As early as the 17th century, the sea belonged to the Netherlands.

This palm-sized small European country is known as the "Sea Coachman", and its number of merchant ships exceeds the sum of other countries. The trade volume of the Dutch East India Company once accounted for 50% of the world's total trade volume. At that time, there were 20,000 seagoing ships in the world, of which 15,000 belonged to the Netherlands.

However, from the end of the 17th century, the Netherlands quickly declined, ending its short golden age.

In Amsterdam in May, the climate is pleasant, and Zhou Hexuan even needs to wear a coat to keep out the cold.

Affected by the global economic crisis, this European super port is now a bit depressed, and there are very few merchant ships coming and going.


Amidst the long steam whistle, Zhou Hexuan walked down the gangway with his entourage, and saw the Chinese banner on the pier from afar.

Zhou Hexuan walked over quickly, and said to several Chinese people who picked up the boat for him: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time!"

At this time, the Nanjing National Government did not send diplomatic envoys to small European countries. Only Gu Weijun, Yan Huiqing and others are actively running, intending to win the support of the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and other countries, and will send Jin Wensi as the Belgian and Dutch ministers next year, and Hu Shize as the Swiss minister.

Therefore, Gu Weijun and Yan Huiqing should hate Zhou Hexuan very much. They worked hard to win Belgium's international support in Geneva, but Zhou Hexuan found trouble with the Belgian company in Tianjin. In the eyes of the two, this was an act of disregarding the overall situation.

Zhou Hexuan didn't think so, he had to be strong to strike the iron, and the support of small European countries was useless. What's more, the diplomatic support obtained in exchange for the interests of the people of the country, this kind of support is not worth mentioning, what is the difference from begging for mercy?

Right now, the people who welcome Zhou Hexuan are all folks in Europe, without any official representatives.

A middle-aged woman with a slightly fat body clasped her fists very boldly and said, "Mr. Zhou, I am Lu Bicheng. Welcome to Amsterdam!"

Zhou Hexuan laughed and said, "Mr. Lan Qing, I have admired your name for a long time!"

"Flying generals are the best in Ci circles, born with Su Hui and enlightened civilization. Jiang Wei alone embraces others and competes for envy, and pushes Lu Bicheng everywhere."

This is a poem written by the inner court secretary Shi Miao Shanru admiring Lu Bicheng. As the most talented woman in the late Qing Dynasty, she really reached the grand occasion of "praising Lu Bicheng everywhere".

As for the friendship between Lu Bicheng and Qiu Jin that was passed down in later generations, most of them are fabricated.

Qiu Jin did visit Lv Bicheng admiringly, but it is all falsehood that "it was like old friends at first sight, and they became friends with Jinlan". The differences between the two are too serious. One is an anti-Qing revolutionist, the other is a reformist constitutionalist. One subverts tradition and wears men's clothing, while the other maintains tradition and likes women's clothing. How can they talk happily?

Qiu Jin invited Lu Bicheng to study in Japan and join the revolution together. Lu Bicheng didn't want to, she was praised to the heavens in Pingjin and Tianjin, so she had to work hard with Qiu Jin, a "mud-legged person"?

The only meeting between the two heroines can be described as breaking up on bad terms.

Only on matters such as the liberation of women, Qiu Jin and Lu Bicheng shared a common language, and Lu Bicheng later wrote articles for the "China Women's Daily" founded by Qiu Jin.

But no matter what, Lu Bicheng also wrote a rich stroke in the history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. As a woman, she served as the confidential secretary of Yuan Shikai's presidential palace, and later participated in politics in the presidential palace, which made countless men at that time feel ashamed.

Zhou Hexuan asked, "Why is Mr. Lan Qing in the Netherlands?"

Lu Bicheng explained: "I met Gu Shaochuan (Gu Weijun) in Geneva a few days ago. He heard that you were coming to the Netherlands, so he asked me to help you. After all, there is no Chinese consulate in the Netherlands."

"That's really disturbing." Zhou Hexuan said.

Lu Bicheng introduced several companions, all celebrities and students in Europe, and they all went to a nearby hotel together.

After Zhou Hexuan put his luggage away, everyone went to a nearby Chinese restaurant for dinner. There is no wine or meat on the whole table, only materials, and all the glasses are filled with clear water.

Lu Bicheng smiled and said, "If you want to avoid human bloodshed, you should start at the dining table. Protecting animals is the same as advocating peace. They are both the development trend of civilization. Mr. Zhou wouldn't mind being a vegetarian?"

"The guest does as he pleases." Zhou Hexuan declined to comment, although he did not agree with "animal protectionism" from the bottom of his heart.

It is necessary to protect animals, such as protecting wild endangered species, but if chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep are also protected, it would be too difficult for others.

As for linking the protection of animals with the call for peace, Zhou Hexuan could only sneer—I'm full!

Lu Bicheng raised his glass and said, "I will replace wine with water, and I welcome Mr. Zhou to come to Europe again and work for my cause of peace in China."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Thank you for your hospitality!"

Everyone toasted and talked about the situation in the Far East and Europe while eating. Occasionally, some people discussed Buddhism and art.

Lu Bicheng suddenly asked: "Does Mr. Zhou believe in religion?"

Zhou Hexuan replied: "I believe in science, but I don't reject normal religions, and I dare not deny the existence of gods. Maybe there are gods in the dark, but this god can't protect the world. Only we can save ourselves."

Lu Bicheng smiled and said: "I have read Mr. Zhou's French version of "Goddess", which involves many myths and legends. When the heroine was in a coma in the wilderness, she saw the Buddha in the sky in a trance. A manifestation of Buddha nature. All living beings have Buddha nature, and they are born yearning for kindness and light, while war and killing are both actions that destroy human nature and Buddha nature.”

This woman believes in Buddhism and has gone crazy...

Zhou Hexuan can only follow her words and say: "In my opinion, a Buddha is the embodiment of great wisdom, great compassion and great power. To put it more generally, a Buddha represents a personality that has reached a perfect state of reason, emotion and ability. From a philosophical point of view, this is the ultimate pursuit of human beings. From a religious point of view, the biggest difference between Buddhism and other religions is that the Buddha is not omnipotent, and the Buddha cannot give us liberation. The Buddha can only teach us and lead us to rely on ourselves The Buddha cannot make us go to heaven or let us go to hell, whether it is the heavenly Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss or the terrifying eighteen hells, it is all achieved by our own actions."

Lu Bicheng's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "Mr. Zhou's understanding of Buddhism is quite insightful, do you have any plans to believe in Buddhism?"

"There is a Buddha in the heart, and everything is a Buddha," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "For hundreds of years, the Chinese have said that the three religions are one. Confucianism has a gentleman, Taoism has a sage, and Buddhism has a Buddha. I think the descriptions of these three lead to the same goal. It is all through their own efforts to achieve the perfection of reason, emotion and ability. A gentleman is a Buddha, a Buddha is a sage, and a sage is also a gentleman. As long as a person reaches that state, he can become a Buddha and become a saint in the body. Believe in Buddha or not, it depends It's still next."

Lu Bicheng thought hard for a long time, and suddenly put his hands together and said: "Mr. Zhou, Bicheng has been educated!"

Zhou Hexuan asked again: "Which school of Buddhism does Mr. Lan Qing practice?"

Lu Bicheng said: "Pure Land Sect."

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Why do you want to be reborn in the Western Pure Land? As long as everyone works hard and strives, China can also become a pure land on earth." Zhou Hexuan pointed to the sky and his heart quite pretentiously, "The Pure Land is not in the bliss The world, but in our hearts. If there is a pure land in the heart, Avici Hell is also a pure land. If there is a hell in the heart, then the Western Ultimate Bliss is also a hell.”

Lu Bicheng smiled and said: "Mr. Zhou is talking about Zen thought, which is somewhat different from Pure Land Buddhism."

"Is there any difference between Buddha and Buddha?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Lu Bicheng was suddenly surprised, not to mention her, even those virtuous and eminent monks couldn't answer this question.

Zhou Hexuan asked again: "Since there is no difference between Buddha and Buddha, what is the difference between Zen Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism?"

Lu Bicheng's thoughts began to become confused. She only started to convert to Buddhism two years ago. The theory and practice of Buddhism are still relatively shallow. How can she figure out such a profound problem?

After being silent for a long time, Lu Bicheng clasped his hands together and said, "Mr. Zhou, I'm not good at cultivation, so I can't answer your question. I'm laughing at you."

Zhou Hexuan said: "Whether you are a human being or a Buddha, you should have a heart of great compassion. Now that the country is in crisis, why doesn't Mr. Lan Qing return to China to advocate peace? This is also a practice. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great wish and said: Hell is not empty, Swear not to become a Buddha. Seeing that the land of China is about to become a hell on earth, how can practitioners only think about their own rebirth in bliss? Now Master Hongyi is also practicing, but his practice does not hide from the world, but actively appeals for China. He often said: Recite the Buddha's name without forgetting patriotism, and save the country without forgetting the Buddha's name. What does Mr. Lan Qing think?"

Lu Bicheng's thoughts became more and more confused, and he finally stood up and said, "I'll go back to China tomorrow and ask Master Hongyi for Buddhist principles!"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and stopped talking, this flickering had ruined a lot of his brain cells.

What Zhou Hexuan didn't expect was that his brain cells would continue to suffer, and three masters suddenly came to visit the next day: Freud, Romain Rolland and Einstein.

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