Stalin was very busy with work, so he only received them for 15 minutes as a courtesy. The venue was in the Kremlin, and only Zhou Hexuan and Einstein were invited. Li Shizeng and others were all excluded.

The Soviet Central Guard drove the car, picked them up from the hotel, walked across the vast and flat Red Square, and headed straight for the Kremlin.

Zhou Hexuan had traveled here before time travel, but it's a pity that things are different.

On the 20 towers around the palace wall, guards with guns can be seen everywhere. Anyone with bad intentions will be shot to death before they get close to the Kremlin.

Although the security work here is very strict, Zhou Hexuan and Einstein were not searched. They came to a living room with the guards and were told to wait for a while, and then chatted over coffee.

About five minutes later, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Stalin strode in with leather boots, followed by only one secretary, and other guards stood guard at the door. His figure is not tall, nor does he have the fierce aura shown in the portrait, but his eyes are particularly sharp and intimidating.

"Mr. Stalin!"

Zhou Hexuan and Einstein got up at the same time and went forward to shake hands with Stalin.

Stalin just smiled at them while shaking hands, no other nonsense.

When the three of them sat down, Stalin raised his legs, leaned over and said to Einstein, "Welcome Mr. Einstein, come to Moscow again as a guest."

Einstein said with a smile: "We have visited the factories and schools of the Soviet Union in the past few days. The development of the Soviet Union is very shocking."

"This is inevitable," Stalin said without humility. "The Soviet Union has the most advanced system, which gathers the power of all the people to develop. This is unmatched by capitalist countries. The Soviet Union must surpass the United States and Britain! Mr. Einstein, You are an academician of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, so you can stay in the Soviet Union to do scientific research, and I will provide you with the best conditions."

Einstein tactfully refused: "I'm very glad to receive your invitation, but I can't leave for the time being, and I must finish the existing work first."

Stalin said: "The Soviet Union is always waiting for your arrival."

"Thank you," Einstein said.

Stalin turned his head to look at Zhou Hexuan again: "Mr. Zhou, I have read your book, which is "The Rise of Great Powers". I am very interested in your predictions about the construction of the Soviet Union in the book."

Zhou Hexuan laughed and said, "It's just my own ridiculous opinion."

Stalin changed his tone and said: "But you pointed out many loopholes and shortcomings of the Soviet Union. Some are objective, but some are just slander."

"That's because I don't know the specific situation in the Soviet Union yet." Zhou Hexuan didn't want to offend the tyrant.

Stalin laughed and said: "As Mr. Zhou predicted, all capitalist countries, including the United States, will have a serious economic crisis. The Soviet Union is the future of the world. If Mr. Zhou is willing to work in the Soviet Union, I will also provide you with conditions of freedom and convenience.”

Zhou Hexuan said: "My destination is China."

"Haha, patriotism is not worth it. Your vision is too narrow. You should focus on the future of all mankind. The Soviet Union is based on the liberation of all mankind." Stalin said bluntly.

The corners of Zhou Hexuan's mouth twitched, wanting to slap Stalin in the face with the Middle East Road incident. But think about it or forget it, no matter how much you say, it's just a waste of time.

Moreover, Stalin was extremely wary of China. Ten years later, Chang Kaishen’s son, Comrade Nicholas, hoped that Stalin would support the KMT and proposed to take back Outer Mongolia. One of the reasons was that China was no threat to the Soviet Union.

What was Stalin's answer? He said: "I don't talk to you as a diplomat. I can tell you: the treaty is not reliable. Furthermore, you have another mistake. You said that China has no power to invade Russia. You can say such things today, but As long as China can be unified, it will progress faster than any other country!"

Stalin understood very clearly that China's land area, population, and historical heritage are there, and normal development is too scary.

After a few casual chats, Stalin asked someone to bring out a gift. He gave Einstein and Zhou Hexuan a gold pen made in the Soviet Union respectively, and said: "The Soviet Union is not only a paradise for the proletariat, but also a paradise for scholars all over the world. It is willing to accept all scientists who love peace and oppose imperialism." and humanists."

Damn it, Zhou Hexuan cursed.

Stalin's interview ended here, and the time was right, exactly 15 minutes.

Zhou Hexuan put the golden pen in his arms and left with Einstein.

Back at the hotel where he stayed, Li Shi once asked, "What did you talk to Stalin about?"

"Just 15 minutes, what can we talk about? It's just some nonsense." Zhou Hexuan complained.

Li Shi once said with emotion: "If I have enough time, I would like to look around in the Soviet Union to gain a deeper understanding of the Soviet education model."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "I advise you not to go too deep, the more you read, the more disappointed you will be."

Li Shi was puzzled and said: "Why did Mingcheng make such a statement? I think the Soviet Union is doing very well now. It is developing rapidly in all aspects, especially the mental outlook of the people is particularly positive."

"What we have seen in the past few days is what the Soviet Union let us see," Zhou Hexuan took out a gold pen, and said boringly, "Any country has a bright side and a dark side. It's all gone to extremes."

"Maybe." Li Shizeng was noncommittal.

Zhou Hexuan said: "It's serious for us to return to China as soon as possible. Have all the domestic reception arrangements been made?"

Li Shizeng said: "It is roughly arranged, first go to Shenyang, then to Tianjin, Beiping, and then Shanghai, Nanjing. However, the specific situation is difficult to determine. Peking University and Tsinghua University have already quarreled, and they both want to receive Einstein in their own schools. The same is true in Shanghai, I heard that the presidents of several universities have already complained to the Ministry of Education."

Zhou Hexuan thought for a while and said, "Peking University should be a province. Those few dilapidated buildings are really too shabby. Tsinghua University is still rich. The former Qing Dynasty palace is located there, and the environment is beautiful and upscale."

"That's what I thought too. When Tagore came to Peiping a few years ago, he also stayed in Tsinghua's Gongzi Hall." Li Shizeng said.

Zhou Hexuan said: "Actually, the reception is not the key point. The most important thing is to recruit the top students in domestic physics. If anyone is attracted by Einstein, not to mention being a student, it would be good to give him some pointers."

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Li Shizeng smiled wryly.

Zhou Hexuan said: "By the way, isn't the fund for studying abroad already used up? I want to set up a study abroad fund with personal funds, and sponsor 10 to 20 students to study abroad every year. The British and American parties are looking for Mr. Cai Yuanpei. As for studying in France, you have to Mr. Shi Zeng." A lot of help."

"This is a good thing, I will do my best to help!" Li Shizeng patted his chest and said, not minding Zhou Hexuan's cooperation with Cai Yuanpei at all.

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