The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 394 Chapter 393 [The first modern Chinese Pinyin learner]

In many cases, the ass determines the head, and the identity determines the position.

Take Luo Mingyou as an example, this is a rich young man who likes to play new styles. After Star Company's "Song Girl Red Peony" was released and became a sensation, he also clamored to make a sound film, and said that he would import the most advanced sound film equipment from the United States.

Luo Mingyou said these words absolutely out of sincerity, not to fool others. But why didn't sound film equipment be imported until Lianhua Films went bankrupt?

Simple, because movies with sound need theaters with sound to play them. However, Luo Mingyou's stalls were too large. At first there were dozens of theaters, and later there were hundreds of theaters. It cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars to install sound playback equipment.

Even making a movie requires raising money everywhere, and Luo Mingyou simply can't spend that much money to upgrade the theater.

Ever since, Luo Mingyou later became a staunch "anti-sound film" person, which greatly hindered the development of Chinese sound films. On the contrary, the Shaw Brothers, a young star in the film industry, actively promoted sound films very early because of their small boats. This decision made them have the last laugh.

If someone is willing to invest money in upgrading theater equipment, with Luo Mingyou's character, he will definitely vigorously develop sound films.

Luo Mingyou didn't think about it for too long, so he couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhou is really willing to invest in theaters?"

Zhou Hexuan nodded and said, "Of course, but there is a prerequisite, the theater's finances must be independent from Lianhua Films."

"Of course," Luo Mingyou asked with a smile, "How much is Mr. Zhou planning to invest?"

"Not much, 200,000." Zhou Hexuan said.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to sort out the financial statements later." Luo Mingyou couldn't wait, stood up and shook hands and said, "Let's talk about this first today. I am very much looking forward to the cooperation with Mr. Zhou."

Sun Yu then said: "Then I will go back and prepare for the filming of "Goddess" first."

If you want to make a sound film, one of the big problems is the sound recording. China doesn't even have a sound engineer, everything depends on improvisation, and Sun Yu is under a lot of pressure as a director.

Ruan Lingyu saw that the two of them were about to leave, so she hesitated and said, "Mr. Zhou, you speak Mandarin so well, can you teach me? This time I'm going to make a movie with sound, and I don't want someone else to dub it."

"Okay, you can come back tomorrow." Zhou Hexuan nodded.

Luo Mingyou winked at Sun Yu with a smirk, and Sun Yu immediately understood that Ruan Lingyu and Zhou Hexuan were having an affair.

Ruan Lingyu walked out of the Zhou mansion with her head down, and returned home in a rickshaw. Before she could close the door, her adoptive mother, He Aying, asked, "How's it going with Mr. Zhou?"

"Tomorrow I'm going to the Zhou Mansion to learn Mandarin," Ruan Lingyu said.

He Aying smiled happily: "That's good, that's good! Ah Ruan, you must seize this opportunity."

"Yes." Ruan Lingyu replied softly.

To be honest, Ruan Lingyu has complicated feelings towards Zhou Hexuan. The first is gratitude, Zhou Hexuan helped her drive away Zhang Damin; the second is fear, Zhou Hexuan's tricks are a bit scary; the third is admiration, whether it is Zhou Hexuan's reputation as a university student or the wonderful script of "Goddess", she sincerely admires it; There was also resistance, her mother always asked her to hook up with Zhou Hexuan, which made Ruan Lingyu feel a sense of resistance to Zhou Hexuan from the bottom of her heart.

In the end, it was a faint liking, a normal woman's liking for a good man.

Ruan Lingyu offered to ask Zhou Hexuan to learn Mandarin, but mainly obeyed her mother's order. She is a good girl, and she is used to being obedient. After being encouraged by her adoptive mother countless times, she actually began to think that being Zhou Hexuan's concubine is also good, and even worried that Zhou Hexuan would not accept her.

This woman has a tragic personality and doesn't have any opinions at all.

God is fair. Although Ruan Lingyu is extremely weak in life, her artistic attainments have become increasingly profound. After she gradually became popular, Ruan Lingyu was very assertive when making movies. As long as she liked the role, even if the boss of the company thought it was not suitable, Ruan Lingyu would definitely win it.

Life is bad, art is persistent, Ruan Lingyu seems to be born for movies.

The next morning, Ruan Lingyu came to the Zhou mansion in a rickshaw, and was led into the study by the servants.

"Mr. Zhou, have you practiced calligraphy so early?" Ruan Lingyu sincerely admired it. She felt that Mr. Zhou was too diligent.

"Well, practice," Zhou Hexuan nodded and said, "You sit down first, and wait until I finish copying this Wei stele."

Ruan Lingyu didn't sit down, but came to Zhou Hexuan's side and watched him practice calligraphy in silence. Looking at it, Ruan Lingyu couldn't help admiring: "Mr. Zhou's handwriting is so beautiful."

Zhou Hexuan closed his pen and laughed: "Haha, you are the first person to say that I write beautifully, you have a good eye!"

Ruan Lingyu didn't flatter and lie. After a long period of hard training, Zhou Hexuan's regular script was already pretty good. But it was only regular script, and Zhou Hexuan immediately caught him blind if he wrote other running script, official script, or cursive script.

After Zhou Hexuan finished copying a piece of Wei stele, he asked while washing his brush, "Have you ever learned the Roman alphabet of Mandarin?"

"No," Ruan Lingyu shook her head and explained, "I used to go to a church girls' school. The teachers taught in English, and almost no one spoke Mandarin."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "It's fine if you haven't learned it before."

"Ah?" Ruan Lingyu didn't understand, why is it better if she hasn't learned it?

"I'll teach you a simpler set of pinyin," Zhou Hexuan took out the pre-written Mandarin textbook from the desk drawer, and explained, "My set of pinyin textbook uses English letters, but their sounds are somewhat different. "

Ruan Lingyu looked down and saw the letters "a, o, e, i, u" written on it, all of which were indeed English letters.

Zhou Hexuan explained: "The whole set of pinyin is composed of initials, finals and tones. You are the first learner. As long as you learn this set of pinyin, there should be no problem with Mandarin. The premise is that you don't mix it up when you speak."

"Oh." Ruan Lingyu didn't know what to do.

"Let's learn the vowels first, 'a' and say 'ah'." Zhou Hexuan said.

"Huh?" Ruan Lingyu was confused.

Zhou Hexuan laughed and said, "Very good, you just pronounced 'a' three times."

Ruan Lingyu is not stupid, but she has two major difficulties in learning pinyin. One is to confuse the pronunciation of pinyin letters and English letters, and the other is to speak Shanghai dialect unconsciously.

Promoting Mandarin is really important!

From morning to afternoon, Ruan Lingyu basically memorized the vowels and four-tone tones. She looked at Zhou Hexuan, who was serious about teaching, and couldn't help but think: Mr. Zhou is a decent person, and he didn't violate the rules with me at all. It's not like what my mother said.

Ruan Lingyu was a little worried about gains and losses, she was happy because of Zhou Hexuan's decent behavior, but she was also afraid that Zhou Hexuan would not be interested in her at all.

At this moment, Zhang Xueliang came to visit with his new girlfriend. When they met, they said, "Mingcheng, why are you staying at home these days? You don't want to participate in the dance, and you don't want to come to play. You must go with us tonight." Dance!"

Fourth Miss Jiang secretly pulled Zhang Xueliang's sleeve, and reminded: "Mr. Zhou has a female guest."

Only then did Zhang Xueliang see Ruan Lingyu, and he immediately smiled and said, "No wonder, no wonder."

Zhou Hexuan introduced, "Six handsome, this is Ruan Lingyu, Miss Ruan."

"The name seems familiar." Zhang Xueliang said.

Fourth Miss Jiang said with a smile: "Miss Ruan is a movie star, and she starred in "A Dream of the Old Capital"."

"Oh, I remembered," Zhang Xueliang recalled immediately, and said with a smile, "That's just right, Mingcheng will take Miss Ruan to the ball tonight, don't refuse!"

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