The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 721 720 [Another opium ghost]

In the eyes of music lovers of later generations, the blind man A Bing is often an established image of someone who was born at the wrong time and whose talent was not appreciated.

However, real historical figures cannot always be great and upright.

Abing's original name is Hua Yanjun. His father is a Taoist priest, and he is also a Taoist priest. Among the positive publicity, A Bing started hitting stones to practice drums at the age of 10, practiced flute with a weight on his wrist at the age of 12, and mastered Taoist music at the age of 17. He was hailed as the "Little Heavenly Master" by the locals.

These are all true, but not comprehensive.

Abing is not only a musical genius, but also an out-and-out prodigal.

The reason why A Bing was blind was because he had an attack of syphilis while searching for flowers. A Bing lived on the streets, half begging and half performing arts, because he was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and by the way, he ruined the popular Lei Zun Temple (Taoist Temple).

A Bing practiced musical instruments hard when he was young, not because he was diligent, but because his father forced him to. When the Taoist priest's father died, A Bing quickly became dissolute and did not pay attention to music at all. His method of playing instruments is extremely non-standard. The same piece of music is different every time he plays it. It is completely improvised.

Even the famous "The Moon Reflects on Two Springs" was not completely original by A Bing. The original song is called "Zhi Xin Ke", which is a lewd song sung by prostitutes to flirt with their clients. A Bing learned it when he visited a brothel.

But I have to say that A Bing is really a musical genius. Being able to adapt an obscene song into "Er Quan Ying Yue" is actually equivalent to re-creating it.

A Bing's hometown is in Wuxi. The reason why he appeared in Suzhou was entirely because he couldn't get along in Wuxi and his reputation was completely ruined.

"Save some money and don't lose your money in a few days." Dong urged his brother worriedly to help A Bing light the cigarette cream.

A Bing puffed out mist from the clouds and said impatiently: "I know, I know!"

Dong Cuidi is a widow, and Abing is a beggar. A widow and a beggar are a perfect match.

A Bing received 11 yuan in reward from Zhou Hexuan, and immediately used 10 yuan of it to buy opium. As for whether he can fill his stomach, A Bing is not worried. Either he will sell music or let his wife beg. This is how he has been living in the past few years.

A corner of opium turned into smoke, and A Bing wandered around in the fairyland and finally returned to the human world. He said happily and painfully: "I finally smoked enough today."

Dong Jidi looked at her husband distressedly and advised: "It would be better to smoke less."

"I know, I know." A Bing repeated this sentence. He also wants to quit smoking, but how can he quit?

Smoking opium is fashionable these days, just like smoking cigars in the West.

Dong urged his brother to sigh and said, "Old man, that gentleman will leave tomorrow. Do we really want to follow him?"

A Bing smiled bitterly and said: "It's so rare to have someone in charge of food. He likes to listen to music, so I will sing for him. One dollar a day is much more cost-effective than working."

"He seems to be a great man, and he has many concubines and concubines around him," Dong said, looking forward to a happy life. "If we take good care of him, we will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of our lives."

"It's better if you don't starve to death."

A Bing threw the pipe aside, took out the bamboo flute from his arms, and played an unknown Wuyue tune.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

Abing immediately stopped playing music and put the bamboo flute back into his arms.

Dong urged his brother to get up and open the door. He saw a lady standing outside, holding a little girl carved in pink and jade beside her.

"Hello, madam, kowtow to me!"

Dong urged his younger brother to feel ashamed and knelt down with a pop. His movements were very skillful. This was the result of years of begging.

Meng Xiaodong said quickly: "Get up quickly, don't kneel down all the time!"

Dong urged his brother to get up and asked, "What do you want my wife to do? Does the master want to listen to some music?"

The opium smoke in the room had not yet dissipated. Meng Xiaodong stood at the door and waved to disperse it, frowning and saying, "Mr. A Bing, can you still play the flute?"

Dong urged his brother: "My old man knows a lot."

"What do you know?" Meng Xiaodong asked.

A Bing straightened his clothes, stood up holding the bamboo pole, and said in a conceited tone: "I can basically play, play, play, and pull, as long as it makes a sound!"

Xiao Lingjun suddenly jumped out and said, "I want to learn the flute, it sounds nice."

"It's hard to learn art." A Bing replied.

"I'm not afraid of hard work." Xiao Lingjun said.

Meng Xiaodong calmly pulled her daughter back. When she heard the sound of the flute just now, Xiao Lingjun suddenly wanted to learn, and she agreed after being pestered unbearably. But he didn't expect that the blind man turned out to be an opium addict. Meng Xiaodong was afraid that his daughter would learn bad things.

But I have to admit that A Bing’s playing level is very high.

Meng Xiaodong grew up in a theater troupe and came into contact with countless musicians, few of whom could reach A Bing's level.

Having studied opera with Yu Shuyan for many years, Meng Xiaodong's Peking Opera attainments are extremely proficient, and he is well-deserved for his reputation as the "Winter Emperor". She has long since passed the state of pursuing skills, and now she is seeking "Tao", which to put it more bluntly is "evidence of emotions in horns". Integrate yourself into the character, integrate the character into yourself, and sing the word "love", the character's love and your own love.

In Meng Xiaodong's view, the blind man A Bing's musical attainments are already on the same level as hers, and they are all pursuing the "Tao".

If my daughter really wants to learn a musical instrument, such a famous teacher is rare.

But he is an opium ghost!

Mr. A Bing, a music aspirant, did not have the demeanor of a master at all. He said cunningly and philistinely: "Teaching casually, it costs two yuan a day. For formal apprenticeship, it costs ten yuan a day. I will give her all the hard work."

"I'll think about it again." Meng Xiaodong took her daughter and left.

"No, no, I want to learn to play the flute." Xiao Lingjun shook her mother's hand and acted coquettishly.

Meng Xiaodong directly picked up her daughter, let her cry, and quickly returned to the guest room upstairs.

Dong Jidi looked at her husband worriedly: "Old man, our rent is still paid by others. You won't offend the master by doing this."

"My skills are worth the price!" A Bing held his head high and held his chest high while leaning on the bamboo pole, his face glowing with vitality. He was completely different from the useless smoker before.

Upstairs, guest room.

Little Lingjun cried so hard that she threw herself into her father's arms and complained: "Mom is bad, mother is bad, she won't let me learn to play the flute!"

"Keep crying! If you cry again, I'll hang you up and beat you!" Meng Xiaodong looked at her daughter with a headache.

Xiao Lingjun cried even more crazily: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Mommy is still beating me, Daddy, help me!"

Meng Xiaodong helplessly raised his forehead: "This poor kid has been spoiled by his family."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "Lingjun wants to learn, so let her learn."

Meng Xiaodong said: "Even if you want to learn, you have to hire another teacher. That blind man is an opium ghost."

"How is his skill?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

"It's amazing." Meng Xiaodong said.

"Then it's over," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "No one is perfect, as long as his character is good enough. Let Lingjun learn from him first, but don't become a disciple for the time being. Let's test it out."

"How to test?" Meng Xiaodong asked.

Zhou Hexuan said: "I accidentally dropped some money to see if they would take it away. No more, no less, 500 yuan is enough."

"Alright." Meng Xiaodong thought this was a good idea.

The next day.

Zhou Hexuan set off with his whole family, and A Bing and his wife followed. Two abusive articles had been sent to the newspaper.

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