
The former commander-in-chief's mansion has now become the mansion of the commander-in-chief of the three eastern provinces.

Zhang Xueliang and Zhou Hexuan had a secret conversation here for two days, and no one knew what they said. However, according to the memoirs of the adjutant secretary Hu Ruoyu decades later, "the commander was very depressed, with some confusion and determination on his face, and then he called a meeting with his confidants."

In fact, the content of the conversation between Zhang Xueliang and Zhou Hexuan was very simple. It can be summed up in three points: first, secretly investigate and monitor suspected traitors;

These arrangements need to be deployed early, otherwise there will be chaos and disorder when things come to an end.

Moreover, Zhou Hexuan asked thousands of times, absolutely not to abandon the Northeast without firing a shot, and not to take chances on the Japanese invasion. As long as the Kwantung Army dared to come over, they would fight back fiercely. At the beginning, the number of Japanese troops was small, so they would definitely win.

As for the increase of Japanese troops, if they can abide by the rules, if they can't, they will retreat while fighting. Transfer materials and people as much as possible before withdrawing. You must not fatten the Japanese Kwantung Army, and make the Japanese invaders pay the price as much as possible.

Zhang Xueliang agreed, and personally sent Zhou Hexuan out of the gate. But when he was blown by the howling cold wind, his mind suddenly "woke up", and he felt that this secret meeting with Zhou Hexuan was a bit unimaginable.

There is still no sign of the Japanese army invading the Northeast. Everything is just Zhou Hexuan's guess. What if Zhou Hexuan's guess is wrong?

Zhang Xueliang recalled that in the past two years Zhou Hexuan was sure to hit the mark, and he was unavoidably nervous, fearing that Zhou Hexuan's word would come true again.

Must prepare early!

Zhang Xueliang convened a meeting with his confidants overnight, Zhou Hexuan only set a general plan for him, and the detailed operations had to be executed with great effort.

At nine o'clock in the evening, one after another, people braved the wind and snow and came to Zhang Xueliang's commander-in-chief's mansion.

The leader is Wang Shuhan, a fat middle-aged man, wearing a padded jacket and a round cap askew, like a river and lake man running north and south. He is an old man left behind by Zhang Zuolin. He once served as governor of the province and managed finances. He is now Zhang Xueliang's secretary-general.

Sitting next to Wang Shuhan is Bao Wenyue, a Manchu, a young military officer, and now the chief of staff of the Northeast Army, equivalent to Zhang Xueliang's chief adviser. Well, another future traitor who voted for the Wang puppet government after the Xi'an Incident.

The young man next to him is Wang Yizhe, and his position is not high now, he is just the brigade commander of the Northeast Army. But he is highly regarded by Zhang Xueliang, and he has been promoted to five levels within four years. He is helping Zhang Xueliang train a new army with ideas, culture, and beliefs. After a few years, this person will secretly join the Red Party and play an important role in the Xi'an Incident.

Just looking at these three people, you can see how complicated the composition of the Northeast Army is: one is a former Qing Juren, one is a future traitor, and the other is a future Red Party.

Can the Northeast Army withstand the Japanese attack?

Even Zhang Xueliang's chief of staff has ulterior motives and belongs to the Manchu military officer who will be a traitor at any time. If this battle really broke out, it is estimated that the Northeast Army has just formulated a battle plan, and the Japanese army will be able to obtain detailed information immediately.

Zhou Hexuan couldn't even say it clearly, should he just tell Zhang Xueliang: Ah, your chief of staff is a traitor, hurry up and take him down!

Who will believe this?

Zhang Xueliang regarded Bao Wenyue as his confidant, how could he listen to such rumors.

In addition to these three people, Zhu Guangmu, the secretary of the adjutant, was also called to discuss the matter. On the surface, this person is a personal secretary, but he is in charge of the Northeast's intelligence work against Japan, and belongs to Zhang Xueliang's secret confidant.

Zhang Xueliang walked into the conference hall slowly, and the four immediately got up and said, "Commander!"

"Sit down." Zhang Xueliang raised his hand to signal.

Wang Shuhan was the oldest, and asked, "I don't know what happened to the commander calling late at night?"

"For the north-south matter, Wang Zhaoming and Yan Xishan invited me to Beiping to discuss joint anti-Chiang issues." Zhang Xueliang asked without revealing his real purpose, "How is the current financial situation in Northeast China?"

Wang Shuhan smiled bitterly and said: "It's terrible. The old man fought wars a few years ago and wiped out all the foundations of the Northeast, and he hasn't recovered. Last year we fought the Soviets again, which cost a lot of money. Now the government can't afford the salary. , The army can’t afford military pay, and life is like years! Commander, you must not mobilize troops for at least two years, otherwise the three finance ministers will be forced to commit suicide.”

"Yeah, how can I fight without money?" Zhang Xueliang sighed.

As the chief of staff of the young men's faction, Bao Wenyue wanted to fight. He urged: "Commander, the current conflict between the central and local governments is a good opportunity for us in the Northeast. Why don't we agree to the anti-Chiang incident in Beiping and strengthen the prestige of the local warlords? Encourage Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang to start a war with Jiang. Let us have mantises, cicadas, and orioles behind us, just watch the fun from behind, without spending a tael of silver. If the war is one-sided, we will immediately declare that we are on the side of the winner. If the war We are in a stalemate, and we just sit back and reap the benefits, and help whoever benefits the most. Maybe our Northeast Army can once again enter the Central Plains!"

Wang Yizhe said dissatisfied: "Chief of Staff Bao, you are a corrupt warlord, where do you put the interests of the country and the nation?"

Bao Wenyue was too lazy to debate with Wang Yizhe, he smiled and said, "Commander, besides Chang Kaishen, who benefited the most from the Northern Expedition?"

"Yan Xishan." Zhang Xueliang blurted out.


Bao Wenyue said: "We are imitating Yan Xishan's old skills. After this battle is won, maybe the Northeast Army will take advantage of it."

Zhang Xueliang nodded noncommittally. Bao Wenyue's idea was exactly the second choice Zhou Hexuan gave him.

This strategy is very Zhang Zuolin's style of action. Wang Shuhan agreed: "I think Chief of Staff Bao is right. The Northeast Army does not need to go to the muddy water, just wait and see the battle. Only when it gets benefits can it send troops, which can just solve the Northeast's finances." difficulty."

Zhang Xueliang suddenly asked Zhu Guangmu: "What's the latest move of the Japanese?"

Zhu Guangmu said: "The situation in Japan is very bad. Factories and companies have closed down everywhere. Many rural people have begun to sell their sons and daughters. This is good news for us. But what is worrying is that as early as ten years ago The "Outline of Japan's Reconstruction Law," which was published just now, has now been dug out again, and even distributed publicly on the streets, and many young Japanese are clamoring to conquer Manchuria and Mongolia by force."

"Where's the Kwantung Army?" Zhang Xueliang asked again.

Zhu Guangmu replied: "The Kwantung Army hasn't made any changes recently."

In fact, the Kwantung Army is already planning at this time, but there is no specific combat deployment yet. Ten months before the outbreak of the "September 18th Incident", the Japanese Kwantung Army had identified Liutiao Lake as the location of the incident, and two months later, they worked out a rough idea of ​​the Liutiao Lake incident, which took four months to formulate. Detailed plan.

Therefore, the "September 18th Incident" was not accidental. The Japanese Kwantung Army planned for it for nearly a year. As long as the Kwantung Army stirs up trouble, no matter whether it succeeds or not, the Japanese Army Department has a way to get the emperor's support.

Zhang Xueliang asked Bao Wenyue: "You said that once the Northeast Army enters the border, will the Japanese take advantage of it?"

"How is it possible?" Bao Wenyue laughed, "The old man has entered the customs several times. The Japanese would have done it long ago. Why wait until now."

Wang Yizhe said uncertainly: "The Kwantung Army should not dare to invade rashly."

Wang Shuhan also said: "The Japanese definitely dare not fight. They are in a mess in the country now, so how can they have the strength."

Zhu Guangmu said: "I agree with Director Wang (Director of the Office of the Secretary)."

Zhang Xueliang remained silent, his confidants and think tanks disagreed with Zhou Hexuan, what should he do?

Can only see one step at a time, Zhang Xueliang decided to deploy secretly, because Zhou Hexuan warned him that there are many Japanese spies in the Northeast Army, and this matter cannot be publicized. At least, the arsenals, ammunition depots in the Northeast, as well as aircraft, tanks, warships and other materials must be ready to be transferred at any time.

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