The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 338 337 [Zhou Hexuan's cat]

Einstein is no longer in Berlin. He, his wife, and two stepdaughters have just moved into the Kapus cottage in the Potsdam countryside.

The reason is this, Einstein's 50th birthday last year. The Berlin government promised to build a villa as a birthday present for Einstein, but the relevant departments debated the cost of the villa endlessly, and finally the plan had to be scrapped.

When Einstein was angry, he bought a piece of land in Capps with his own money and commissioned the architect Conrad to build a summer house.

"Well, it's very nice here," Einstein looked at the newly repaired wooden cottage, and said to Conrad, "I am very satisfied with your work."

Conrad was just a young architect. He was very respectful when facing the great scientist, and smiled: "It's my honor, Mr. Einstein."

His wife, Elsa, walked out of the house and said with frustrating hands: "It's a pity that it's too cold here, and the stove can freeze people to death. It can only be used as a place to escape the heat. It's better not to live here in winter."

Einstein said: "It's too far away from Berlin, so of course it's impossible to stay here for a long time. Let's go back in two days."

In this way, Zhou Hexuan finished his lectures at the University of Berlin, and Einstein returned to Berlin with his wife and daughter. His lifelong private secretary, Helen Ducasse, came with five letters and said, "Sir, these are letters from the last few days."

Einstein first opened and read the letter from the Queen of Belgium, then read letters from several other scientists and friends, and finally opened the letter from the Chinese embassy in Germany.

After reading the letter, Einstein asked: "Is there any special history for Zhou Hexuan?"

The female secretary Helen replied: "Mr. Zhou Hexuan is a famous Chinese historian and writer. He accurately predicted the big stock market crash and economic crisis in the United States. His novel just won the French Goncourt Prize for Literature. He was also nominated for the Nobel Prize last year. Literary award. Personally, I think it's worth seeing."

"Then help me arrange it." Einstein didn't care too much, took out a blank stationery and wrote back to the Queen of Belgium.

In fact, since Einstein became famous, people have often wanted to visit him in the past ten years. However, Einstein is still very picky. Throughout last year, he only met the Queen of Belgium and the French mathematician Adama.

The most interesting was the exchange with Adama, a great physicist and a great mathematician met, and the topic they talked about was "war and peace".

Three days later, Einstein met Zhou Hexuan, who came to visit, at his residence in Berlin.

"Hello, Mr. Einstein."

"Hello, Mr. Zhou."

The two greeted each other with a handshake, then sat down and looked at each other curiously.

Einstein's stepdaughter Margo brought two cups of coffee and said to Zhou Hexuan with a smile, "Please take it slowly."

As for the female secretary, Allen, she sat next to her and prepared to briefly record the conversation between the two.

Zhou Hexuan couldn't help but look at Margo twice more, not because he was interested in Einstein's stepdaughter, but because he thought of the gossip passed down from generation to generation.

It is rumored that after Einstein divorced, he was once entangled in whether he should marry his cousin who was also a cousin, or whether he should marry his daughter. The cousin suggested that he take his daughter, but Einstein felt that the influence was not good, so he finally married the cousin and lived with his two stepdaughters.

Einstein also had a long-term mistress in Berlin at this time, and that mistress was the best friend of his stepdaughter Margot, and his private life seemed messy to say the least.

Zhou Hexuan withdrew his gaze and said to Einstein, "It's a great honor to communicate with you face to face."

Einstein said with a smile: "You Chinese scholars seem to be so young."

Zhou Hexuan interpreted this sentence as contempt, and immediately replied: "You were also very young when you created the 'Miracle Year'."

"Haha, you are right. Being young is not a sin, but a kind of capital," Einstein changed his attitude when he heard Zhou Hexuan's dissatisfaction, "I'm sorry, maybe I made a mistake in my wording just now. I went to Shanghai a few years ago. When I was in China, I met several Chinese scholars, all of whom were very young. I still remember a young man named Zhang Junmai, who discussed socialism with me.”

Not only Zhang Junmai, but Zhang Jiluan, another friend of Zhou Hexuan, was also the person who accompanied Einstein to receive him.

Zhou Hexuan asked: "What is your impression of China?"

Einstein thought for a while and said, "It's very complicated."

"Complicated?" Zhou Hexuan said.

Einstein recalled: "I walked into a certain street in Shanghai (Nanjing Road), and the road was full of enthusiastic young students. Their faces were full of fanaticism, and they even lifted me up with both hands. The country has never been treated like this. They obviously respect and love science, and I became the embodiment of science at that moment. From this point of view, China is a country with great potential and hope."

Zhou Hexuan asked: "What else?"

Einstein continued: "I like Chinese art. I listened to traditional oriental opera (Kunqu Opera) in Shanghai. Although I didn't know what the actors were singing, I enjoyed it very much. There is also a Chinese painter named Wang Zhen who invited me to Visited his home as a guest and gave me a Chinese painting. Whether it is art or science, China has left a good impression on me. What makes me feel bad is the living conditions of Chinese people. Europeans and Chinese in Shanghai, There are obvious differences in social status. Europeans form a ruling class, while Chinese are their servants. When I tipped a Chinese waiter, it may be too much, and he was so excited that he knelt down on the spot Kowtow. You know what? At that moment, I felt like I was back in the middle ages. The Chinese impressed me as a tortured, dull, uncivilized people who had nothing to do with the past of this country's great civilization They are simple laborers, struggling to survive in labor, appearing so ignorant and tenacious."

As a time traveler in the 21st century, Zhou Hexuan was very touched by this, because this was also the feeling he had when he first traveled. He said bitterly: "The Chinese are fighting. The victory of the Northern Expedition in the past two years, although it did not have much impact on Chinese society. Changing, but generally moving in a good direction."

Einstein said: "So I can especially understand your revolutions. China is awakening from revolution after revolution."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "I heard that you are a loyal supporter of the Soviet Union?"

"Yes, the Soviet Union is a magical and great political system, and Lenin is also the greatest revolutionary." Einstein is really a fan of Lenin.

Zhou Hexuan asked: "Then what do you think of Lenin's promise to return China's territory and privileges when he was in trouble, but after resolving domestic conflicts, he turned around and refused to return China's Middle East Road?"

"Is there such a thing?" Einstein was stunned.

"Of course," Zhou Hexuan said in detail, "in 1919 and 1920, when the Soviet Union was suffering from internal and external troubles, Lenin hoped to be recognized by the Chinese government and promised to return China's Middle East Road many times. But only one year later, Lenin took control of the Soviet Union. For the overall situation, he deliberately avoided previous diplomatic statements. So far, the Soviet Union still has privileges in Northeast China. A few months ago, the Chinese wanted to take back these privileges, and the Soviet Union mobilized tens of thousands of troops to brazenly invade China across the border. "

Einstein didn't understand this. He had a perfect impression of the Soviet Union. Zhou Hexuan's words made him feel puzzled and disappointed.

After a moment of silence, Einstein said: "I feel very sympathetic to the inequality that China has encountered, and I also hope that there will be no more wars on the earth."

As an anti-pacifist, Einstein never imagined that his greatest contribution to world peace would be the development of the atomic bomb.

"Let's change the subject, or it will be too heavy," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "I heard that you are starting a debate with the Copenhagen School?"

Einstein was surprised and said: "You also have research on physics?"

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "It's purely a layman, I'm just very interested. I wrote a science fiction novel a while ago, and it will be published in the United States soon. Are you really opposed to quantum theory?"

"There is no objection, but the quantum theory lacks completeness and reality. Before the puzzle can't be solved, the quantum theory can only be used as a temporary solution, but the scientists of the Copenhagen School regard the temporary solution as scientific truth. I absolutely cannot accept it," Einstein laughed, "Scientific theories should be exact and complete, can you accept that the universe is the result of God's dice?"

Zhou Hexuan suddenly remembered the famous "cat", and he said: "Mr. Einstein, can you do such an experiment. Put a radiation source, a detector for recording radiation particles, a bottle of poison and a live cat into the into a closed box. The detector is only open long enough for an atom in the radiating material to decay with a 50 percent chance that the detector will register the particle. If the detector does register the Time, then the bottle containing the poison will be smashed, and the cat will be poisoned to death; otherwise, the cat will live. Before we open the box for observation, we cannot know the result of the experiment. The possibility of radiation is half right Half, it is both decaying and non-decaying, the poison bottle is both broken and unbreakable. What is even more bizarre is the cat, which is both dead and alive. From the perspective of us outside the box , what state should this cat be in?"

Einstein didn't take Zhou Hexuan's words seriously at first, but when he heard halfway through, his brows suddenly frowned, and his face became very exciting.

"Mr. Zhou, please wait a moment, let me think for a moment." Einstein closed his eyes.

"No problem." Zhou Hexuan smiled.

Einstein thought about it for more than ten minutes, and suddenly opened his eyes and asked the secretary to bring a pen and paper, and wrote down "radiation particle amplitude", "1/√2", "∣Ψ>=1/√2 {∣dead>+∣live>}" and so on.

Then came a series of symbols and numbers. Zhou Hexuan was dazed and didn't know what Einstein was doing.

About twenty minutes later, Einstein threw away his pen and said with a smile, "Haha, Mr. Zhou, thank you very much for your reminder. Your experiment on cats is the most powerful evidence against the Copenhagen School!"

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