The day I left Lizhuang was the weekend, and more than half of the teachers and students of Tongji University came to the pier to see Zhou Hexuan off. Members of various organizations in Qianchuan also came, and even colleagues from the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica who were far away from Li Feng Academy walked seven or eight miles to the dock just to wave goodbye to Zhou Hexuan.

This has nothing to do with fame or academic status. It is purely thanks to Zhou Hexuan for his help.

Among other things, the daily necessities brought by Zhou Hexuan had been distributed three days ago. Scholars, teachers and students can finally bathe with soap, brush their teeth with tooth powder, and eat a few meals of white rice. Even in two months, Lizhuang will be able to get electricity, and they can live without ordering food and oil lamps every night.

"Good go, Mr. Zhou!"

"Goodbye Mr. Zhou!"

"Mingcheng take care!"


Li Zhuang's gentry, scholars and professors came over to shake hands and say goodbye, while the students watched silently, and further away there were people from the town who came to watch the excitement.

Zhou Junshi, the president of Tongda University, said: "Mr. Zhou, please tell everyone something."

Zhou Hexuan nodded, facing the crowd and said loudly: "Dear friends, fellow students, fellow countrymen. There is no doubt that the War of Resistance has reached its darkest and lowest moment. China's finances collapsed, China's external transportation was completely blocked, and all war zones suffered consecutive defeats. …But don’t be discouraged, this is the darkness before dawn, because the United States is about to enter the war. President Roosevelt not only promised to provide credit loans to China, but also withheld advanced aircraft to support Britain and shipped them to China, and was preparing a U.S. flying force to aid China. As long as the United States officially intervenes in the war, Japan will be finished, because most of Japan's strategic materials need to be imported from the United States. By then, Japan will not have enough steel to make guns, and there will not be enough fuel to operate tanks and aircraft. There is no doubt about the victory of the war. will belong to China..."

In recent years, Zhou Hexuan's series of articles have long been famous throughout the country, and various predictions have been fulfilled, even attracting the attention of international scholars.

Everyone was listening attentively. They needed spiritual encouragement. Zhou Hexuan continued: "I know that everyone's living situation is very difficult, but the Japanese are not much better than us. Just a few months ago, the Japanese government issued a decree It stipulates food rationing for residents, forcing Japanese civilians to have no more than 330 grams of staple food per day. Residents in big cities in Japan generally do not have enough to eat, and Japanese farmers are even worse. People are starving to death everywhere. Now it depends on who can carry it first If China can't hold on, it depends on who can carry it to the end. If China can persist in the war of resistance for another two or three years, there will be no need to fight, and a lot of Japanese civilians will starve to death! The same is true for the Japanese army. In the early days of the war of resistance, Japanese soldiers wore We have cowhide shoes, but now we can only wear canvas rubber shoes. I think in two years, the Japanese soldiers will ask us Chinese soldiers how to weave straw sandals."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone burst into laughter, it was a good joke that brought joy to the suffering.

Zhou Hexuan said: "China is like a weak elephant, and Japan is a vicious wolf. This wolf keeps biting and eating the elephant's flesh and blood, but it is also consuming its own energy. When it is too tired to bite anymore, it will inevitably He will be trampled to death by an elephant!"

"Fuck little Japan to death!"

"Yes, fuck little Japan to death!"

"It will be consumed to death."

A student from Tongji Institute of Technology shouted loudly, and other students followed suit.

Zhou Hexuan added: "Everyone's life is difficult now, mainly because the legal currency has depreciated seriously. The legal currency has depreciated and prices have soared. This is due to the war and the government, but it is also a result of the Japanese. In order to destroy our economy, The Japanese invaders have counterfeited at least 3 billion Chinese legal currency in the past few years. I hope everyone can grit their teeth and persevere. If materials are in short supply, then overcome the difficulties through what you have learned. You are all the hope of China's future, and nothing can knock you down... "

"Mr. Zhou, we are not afraid of difficulties!"

"Yes, we are not afraid of difficulties."

"China will win!"


Zhou Hexuan did not deliberately arouse his emotions, but the students were already excited, raising their fists and shouting.

Zhou Hexuan bowed deeply, turned around and walked towards the small riverboat, with countless people behind him waving goodbye.

These scholars, teachers and students have made great contributions to the country. Regardless of cultural research, the teachers also took the lead in joining the army to fight against Japan. The medical school and engineering school have produced countless top experts. Their most well-known contribution to the locals is the disappearance of the "numbing foot plague" in southern Sichuan.

This disease left doctors at a loss. Experts and professors from Tongji Medical College quickly determined it was barium poisoning through research and experiments, and found out that it was caused by barium chloride in the table salt.

This is the power of science.

However, the masters are sometimes too stubborn, and most people look down on Chinese medicine. There was a serious shortage of western medicine in Lizhuang, so they would rather endure the disease than take traditional Chinese medicine. As a result, many people died of the disease.

In order to correct the local people's medical concepts, these gentlemen set up health clinics in the town. At first, some local residents went to see a doctor, but there was no medicine. The doctor could only tell the patient to drink more boiled water. Over time, no one went to the health center to see a doctor. The locals even jokingly called them "boiled water doctors."

The small river boat slowly left the dock. Because the sun was too dazzling, Jin Yuelin got on the boat and walked into the cabin.

Jin Yuelin needed to go to Yibin to buy chickens, so he took Zhou Hexuan's boat to leave together. However, the direction was exactly the opposite. Zhou Hexuan could only send him to Yibin and back. It was only 20 miles of waterway and could be reached quickly.

"Mingcheng, do you think we should set up a scientific chicken farm in Lizhuang?" Jin Yuelin sighed, "The people in Lizhuang are even poorer than those in Kunming."

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "You can ask Tongji University to jointly run a chicken farm."

Jin Yuelin said shamelessly: "I have no money. I only have enough money to buy a dozen chickens. Tongji University seems to have no money either. How about you lend me some?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhou Hexuan laughed, not expecting that Jin Yuelin could be petty at times. He immediately took out a handful of cash and all the French currency he had on him, and said, "This money should be enough to start the business."

Jin Yuelin chuckled and said, "You are still rich."

Zhou Hexuan especially likes Jin Yuelin's character. This person is really optimistic and doesn't care about anything at all. Others will be more or less affected by the current situation, but Jin Yuelin lives his life silly and happy all day long. It is estimated that he will still laugh when he is about to starve to death one day.

A pure person is pure in everything he does, so pure that it is beyond comprehension.

Historically, Liang Sicheng's younger brother visited Lizhuang two years later and found that Lin Huiyin had become so thin that only his skeleton was left, and he was so disfigured that he was unrecognizable. However, Jin Yuelin was still as infatuated as before, and would travel thousands of miles to take care of her during winter and summer vacations without asking for anything in return.

Are you greedy for Lin Huiyin’s beauty?

Obviously not.

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