The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 444: 443 [Second Master Zhang who sees through the world]

The second day after Feng Yong and others left Tianjin, Zhang Xueming came to visit in a suit.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm here to say goodbye." Zhang Xueming said when they met.

Zhou Hexuan asked, "Why don't you stay in the country?"

Zhang Xueming smiled miserably: "What's the point of staying in China? I racked my brains to deal with Little Japan, not to mention how much I have contributed to the country, at least I have worked hard. Look at how those people treated me?"

Zhou Hexuan was silent.

In early and late November, Japan created two consecutive riots in Tianjin with three purposes: first, to instigate traitors to engage in "Tianjin independence", second, to create chaos behind Zhang Xueliang, and third, to cover Puyi's escape from Tianjin.

Zhang Xueming, the mayor and police chief of Tianjin, responded very well this time and quelled the two riots.

But what was the result?

The Japanese envoy to China lodged a serious "protest", saying that Zhang Xueming ordered the Tianjin police to attack the Japanese Concession, demanding that Zhang Xueming be severely punished for his brutal behavior.

Chang Kaishen ignored this when he was in office, but after Chang Kaishen left the field, the Nanjing Nationalist Government couldn't bear it anymore, and even ordered Zhang Xueliang to dismiss Zhang Xueming.

Zhang Xueliang's life in the north was very difficult. While defending Jinzhou to resist the Kwantung Army, he also had to keep an eye on Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang in the northwest. He didn't want to make too much trouble with the central government, so he could only compromise on this and remove all his younger brother Zhang Xueming's positions.

The new mayor who will take office in Tianjin is not even Zhang Xueliang, but Zhou Longguang, a diplomat of the Nanjing government.

Zhang Xueming is so angry, he clearly defeated the Japanese conspiracy, but now he has done nothing. The second son of the Zhang family has no intention of being an official, and intends to go abroad to be unrestrained and happy, and will no longer care about this mess in China.

"Mr. Zhou, I, Zhang Xueming, rarely admire anyone, and you are one of them," Zhang Xueming said sincerely, "You predicted the Japanese conspiracy exactly, and you can be called a unparalleled national scholar, but my brother just refused to listen. I To be honest, China is hopeless. Those who really want to do things will be wrong no matter what they do. Why don’t you go to Europe with me? With our abilities, we can do well abroad, and we don’t have to stay in China. Every day is bad!"

Zhou Hexuan smiled helplessly: "Second son, I can't imitate your style, and I also believe that China will win and Japan will lose."

"Win?" Zhang Xueming seemed to hear a big joke, "What will China use to win? Don't say which side is stronger, just talk about doing things. Damn it, people who do things well will end up in hell! I My brother is still the deputy commander of the armed forces, and I can’t even keep my younger brother’s position. There are a bunch of cowards in the country, the central government is cowardly, and my brother is also cowardly. Little Japan dare not fight, only dare to deal with its own people, they are all fucking cowards! "

"Good scolding!" Zhou Hexuan laughed loudly.

"If you don't scold me a few words, I'm not relieved," Zhang Xueming said with a bitter face, "You informed me in advance that the Japanese would snatch Puyi. It's a pity, no matter how strict I was, that bastard Puyi still left Tianjin. "

Zhou Hexuan comforted: "It's not your fault. Puyi lived in the Japanese Concession, wore a Japanese military uniform, and left quietly in a military vehicle of the Japanese Army Headquarters. It's normal that he couldn't be stopped."

Zhang Xueming didn't care about any image today, and cursed: "Fuck you, my brother is too soft-hearted, wouldn't it be over if he just killed him? And leave the scourge of Puyi until now!"

Without Zhou Hexuan's reminder, Zhang Xueliang learned that Puyi planned to join the Japanese through the Fengjun intelligence agency. Half a month before Puyi was taken away from Tianjin by the Japanese, Zhang Xueliang sent someone to give Puyi a basket of fruit with two bombs inside as a warning.

But there's no point in warning, it's a child's play.

Now not only Puyi has left Tianjin, but many old and young people from the former Qing Dynasty have also left for the Northeast. It is self-evident what they want to do.

Of course, the old and the young are also divided into two factions, we cannot say that they are all bad guys. The "unscrupulous faction" believes that as long as the Qing Dynasty can be restored, any method is fine, and it will not hesitate to be a dog to the Japanese; The Japanese invaded China.

For example, Puyi's own father, Zaifeng, firmly opposed cooperation with the Japanese. It's not that he understands righteousness, but he thinks that the little Japanese wolf is ambitious, and it's impossible to help with good intentions. If he goes to the Northeast, he will only become a puppet. It is even more stupid for the whole family to go there.

What does the old man Zaifeng say?

During the revolution in the late Qing Dynasty, Zaifeng was a big villain, but after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Zaifeng became a positive character. His mind is extremely calm, and his eyes are poisonous. When Zhang Xun was restored, Zaifeng remained indifferent from the beginning to the end. This time Puyi went to the Northeast, Zaifeng also thought that there was more bad luck than good luck.

The so-called one who knows current affairs is a hero, and Zaifeng is a hero.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he took the initiative to sell his Prince Chun's Mansion to the government to build a school at a low price, thus avoiding being liquidated and protecting the whole family by the way.

After chatting about Puyi for a while, Zhang Xueming suddenly whispered: "Mr. Zhou, you should be more careful when you go out in the future. I heard from the old and the young that they are planning to kidnap Miss Wanrong."

"Understood." Zhou Hexuan nodded.

Pu Yi went to the Northeast this time to become the "emperor", so naturally there cannot be no "queen". No matter how much you resent Wanrong, you must take the real "Queen" to the Northeast. At worst, you will "reinstate after abolishing" after proclaiming the emperor, otherwise the name will not be justified.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Xueming got up and said goodbye: "Mr. Zhou, I'm leaving first. Tomorrow, I will take a boat to Europe and live a happy and leisurely life. You can stay in China and continue to suffer."

"Then I wish Second Young Master a smooth journey!" Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Europe is not at ease, how can there be a real paradise in the world?

Historically, Zhang Xueming lived in Europe for ten years, but when he encountered a world war, he had to run back to Hong Kong. Not long after, Hong Kong was occupied by the Japanese army again, and he had to return to Nanjing. As a result, Zhang Xueming was placed under house arrest by Wang Zhaoming, and was forced to serve as an official of the Wang puppet government.

Zhang Xueming is less suitable for big things than his elder brother Zhang Xueliang. This person is greedy for enjoyment but afraid of death, and he can't stand setbacks. To be dismissed as the mayor of Tianjin and the chief of the police is a fart, and it can make him see through the red dust, which is simply nonsense.

After seeing off Zhang Xueming, Zhou Hexuan came to Wanrong's study and said to Wanrong who was drawing cartoons: "The old and the young want to kidnap you and go to the Northeast."

Wan Rong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Then I won't go out, and wait until Pu Yi establishes a new queen."

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