The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 329 328 [The No. 1 Person in the Chinese Literary World]

In Shanghai, the debate between Hu Shi and Chen Dezheng has been going on for more than half a year.

Now no newspapers or magazines dare to publish Hu Shi's articles. This gentleman has been besieged by the entire imperial literati group of the Nationalist Party, and he has almost become a dog in the water that everyone shouts and beats.

Don't look at Hu Shi who is usually polite, gentle and courteous to everyone, and looks like a modest gentleman. But he was really violent when he got angry. The more fiercely the literati of the Nationalist Party scolded him, the more fiercely he resisted.

In just half a year, Hu Shi successively published "Human Rights and the Constitution", "When Will We Have a Constitution--Doubts about the Outline of the Founding of the People's Republic of China", "Knowledge is Difficult, Action Is Not Easy--A Review of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's 'Easy to Know but Hard to Say' " and "New Culture Movement and the National Party" several articles, set off the human rights movement of the Republic of China with much thunder and little rain.

Hu Shi's article directly directed the Beijing government and the Kuomintang, and strongly opposed the Kuomintang's putting party power above human rights and legal rights. In particular, the following two articles became more and more intense. One openly questioned Sun Yat-sen, and the other even contained such content: "We must say that the Nationalist Party represented by the Nationalist Government today is reactionary."

We cannot but say that the Nationalist Party represented by the Nationalist Government today is reactionary.

The above sentence appeared repeatedly in "New Culture Movement and the National Party". Hu Shi analyzed and pointed out the reactionary nature of the Kuomintang from various aspects such as freedom of thought and attitude towards culture.

Mr. Hu's guts are too fat.

Fortunately, Hu Shi has a good relationship with Miss Song San, and he is famous enough, otherwise he would have been arrested.

Shanghai, French Concession.

Crescent Bookstore (Publishing House).

Hu Shi, Liang Shiqiu, and Luo Longji took the collection of articles they had sorted out, and approached Pan Mengqiao, the manager of Xinyue Bookstore, and said, "Brother Pan, haven't you been worrying about having no books to publish? I will send you the manuscript now." coming."

Pan Mengqiao is the elder brother of the famous sociologist Pan Guangdan. He only read the titles of a few articles and complained: "It's not enough for you to harm the "New Moon" Poetry Magazine, and you are going to harm the New Moon Bookstore?"

"What is calamity? This is speaking out of justice and pleading for the people!" Liang Shiqiu said righteously.

Hu Shi smiled gently and said, "Only Xinyue Bookstore can publish books, so let's publish it with reluctance."

Pan Mengqiao shook her head helplessly and sighed: "Oh, let's publish it. Anyway, you are the bosses, and I'll just work as an errand."

Why is Pan Mengqiao so embarrassed?

Because the articles brought by Hu Shi and the others were all against the Nanjing government, including those that had already been published and those that could not be published. Now they are preparing to publish a book called "Human Rights Essays".

The "New Moon" poetry magazine was banned by the Kuomintang some time ago because it published Hu Shi's article for "violation". Hu Shi also had no choice but to publish the book directly, because no newspapers and magazines dared to publish his articles.

It is conceivable that the New Moon Bookstore is not far from being seized, and it will not be able to resume business until Hu Shi avoids overseas, and the same is true of the "New Moon" poetry magazine.

When Hu Shi and the others were discussing the issue of publishing and editing, Xu Zhimo and Zhang Jiazhu rushed in suddenly: "Happy event, happy event, great happy event!"

"What happy event?" Liang Shiqiu asked curiously.

Xu Zhimo held up the overseas telegram and said: "Brother Zhongshu (Zhang Pengchun) sent news from the United States that Brother Mingcheng has been shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Goncourt Prize for Literature!"

"Really?" Hu Shi was extremely surprised.

Luo Longji asked: "It's already mid-November, why haven't we seen relevant news in China?"

Zhang Jiazhu wondered: "I'm not too sure. The final list of nominees for the Nobel Prize in Literature was announced as early as October. The Nanjing government should have received the news."

Hu Shi quickly figured out the reason, and sighed: "I'm afraid the Nanjing government has known about it for a long time. The Chinese envoy to Sweden will definitely inform the country of this kind of big news. But think about what Mingcheng's novels are about? Whether it is "" Both Goddess and Dog Officer are exposing the dark side of Chinese society, and if this kind of work really wins awards abroad, the government may feel ashamed."

"Indeed." Liang Shiqiu nodded in agreement.

If it were changed to last year, perhaps the Nanjing government would not have reacted in this way. But this year is different, the National Party is suppressing the cultural circles, problematic novels that could be published casually in the past, now face various censorship.

The final victory of the Northern Expedition meant the end of the New Culture Movement. Many things could not be written, and even if they were written, they would not be published.

Thinking of this, everyone fell into silence.

Everyone is a cultural person and has a personal experience of this, which is a great tragedy for them.

Xu Zhimo said: "No matter what, we must inform the public of this news. Chinese writers have been shortlisted for the Nobel and Goncourt Prizes for Literature, which is something worthy of celebration by the whole people!"

Zhang Jiazhu said with a smile: "Ta Kung Pao will definitely report it, other than other newspapers."

The next day, major newspapers including "Ta Kung Pao", "Shen Bao" and "News" published news on their front pages one after another - Chinese writer Mr. Zhou Hexuan was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

"According to the definite news sent back from Europe, Mr. Zhou Hexuan, a great Chinese writer, has been successfully nominated for the final list of candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature. The shortlist includes 27 authors from 25 countries around the world, among them, the German novelist Thomas Mann, And the German poet Stephen Georges is Mr. Zhou's biggest competitor... At the same time, Mr. Zhou is also shortlisted for the Goncourt Literary Prize. The Goncourt Literary Prize is the highest fiction award in France. So far, there is no Asian Nominated writers, Mr. Zhou's nomination this time represents the honor of the whole of Asia..."

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions across the country.

Especially in the Chinese literary circle, countless authors rejoice, and students regard Zhou Hexuan as a "great man".

Yes, great man!

The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore was also a great man in the hearts of Chinese people at this time, because he was the only scholar in Asia who won the Nobel Prize.

The voice of praise was overwhelming, and newspapers across the country reported it everywhere. The Nanjing government couldn't suppress it. This news is so exciting for the people of the country.

Some people even say that Zhou Hexuan's nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature is a harbinger of China's rise and evidence that the West has begun to attach importance to China.

Zhang Taiyan even wrote a poem about it, sent it to the newspaper in exchange for a drink, and got drunk.

Lin Yutang wrote an article praising: "Zhou's nomination for the Nobel Prize and the Goncourt Literature Prize is amazing at first sight, but it is normal when you think about it carefully. "The Goddess" has magnificent imagery, exquisite conception, and bizarre structure. Looking at the world literary world, it is also impossible. The many masterpieces are really great works. Facts have proved that Chinese people are not weaker than Western whites in writing articles, and Mr. Zhou is worthy of being a giant of Chinese literature."

Xu Zhimo wrote an article to praise: "When I first read Brother Mingcheng's works, I can feel inexplicably shocked, and there is a kind of surprise in reading world famous works. His literary attainments are beyond my generation's reach. He is the god of literature. He is the embodiment of the literary elves, and I want to sing a hymn from my heart for him.”

Lu Yin wrote an article in the "Morning News" supplement: "The greatness of "Goddess" is that it observes the distortion of Chinese society from the perspective of a weak woman, and then explores the dark side of human hearts. It not only belongs to China, but also belong to the whole world."

Ding Ling wrote in the literary criticism column of "Newspaper": ""The Goddess" and "The Dog Official" reveal the real problems most powerfully and profoundly. Chinese literary works since the May Fourth Movement are influential and In terms of literature, the first is "The Diary of a Madman", the second is "The Goddess", and the third is "The Dog Official."

Mao Dun said in a review article in "Novel Monthly": "The greatness of literature lies in its profound thoughts. The line-drawing style of "Dog Official" is equivalent to skinning the Chinese society, and the fantasy-style description of "Goddess" is torturing the Chinese people. soul."

Amidst the praise, there were also many people who sang a different tune, some were jealous and bitter, while others were more rational and calm.

The two writers, Lu Xun and Chen Xiying, used to write articles and insult each other, and they were old enemies who had been fighting with each other for many years.

But regarding Zhou Hexuan's nomination for the Western Awards, the attitudes of the two were surprisingly the same.

Chen Xiying called on everyone to be rational, Zhou Hexuan was only shortlisted this time, and may not win the award. Even if it is awarded an award, it does not mean that Chinese literature has reached the pinnacle of the world, and there is no need to brag about it.

Lu Xun also called on the people to be more sober, and not to think that China has really become strong and awakened just because some Chinese people have won world-class awards. Don't become arrogant because Zhou Hexuan was shortlisted or won an award. China still has many shortcomings. Don't be blinded by such awards.

As for the National Party, the attitude seems to be very subtle.

The imperial literati and newspapers of the Kuomintang did not mention the content of Zhou Hexuan's works, and at the same time began to praise Zhou Hexuan personally. They even considered Zhou Hexuan's nomination for the World Awards as a credit to the National Party and the progress of the nation under the leadership of the National Party.

At the same time, Nanjing's "Central Daily" also published an editorial saying: "Under the leadership of the great leader Mr. Chang Kaishen, the Republic of China has gradually become stronger and has been recognized by the world's powers. Zhou's nomination for the Nobel Prize is just a good example." At the beginning, as long as the party-state adheres to Mr. Sun Yat-sen's political training program, it can finally achieve achievements that attract the attention of the world."

No matter what, Zhou Hexuan really stole the limelight this time.

What is the Goncourt Prize?

Many people in the country don't know it at all, but the Nobel Prize in Literature is an existence that can only be looked up to. Even if it is only shortlisted, it is worthy of endless praise. Zhou Hexuan has almost become the number one person in the Chinese literary world recognized by everyone. He even replaced Lu Xun and became the leader of the Chinese literary world.

Not only did the sales of "Goddess", "Dog Official" and "Dog Official Gaiden" soar, even Zhou Hexuan's several academic works and martial arts novels were sold out, and the publishing house couldn't print them at all.

The Central Party Headquarters of the Nationalist Party is embarrassed. They tend to block works such as "Dog Officer". But now they can't even seal it, if they seal the works shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature, how will they calm down the monstrous public opinion?

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