Zhou Hexuan was really annoyed by the words of the Belgian consul. What does it mean that "the consuls of Japan, France and Italy all recognize that the price increase is legal, and the Chinese side should not object"?

It's like someone crouching on your head to shit and say all three of your neighbors agree and you shouldn't object to it.

If the words were said by the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, or even the Japanese, Zhou Hexuan could barely figure it out. After all, the big powers have arrogant capital.

But what is Belgium?

The land area is more than 30,000 square kilometers, about the size of Taiwan Province. The population is only 8 million (1930 data), not even a fraction of China's.

Belgium was not recognized as an independent country by the Netherlands until 90 years ago, and it was even occupied by Germany during World War I. Such a small country can even come to China to act wildly. The Republic of China is really useless!

When the two left the restaurant, Zhou Longguang sighed and said, "Mr. Zhou, although the matter has not been settled, thank you very much for your help."

Zhou Longguang asked Zhou Hexuan to talk about the matter, but he was just grasping at straws and didn't have much expectations.

In the original history, in 1932, the Tianjin tram price turmoil, the final result was that the Tianjin government made a compromise: the Chinese side agreed to the Belgian company’s price increase, and the tram company only took out tens of thousands of dollars symbolically and donated them to charity It's just a cause - charitable donations are to calm public opinion and give Tianjin Municipal Government a step down.

The funniest thing is that the Tianjin tram company used wage increases as a bait to make tram workers and party pickets fight each other. But after the matter was resolved, he immediately turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and refused to give his company's workers a salary increase.

As a result, the turmoil of price hikes by foreign-funded companies quickly turned into labor disputes for foreign-funded companies. The tram workers started to make trouble again, making the mayor Zhou Longguang ecstatic, so he could only try his best to urge and coordinate the tram company to fulfill its promise.

However, the tram company refused to give in, and finally, after coordination with many parties, said that it was okay to raise wages for the workers, but the five worker representatives who took the lead in making trouble must be fired. The tram workers were even more outraged, and finally launched a general strike, resulting in only 20 trams operating in Tianjin.

Immediately afterwards, the tram company promised not to fire him, and also promised to raise his salary, but in fact it did the exact opposite. Although they did not fire the labor leaders, they refused them to go to work. At the same time, they also deducted the wages of all the rioting workers during the strike and the double salary at the end of the year, and the wage increase was not paid on time.

This matter has been going on for more than half a year, and the final solution is simply embarrassing!

The party and government authorities in Hebei and Tianjin were afraid of causing international disputes, so the Hebei provincial government actually came forward to raise funds to make up for the salary and benefits owed by the tram company.

A small European country the size of a palm can bully China to such an extent that the Chinese party and government bureaucrats have to admit that they are cowardly, which is simply impossible to look directly at.

Although Zhou Hexuan was not clear about the historical events, the Belgian consul annoyed him. Originally, he just wanted to help with the conversation, and let it be fine if he couldn't reach an agreement, but now he wanted to show those bastards in Belgium a little bit of a show.

"Mayor Zhou, the fun is yet to come," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "Let's go, let's visit some friends!"

Zhou Longguang was confused, and foolishly ran after Zhou Hexuan, not understanding what Zhou Hexuan wanted to do.

But soon, Zhou Longguang, who only officially took office in January this year, fully realized Zhou Hexuan's influence in Tianjin. This is a downright snake!

Zhou Hexuan first visited the president and vice president of Tianjin General Chamber of Commerce, then visited the president and vice president of Tianjin Education Association, then visited several leaders of Tianjin "Federation of Trade Unions", and then visited Tianjin Party Affairs Member Association (Party Headquarters important organizations), and even ran around the gates of the Youth Gang in Tianjin.

Wherever they went, celebrities from all walks of life in Tianjin paid homage to Zhou Hexuan, and stated on the spot that they would cooperate with Zhou Hexuan's actions—even without Zhou Hexuan, they would still oppose the price increase of trams, and they would unite to support the tram company. pressure.

The various visits for two consecutive days scared Zhou Longguang to the ground. He knew that Zhou Hexuan wanted to make a big deal, so he quickly persuaded him: "Mr. The Allies, if you offend Belgium, it will be easy to offend France, and it will be easy to provoke international disputes!"

Zhou Hexuan was speechless: "If anything is afraid of causing international disputes, why not let the foreign devils run amok in China?"

"Things can be resolved through negotiation slowly, your method is too nonsense." Zhou Longguang was already a little dissatisfied, he was afraid that Zhou Hexuan would affect his career.

Zhou Hexuan said contemptuously: "If Mayor Zhou is afraid, then stay on the sidelines and watch the show, anyway, you won't take off your black hat. I'm not helping you, I'm helping the people of Tianjin, you must be ruthless. Let the hell out of here!"

Zhou Longguang was really scared. He would rather admit to the Belgians than agree with Zhou Hexuan's actions. He immediately increased his words: "Mr. Zhou, I hope you will put the overall interests of the party and the country first. China is now in a troubled time, and nothing can happen. Unexpectedly, I hope you can think twice!"

"Hehe." Zhou Hexuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person.

What the hell is this called? The majestic mayor of Tianjin can't even resolve disputes over foreign investment, so he still needs help from the people. The helpers began to think of a way, but he, the mayor, retreated and began to complain that the helpers were causing trouble randomly.

Such a wimp can become a special mayor (mayor directly under the central government), no wonder China will be turned into a mess!


Tianjin Old Town.

A tram slowly passed by, and when it stopped at a station, seven or eight pickets suddenly rushed out. Wearing white cuffs on their arms, they shouted with iron horns: "Respect to the citizens of Tianjin, the tram fare increase is an illegal act without the approval of the government, which seriously affects the livelihood of the citizens. I advise everyone not to buy tickets to boycott!"

There are police guards near each station, but these police officers ignore them and let the pickets persuade citizens not to buy tickets.

The citizens were happy to ride the tram for nothing, and rushed into the tram without paying. The tram company reacted quickly, suspending all trams in the old town the next day, but the trams in the concession continued to operate.

Moreover, as long as the pickets dared to go to the concession to persuade them, the concession patrols would come to stop them immediately, and finally all the pickets would be driven out of the concession.

The so-called picket team was formed by the Tianjin Municipal Party Headquarters. The Tianjin Party Headquarters also set up a committee to oppose the increase in tram fares, publicly admonishing all Tianjin citizens not only not to pay for fares, but also not to pay for the use of electric lights - electric lights and trams are a company.

The next afternoon, tram workers stormed the city party headquarters again and had a bloody clash with the pickets, with several people injured on both sides.

The strange thing is that the police in Tianjin did not take any action this time. They allowed them to fight in groups, and only after the beatings were almost done did they come to arrest people.

Immediately afterwards, some patriotic gangsters began to appear in the concession. They chanted slogans of saving the country and lay down on the tram tracks separately to prevent the normal running of the tram. The patrols in the concession could not catch them all. They just caught a batch, and then came another batch.

For several days in a row, neither the concession nor the trams in the old city could run normally.

Of course, Zhou Hexuan was instigating all of these, especially the gangsters from the youth gang, who were so kind to invite. Back then when Kenji Doihara staged two riots in Tianjin, he also invited social idlers to make troubles. Each person only needed to pay 20 to 30 cents a day for benefits, and these social scum dared to attack the police.

Not only were gangsters mobilized, some students in Tianjin also used their spare time to organize a concession parade, which surrounded the Belgian Consulate, making it impossible for foreign officials to enter or leave.

After just one week, Tianjin Tram Electric Lamp Company suffered serious losses. But they still refused to compromise. On the one hand, they strictly demanded that the party and government authorities in Hebei and Tianjin stop the "riots", and on the other hand, they provoked the tram workers to drive away the students and gangsters.

Several bloody clashes broke out in the old city of Tianjin and in the foreign concessions. Fortunately, no one was killed.

The incident became more and more troublesome, and the consuls of various countries in Tianjin directly sent a diplomatic note to the Nanjing government, believing that the security of their concession was seriously threatened.

The Nanjing Nationalist Government immediately put pressure on the mountain. After a discussion, they sent a commissioner to Tianjin overnight to deal with the matter.

When the central government commissioner was still on the way, Zhou Hexuan finally came forward in person, and he once again hosted the radio program in person.

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