The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 496 495【My Heart Will Eternal】

The plays popular on Broadway in the United States were born out of British plays and developed their own independent characteristics.

At the beginning, the contents of British dramas were all related to religion, and they were mainly performed on religious occasions such as churches, so they were called "worship dramas". "Liturgical drama" was gradually secularized, moved to places outside the church, and added comedy elements, but the content was still mainly based on the stories of the Bible and saints. This stage was called "mystery drama" or "miracle drama".

During the Middle Ages in Europe, Christianity consciously used drama to preach, preach doctrine and ethics, so "moral drama" appeared. In order to have fun, the nobles often put on short entertaining plays between the "miracle play" and the "moral play". This kind of short play is called "interlude".

These are the early origins and development of British drama.

The British drama that people refer to today actually evolved from "interludes". It was originally only a foil inserted in religious dramas, but it represented the aesthetic orientation of the vast majority of people, so it developed rapidly after the establishment of the Tudor Dynasty.

Why is Shakespeare held in high esteem?

Because Shakespeare represents the highest achievement of British drama - the Renaissance was the golden age of British drama, and various drama masters emerge in endlessly, but Shakespeare can stand out as the most dazzling one.

After the end of the Renaissance, British drama declined for a while until Romanticism prevailed in Europe in the early 19th century. British drama absorbed elements of French melodrama, dialogue increased musical accompaniment, magnificent scenery began to appear on the stage, and dramatic art began to gradually recover in England.

But from the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, the British dramas in the past 100 years were either extravagant, vulgar, or desperately loved, and they could not be compared with the Renaissance.

So George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde appeared. These two masters led British drama to the peak of art and directly influenced the development of American drama. The screenwriters and actors on Broadway in the United States have to respectfully call George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde their patriarchs.

Now Wilde is dead, but Bernard Shaw is alive and well. Therefore, in the eyes of many British drama lovers, Bernard Shaw is the living Shakespeare, which shows how lofty his status is, and it is normal for beautiful actresses to rush to post.

At this moment, the actor of the male lead was lying on the edge of the wooden board of the prop, holding Vivien Leigh's hand and saying his last words. The music conductor on the side of the stage closed his eyes and gently shook his baton. The violinist played a sad and soothing piece of music, sometimes embellished by the sound of the piano, representing the cold sea and waves.

This kind of performance is very interesting. In Zhou Hexuan's view, it is to move the TV series to the stage.

Plots, dialogues, performances, backgrounds, props, music, lighting... you can get what you want, and it is not much different from sitting in a theater watching a movie.

Suddenly, the conductor's arched body suddenly straightened, and as the baton was raised, the horns of the orchestra began to play. The piano was still low, but the violin sounded excited.

"To can't despair, no matter what happens, no matter how difficult it is, promise me...Rose, promise will do it!" Down, burst out the power to pierce people's hearts.

"I promise..." Vivien Leigh cried in despair.

"It must be done!" The male protagonist's voice gradually weakened and disappeared.

Vivien Leigh cried bitterly: "I will do it, Jack... I will do it!"

The conductor bent down again, and with his right hand signaled the violin and trumpet to stop playing, the piano continued, and then the gloomy cello began to sound.

Under the background of the sad cello, the atmosphere of the whole theater fell into extreme sadness, the stage lights also dimmed, and some emotional audiences were already wiping their tears.

The belated lifeboat took Vivien Leigh away, and a top female singer in London stood on the side stage and began to sing with the accompaniment of the orchestra:


I_see_you, I_feel_you,






"My Heart Will Go On", which has touched countless people in later generations, was like a big killer in Britain in the 1930s. Because the popular songs at this time have not yet matured, when the beautiful and moving melody and unforgettable lyrics resounded in the ears of the audience, the shock it brought was simply indescribable.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Many female audiences sobbed softly and kept wiping their tears with handkerchiefs.

Prince Albert said to himself: "This... this song, this story, is... so unforgettable."

Princess Elizabeth chanted the lyrics obsessively, as if thinking of someone who made her unforgettable: "You_are_safe_in_my_heart, and_my_heart_will_go_on_and_on (You live in my heart, and my heart is eternal)...You_are_safe_in_my_heart, and_my_heart_will_go_on_and_on..."

Vivien Leigh on the stage had disappeared, only the female singer was still singing. When the last syllable fell, the stage curtain slowly fell.

There were only sporadic sobbing sounds in the theater, and when the curtain was opened again and all the actors stood on the stage to call the curtain, countless audiences stood up loudly and responded with thunderous applause.








People frantically shouted the names of the leading actors and actresses, and some directly shouted the names of the hero and heroine in the play. Vivien Leigh and the actor named Frey have already conquered the audience with their performances. As long as they perform a few more performances, their names will surely resound throughout London.

Zhou Hexuan specially gave Vivien Leigh the stage name "Vivien Leigh", which translates to "Vivien Leigh" in Chinese.

Prince Albert himself is an avid theater lover. He was very excited after watching the performance. He took the princess to the stage to shake hands with the actors, and asked the female singer who sang, "What is the name of that song?"

The female singer replied with a smile: "My Heart Will Go On."

"Good... good name, who wrote it?" Albert asked.

The female singer pointed to the audience: "Mr. Zhou Hexuan."

Albert was so excited that he forgot to stutter, and praised repeatedly: "Well written, well sung!"

This performance was obviously extremely successful. Zhou Hexuan rented the London Grand Theater for three days, and the performances in the next two days were full of seats. It can be said that the venue was full. The theater owner, who originally planned to cheat Zhou Hexuan's money, was very happy to visit Zhou Hexuan every day, and finally obtained the permission to perform this play.

Vivien Leigh and the actor named Frey have also become hot new stars in London, and the two have also exposed an affair inexplicably.

The song "My Heart Will Go On" also quickly became popular, and some viewers specially bought tickets to watch the performance every day in order to learn the song. Some record companies in London also came to the door, hoping to make this song into a record, and the highest bidder hoped to buy out the copyright with 1,000 pounds. Of course Zhou Hexuan was unwilling, and only sold five years of British recording rights, and the royalties were 300 pounds - enough to buy two low-end cars.

As the theater performance became popular in the UK, the original novel of "Titanic" sold out quickly, which is extremely eye-catching in the sluggish British book market.

Other cities in the UK are fine, but London has reached the point where everyone talks about Titanic. Zhou Hexuan, as the author of the original work, was only influential in the British academic circle before, but this time he became popular among the people, and it became a mess!

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