The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 464: 463 [National crisis? 】

"Fight for a long time with a fearless spirit, to uphold justice by overthrowing violence, to protect the personality of the country, and to strive for the survival of the nation..."

The above passage was said by Chang Kaishen when he decided to move the capital to Luoyang. It sounds exciting, but behind the scenes it is terrible. Whether it is Chang Kaishen or Wang Zhaoming, they are eager to end the "Battle of Songhu" as soon as possible.

The central government has completely run out of money. State President Lin Sen even telegraphed the whole country in early February: "From now on, all personnel serving in various government agencies will stop their salaries, and only a certain amount of living expenses will be paid each month to maintain personal life."

Poor those civil servants at the grassroots level in the Republic of China who have no outside water, they can't even get their wages, and even the basic living expenses have to be "discretionary".

The central government has been fighting wars for years, and then suffered nationwide floods. There is no inventory, no taxation, and the devil is rich!

The people of Luoyang are even more troubled. Suddenly, disasters fall from the sky, and the central government will move the capital inexplicably. So many people moved in at once, the city streets were overcrowded, and the supplies couldn't keep up, causing prices to soar, and the income of the people at the bottom could not afford food and rice.

The bad idea of ​​moving the capital to Luoyang was suggested by that old fellow Zhang Jin, and Chang Kaishen agreed without thinking too much.

The initial work of moving the capital was carried out at the beginning of the Japanese attack on Shanghai. The Nineteenth Route Army was still fighting in Songhu, and the central government headed by Chang Kaishen began to run away. It can even be described as "fleeing in a hurry". plugged in by train to Luoyang.

What a coward, the Japanese army only attacked Shanghai for a few days, and the Nanjing government fled to Luoyang in a swarm.

In the past two months, Chang Kaishen, Wang Zhaoming, Song Ziwen and others did not dare to stay in Nanjing for a long time. They lived on separate trains and went back and forth on the Longhai Line. Today Luoyang, tomorrow Zhengzhou, the day after tomorrow may arrive in Kaifeng, Xuzhou, or suddenly appear in Shanghai or Nanjing.

No one knew what they were busy with. Some people simply called it "the National Government on the train".

With the panic attitude of the central government, if the Japanese army recklessly attacks, I am afraid that East China and South China will be easily occupied by Japan just like Northeast China.

It is said that Zhang Xueliang has no backbone and abandoned Dongbei without firing a single shot. In fact, Chang Kaishen is not much better. Not to mention the elder brother, everyone is pretty much the same.

Fortunately, the Japanese devils were not fully prepared to invade China. As early as the beginning of March, the Japanese army declared an armistice under the mediation of Britain, France and the United States, and did not further invade Shanghai.

Even so, Chang Kaishen did not dare to relax - the Japanese army had not withdrawn. Although he vaguely felt the true intentions of the Japanese, he was still not sure, for fear that the little Japan would lose face to the big powers if it went crazy.

Ever since, the work of moving the capital to Luoyang has been going on.

Now that the central authorities have almost moved here, they are crowded together in Luoyang City. In Nanjing, only He Yingqin is left to maintain military affairs and law and order.

As for the state president Lin Sen, he stayed in Luoyang with peace of mind. He didn't want to make troubles when he was old, so he liked to do whatever he wanted.

Speaking of our Chairman Lin, the dignified head of state is good at "governing by doing nothing". Chen Chengji was appointed by Lin Sen as the commander of the Luoyang garrison. He was so happy that he came to thank him, but Lin Sen avoided seeing him and asked his secretary to send a message: "Military officers go directly to see Chang Kaishen, civil servants go directly to see Wang Zhaoming, don't come to me .”

You see, Chairman Lin is such a good shopkeeper, he has the essence of Huang Lao's learning.


Zhou Hexuan came to Luoyang by train along the Longhai Line, and saw that the train station was crowded with people, and all central government agencies and governments at all levels moved here. Although Nanjing is still the capital, most of the military and government personnel have moved to accompany the capital Luoyang, and the current situation is as chaotic as a vegetable market.

Zhou Hexuan waited foolishly at the train station for a long time, but he didn't get a rickshaw. Because there were too many people, when we finally found an empty car, more than a dozen customers immediately fought for it, and the rickshaw drivers in Luoyang had a very good business.

"Brother Zhou, you've come to Luoyang too!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Zhou Hexuan looked back and saw that it was Huang Jinrong, the leader of the Shanghai Youth Gang. He immediately smiled and said, "Boss Huang, long time no see!"

Huang Jinrong introduced his companions with a smile: "Brother Zhou, this is Mr. Wang Xiaolai, Chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce and Standing Committee Member of the Shanghai Anti-Japanese Association."

Zhou Hexuan clasped his fists and said, "So it's Mr. Wang, I've admired him for a long time!"

"Mr. Zhou was joking. It should be that I have admired you for a long time." Wang Xiaolai laughed.

Wang Xiaolai was born as a scholar, participated in the Restoration Conference, and later went into business and opened many spinning mills, becoming a well-known figure in the Shanghai business circle. However, he is secretly a gangster of the Youth Gang, has close contacts with Chang Kaishen, Chen Qimei and others, and belongs to a well-known figure in Shanghai's political, business and gangster circles.

This time in Luoyang, it was a meeting of national disasters, mainly discussing the issue of national salvation and disaster relief. Representatives from all walks of life across the country were invited, which was a bit like a National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

It's just that big hooligans like Huang Jinrong and Wang Xiaolai all come to the meeting. What kind of national disaster meeting is this?

"Hey, that's Sun Xiucai?" Huang Jinrong said, pointing to the distance.

Looking back, Wang Xiaolai was a little unhappy, and cursed: "Is this person willing to come to the national disaster meeting?"

The "Sun Xiucai" mentioned by Huang Jinrong was none other than Sun Chuanfang, a great warlord who had already stepped down. When Wang Xiaolai supported the Northern Expedition, he was ordered to be wanted by Sun Chuanfang, so there was a lot of disagreement between the two.

Not only Sun Chuanfang came, but also Wu Peifu and many "yugong" in Tianjin. In name, they came to "relieve the national crisis together", but in fact they used the banner of patriotism and wanted to take the opportunity to come out again to reap benefits.

Now that the big warlords and hooligans are gathering in Luoyang, the place is full of demons dancing around, Zhou Hexuan felt a little excited to watch a good show.

After dawdling for a long time, Zhou Hexuan, Huang Jinrong and others finally arrived in Luoyang City.

In Luoyang in the 1930s, the ancient buildings were preserved extremely intact, making people feel as if they had traveled back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. However, Luoyang was once the capital of Henan Province after all. After vigorous development by Wu Peifu, Feng Yuxiang and others, it already has airports, railways, barracks and other facilities. Occasionally, one or two modern buildings are mixed in the ancient city, which is indescribably weird.

The central government specially arranged a hotel for those who participated in the national disaster meeting, and Zhou Hexuan met many famous people here.

For example, Hu Shi came here, and his status was still very high, equivalent to the No. 1 conference representative in the cultural circle. In addition, there are many democratic parties and people from various industries. Everyone is drinking, punching and playing mahjong in the hotel. How can they be so noisy that they have encountered national disasters?

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