigh. Just let him attack with all his strength with his bare hands.

In order to prevent yourself from being injured, in traditional martial arts, during actual combat, you don’t need to punch if you can, and even if you use punches, you don’t use flat fists. In all kinds of Chinese boxing techniques, the fist is basically thrown out vertically, but more often it is hit with a big slap.

The flat punch attack can score points in the ring, but in actual combat it is not as effective as a slap. A slap can push someone, hit someone's face, cover someone's face, or turn into a claw to grab clothes, but it's just not as powerful as a fist.

Now the two people in the Juyi Hall are giving all kinds of big slaps, and they don't move their fists at all.

I saw Zhu Guozhen continuously rubbing his hands together, completely disrupting the rhythm of Zhang Debiao's hands. Then he suddenly raised his palm, slipped through the opponent's defensive gap, and hit Zhang Debiao's chin directly with the heel of his palm.


Zhang Debiao rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The power of that palm was no different from an uppercut.

After writing so much, the two of them actually only played for three and a half minutes.

"Concession!" Zhu Guozhen said with his fists clasped, limping back behind Zhou Hexuan.

Zhang Debiao was quickly woken up by being pinched. He leaned back in his seat dizzy and said no more nonsense.

Ma Yongkui clapped his hands and praised: "Good skills!"

"You're welcome." Zhu Guozhen said.

Zhou Hexuan asked in a low voice: "How do you feel about Bamenquan?"

Zhu Guozhen said: "It's hard to put it into words, it will definitely be very useful on the battlefield, especially the cold weapon battlefield in the past."

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