Song Meiling came to Zhou Hexuan's room and was obviously stunned. This was completely different from what she had imagined.

The table was overturned in the corner, and the floor was covered with broken pieces of dishes and vegetable scraps. Zhou Hexuan sat on the edge of the bed and smoked a cigar in depression. Kong Lingwei, on the other hand, was lying on the ground, snoring, with a gun in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, talking in his sleep: "Drink again, and I'll do it!"


Song Meiling sighed, called two policemen and said, "Help her out and send her to Kong's house."

In fact, Kong Lingwei's real name is Kong Lingjun, and she used to be a lively and smart girl. Since she had scabies all over her body when she was a child, Soong Meiling said to Soong Ailing when she saw it: "What did you do? You put her in such long clothes and the scabies were covered up alive."

So, Song Ailing shaved off her daughter's hair and put her in shorts and shorts. When the secretary and the guard saw it, they teased the child and said, "Oh, Miss Second, why are you wearing this?"

Kong Lingwei felt that he was being laughed at, so he simply changed to boy's clothes, and his personality gradually changed towards a man.

Because of this, Song Meiling felt indebted to Kong Lingwei and believed that she should not have spoken like that, which led to Kong Lingwei's gender confusion. Throughout her life, Song Meiling loved Kong Lingwei the most, and she almost raised her as her own daughter.

Seventeen-year-old Kong Lingwei is not too bad. Although he often hurts people with guns, he has never actually killed anyone. She doesn't like to read serious books. She often drinks wine, eats chicken feet and duck wings, and spends the night reading martial arts novels. What she likes to do most at this time is to instigate others to fight. Whenever someone is beaten with a bruised nose and face, a bloody head, it is the moment when Miss Kong Er is happy.

Kong Er's transformation into a demon king in the future was all caused by Soong Meiling's habit. No matter how big trouble he got into, there would always be someone to wipe his ass. It would be strange if she wasn't arrogant and domineering.

After the two policemen helped Kong Lingwei away, Song Meiling walked in and said with a half-serious smile: "Mr. Zhou, I have wronged you."

"No grievance, I intentionally hurt others and should be detained and sentenced according to law." Zhou Hexuan said while blowing smoke rings.

Song Meiling held the box and sat down next to Zhou Hexuan: "This was given to me by Director Xiao. Mr. Zhou's belongings have now been returned to their original owners."

Zhou Hexuan took it with a smile: "Mrs. Song is laughing."

Song Meiling praised: "Hitler's gun, Stalin's pen, Roosevelt's cigar cutters, Prince Albert's silver coins. Mr. Zhou has a wide range of contacts, which is really admirable."

"These things can scare others, but they are not worth mentioning to Madam." Zhou Hexuan said.

Song Meiling glanced at Zhou Hexuan with a smile and asked, "Mr. Zhou is angry?"

"I don't dare." Zhou Hexuan said.

"Then why don't you want to leave the police station?" Song Meiling asked.

"I'm afraid that the Kong family will seek revenge on me," Zhou Hexuan took a deep breath from his cigar. "The Kong family is very wealthy and powerful. What if they hire a killer to kill me? It's better to stay in the police station for safety."

Song Meiling smiled and said: "I can guarantee that as long as Mr. Zhou walks out of the police station, the Kong family will never settle accounts, and everyone will pretend that nothing happened."

Zhou Hexuan shook his head and said: "Kong Lingkan has suffered such a big loss. I don't believe that the Kong family has no ideas. I can trust Mrs. Song and Minister Kong. They are both sensible people. But Kong Lingkan is different. His mind is not mature yet. If someone really kills me, I will have no choice but to complain to the Lord of Hell in the underworld. Don’t you think so?"

Song Meiling remained silent because Zhou Hexuan told the truth.

As long as Zhou Hexuan did not kill Kong Lingkan or make him permanently disabled, then Soong Meiling and Kong Xiangxi could not pursue the case. After all, their levels and visions were different. They would rarely do things that would hurt both sides, or harm others without benefiting themselves.

Only Kong Lingkan's heartless person is a time bomb. After being so stimulated this time, it is really possible for him to do it.

Song Meiling thought for a moment and asked in a consultative tone: "How about I send Ling Kan to study abroad? He is not allowed to come back until he gets his master's degree."

"Mrs. Song, in some countries, master's degrees can be completed in one year. Moreover, as long as you have money, you can buy a master's degree." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

"Three years," Song Meiling said, "let's set a time limit. After three years, Ling Kan will not return to China."

"Okay." Zhou Hexuan patted his butt and stood up.

His original plan was to use the pressure of public opinion to force Kong Lingkan to leave the country, and then look for opportunities to kill this bastard completely. Now that Song Meiling took the initiative to speak, Zhou Hexuan agreed to it, so as not to completely break up with the Song family and the Kong family.

Song Meiling had her own ideas. She sent Kong Lingkan to study abroad, mainly to take into account her husband's face and to ease the conflict between Chiang Kai-shek and the Kong family.

CITIC is a very important institution that can, to a certain extent, overpower the four major banks. It also controls the import and export trade of scarce materials—including arms. Kong Xiangxi put his son into the CITIC Bureau, which made Lao Jiang extremely dissatisfied. Lao Jiang specially sent a confidant to be the chief of the government, in order to personally control this important department.

However, the confidant sent by Chiang Kai-shek was a coward. The first thing he did when he took office was to go to the Kong family to pay homage to the dock. In this way, the director personally appointed by Chiang Kai-shek became a decoration, and Kong Lingkan became the real controller of the CITIC Bureau.

Once the matter between Zhou Hexuan and Kong Lingkan gets into trouble, Lao Jiang will definitely take the opportunity to intervene and kick Kong Lingkan out of the CITIC Bureau in a reasonable and reasonable manner.

By then, the Kong family's face will be gone, and the conflict with Chiang Kai-shek will become bigger. Song Meiling will be in the middle and it will be even harder to behave. It is better to take the initiative to send Kong Lingkan out of the country. When Kong Lingkan returned from studying abroad, he became older and had more academic qualifications. When he took up important positions, there were not so many people gossiping about him.

Song Meiling also took great pains to cultivate the next generation of the Kong family. Who made her not have a biological son?

After hearing Zhou Hexuan finally agreed, Song Meiling immediately smiled and said: "That's right. Mr. Zhou is an international scholar, why bother with a junior."

Zhou Hexuan pushed the door open and walked to the door of the room. He said in a gentlemanly manner: "Mrs. Song, please!"

"Thank you." Song Meiling stepped out of the room in a dignified manner.

The Yanzi Wang Er who was opposite the door waved and said, "Mr. Zhou, when I go out, let's have a drink together!"

Zhou Hexuan thought for a while and said to Soong Meiling: "I hit it off with this brother, so why not let him go too."

Song Meiling did not ask about Wang Er's crime. She nodded and said, "Since he is someone whom Mr. Zhou values, his character must not be bad. I will tell Director Xiao later."

Zhou Hexuan just said it casually. After all, the Japanese will attack next year. This king will most likely be killed by the Japanese. If he can save one, it will count.

The Swallow King Er was overjoyed and knelt down and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Zhou, for your kindness. Wang Er will repay you if you work like a cow or a horse!"

Zhou Hexuan warned: "After you are released from prison, live a good life and stop doing illegal things."

Yan Zi Wang Er patted his chest and said: "A real man spits on you and nails it. Since Mr. Zhou ordered it, Wang Er must wash his hands in the basin. If you don't keep your words, call me, Wang Er, to cut off your descendants!"

The two walked to the door of the detention center. Song Meiling smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou, please go back to the hotel to wash away your bad luck and prepare for the dance tonight."

"Mrs. Song's farewell!" Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

The conversation seemed to be in a harmonious atmosphere, but those who deserved to be killed had to be killed. Zhou Hexuan would not leave any trouble for himself.

Cultural people are also very sinister.

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