The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 765 764 [Welcome along the road]

Dozens of Olympic athletes, carrying flowers, hanging ribbons and crowns on their heads, stood in the carriages of three trucks and passed through the city.

Whenever a truck approaches a street, firecrackers will sound in advance on that street. Both sides of the road were crowded with citizens who came to welcome him. The second-floor windows facing the street were opened one after another, and everyone prepared gifts and threw them on the car.

Some vendors were interspersed among the crowd, shouting and selling:

"Selling cigarettes, selling cigarettes, authentic Camel cigarettes, Olympic athletes feel energetic after smoking them!"

"Sweet, crispy and delicious big pear, buy a pound and give it to an Olympic athlete, guaranteed to win a gold medal every time!"

"Postcard, postcard, written to send blessings to the Olympic athletes!"


The vendors' business was very good, and some citizens who had not prepared gifts spent money to buy some gadgets.

"I'm coming!"

At the window on the second floor at the street corner, a lady with heavy makeup shouted loudly. She turned back to the servant and shouted: "A Cui, quickly bring my Dayang!"

After the national government carried out currency reform, Dayang has banned its use, but it is still widely circulated among the people.

I saw more than a dozen police officers on bicycles clearing the way, followed by five cars, filled with senior officials and celebrities. For example, Lin Sen, Zhou Hexuan and Wu Tiecheng took the first car, while Du Yuesheng and his brothers took the last car.

Behind them were trucks carrying Olympic athletes. The moment they appeared, the whole street was in a commotion.

The charming lady at the window on the second floor grabbed the ocean with both hands and threw it down. She spotted a strong and handsome athlete, threw a garland, and screamed: "Darling, I love tiger oil!"

Citizens on the side of the road also tried their best to throw things at the truck. Many people ran after the truck, just hoping to shake hands with the athletes, or even touch the legs of the athletes.

Zhou Xuan stood together with her classmates from the Chinese and Western Girls' School. When she saw the motorcade approaching, she immediately waved flowers and shouted: "Chinese athletes, show off their power in the Olympics, defeat Britain and defeat Japan! Long live China, it will surely be rejuvenated..."

Standing opposite them was St. Mary's Girls' School. The girl leading the team said quickly: "Shou with me, don't let the Chinese and Western Girls' School steal the spotlight!"

Zhang Ailing waved her arms along with her classmates and shouted out like a reflex: "Chinese athletes, number one in Asia, slaughter the British and destroy the Japanese, show the prestige of our country! Revitalize China, and bring glory to the country..."

The student leader of the Central and Western Girls' School immediately gave Zhou Xuan the metal loudspeaker: "Xuanzi, you have a golden voice, sing that Olympic hymn quickly!"

When the Nineteenth Route Army fought bravely against the enemy in the Battle of Songhu, some people immediately wrote poems and songs to praise it, and the "Nineteenth Route Army Song" was widely sung. Song Zheyuan's troops achieved a great victory in the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, and some people wrote poems and songs. "The Big Sword Cut Off the Heads of the Japs" is even more popular.

When the news of the Olympic athletes triumphing over Europa came out, countless poetry works immediately emerged, among which "Olympic Children's Song" was the most popular.

Zhou Xuan held up the metal loudspeaker, cleared her throat and immediately started singing: "You are the rays of dawn in the east, you are the rising sun that breaks the darkness, Olympians, rise up with the national strength accumulated over five thousand years... Look, Sleeping Lion He has woken up, taking vigorous steps, making a roaring roar to the world... The dragon is soaring into the sky, his glory shines in the clouds, and his descendants move forward with their heads held high... Fly hard and roar, the Chinese nation has never surrendered. Ancestors and compatriots, we will never give up. The pride and faith of the ancient Eastern countries will always flow in the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang..."

The students at Santa Maria Girls' School were immediately confused. They didn't have a golden voice. They only had Zhang Ailing, who had made a name for herself through literature.

The leader of the Santa Maria Girls' School quickly said: "Let's sing together and suppress the voices from the other side!"

Zhang Ailing felt a little headache because she had never learned this song before, so she could only open her mouth and paddle in the chorus.

The Chinese and Western girls' schools across the street also started singing together. St. Mary's Girls' School was their mortal enemy. The relationship was a bit like Tsinghua University and Peking University in later generations. Gradually, countless citizens sang along, forming a heroic torrent on the streets.

The various small gifts in the cart have already reached the ankles of the Olympic athletes, and citizens are still throwing them up frantically. Dozens of athletes listened to the neat and loud singing and looked at the gifts at their feet, with tears in their eyes. The emotion was even more uncontrollable than standing on the Olympic podium.

"People's support can be used, and people's morale can be boosted!" Lin Sen sighed while sitting in the car.

Zhou Hexuan poured cold water on the situation and said: "I just hope that the government can wake up a little bit, and don't lose the support and support of the people."

"Haha." Lin Sen smiled awkwardly.

Among the crowd on the street was a foreign girl. She was Xiang Meili, a correspondent for The New Yorker magazine. Her English name was Emily Hahn, and she was about to marry Shao Xunmei, a New Moon poet, as her concubine.

A month and a half later, the American "New Yorker" published an article by Xiang Meili:

"At that time, hundreds of thousands of Shanghai citizens gathered in the streets. They threw gifts to the Chinese athletes to express their joy and respect. I even saw a beggar throwing copper plates (a Chinese currency) at the truck. , which was probably his entire day's income. People chased the truck wildly, and some struggled to climb up, but were driven away with sticks by the police who maintained order."

"Even those athletes who did not win any medals are treated like Hollywood superstars in China. They are like heroes returning triumphantly from the battlefield. People sang an Olympic song in unison, and the lyrics were to the effect that China's sleeping lion has woken up. As an American, I can still feel the tremendous spiritual power contained in it."

"I know a famous socialite in Shanghai named Lu Haitang. She is a frequent visitor to the wealthy circles. At that time, she was also running in the motorcade like a star-chasing movie fan. Later she told me that she liked Ji Zhengliang, who had won two gold medals in swimming. If If the other party is willing, she can abandon everything and marry this athlete. Maybe she is joking, who knows?"

"My Chinese friends and I have had in-depth discussions on this. They all believe that the Olympic athletes are worthy of praise and are enough to boost the morale of the country's people and bring unprecedented confidence to the country. They said that China needs heroes. Any Chinese who brings glory to the country is a hero."

"China is an ancient and wonderful country. If you just take a quick glance here, you will see backwardness, ignorance, chaos and filth. If you stay and integrate with them, you will see strength, wisdom, unity and hard work. I think one day, this Far Eastern sleeping lion will really wake up and show its great power to the world."

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