Mei Lanfang's performance in Bainaohui has already started. In fact, before he arrived in New York, there were countless patrons waiting for his arrival.

In order to support Mei Lanfang's performance in New York, the wife of former US President Wilson launched a call and established the "Mei Lanfang New York Sponsorship Association". The list of patrons includes: playwright Ruth Draper, educator John Dewey, chairman of the New York Metropolitan Opera Otto Kane, president of Yenching University Leighton Stuart and others.

This has almost become a custom. Every time Mei Lanfang visits a city, the Americans will set up a sponsorship meeting for that city for him. For example, members of the Los Angeles Sponsorship Association include Chaplin, Fairbanks and others.

Mei Lanfang performed on Broadway for two consecutive weeks. After each performance, there were often as many as ten curtain calls, because the audience was so enthusiastic.

After one performance, the audience offered to shake hands on stage, and Mei Lanfang agreed. But tens of minutes passed, and there were still a lot of people waiting in the back. The people of the troupe took a closer look and found that many audiences who had finished shaking hands were queuing up again and waiting to continue shaking hands.

The "New York Times" commented: "East is East, West is West. These twins have never met, but now they have met after all. This situation is reflected in Mei Lanfang... Lan Fang is a dancer first and foremost. When I watched him perform the sword dance of "Red Thread Stealing Box", I always thought that his dance has reached a peak level... Mei Lanfang appeared on the stage for three minutes, you You will admit that he is one of the most outstanding actors you have ever seen. Art like this has never been seen in New York. In the United States, there must be a champion every few years, including politics, business, Including the academic world, this is the most eye-catching person. The person who won the championship this time must be Mei Lanfang.”

Mei Lanfang has created a whirlwind in New York. The audience watching the performance is mesmerized, the newspaper reviews and praises are endless, and the New Yorkers hold a reception and press conference specially for him.

When Americans today mention Asia or China, they will definitely think of Mei Lanfang and his Peking Opera.

As for Zhou Hexuan, a great scholar, he will be ranked behind until the stock market crash comes...

Saturday, October 19.

Li Fermore put down the "Wall Street Journal" and said with a smile: "It's time for us to do it."

Zhou Hexuan was quite surprised and asked, "How do you know it's Monday next week?"

Lee Fermore tapped the newspaper: "Because of Friday's accelerated decline and this news report."

Zhou Hexuan picked up the "Wall Street Journal", the article was written by the economist Fisher, and sharply reprimanded Babson for his pessimistic remarks on the stock market. "It's inevitable that some stocks will go up and some stocks will go down," Fisher said. "But the long-term momentum in the market is good, and even at today's prices, the stock market is far from its intrinsic value. Friday's heavy volume Falling, just throwing out some neurotic non-mainstream forces, I predict the market will rebound next Monday."

No matter what era, there is always a wave of economic experts who say: the stock market is developing very well, and a small fluctuation is nothing to worry about, and it will rebound immediately.

As for Babson, who was refuted by this expert, he is also a powerful figure. He was the first to put forward a point of view: the stock market is a barometer of the economy.

Later people named this theory "Babson's barometer".

Zhou Hexuan asked: "How are you going to operate?"

Li Feimore showed a crazy expression: "Let's use 5 times leverage first, and try the water!"

Zhou Hexuan sweated wildly. Even if he is not proficient in stock trading, he still knows that 5 times leverage is crazy. If the market fluctuates a little bit, it will lead to big losses. Li Feimore actually used 5 times leverage to test the water.

Lee Fermore is very confident. He has analyzed the stock market for a month and firmly believes that the U.S. stock market has reached its peak. Nowadays, many people with brains are preparing to run away. In addition, economists Fisher and Babson are writing articles and fighting for pens, which will exacerbate investors' panic.

Unsurprisingly, after the opening of the market next Monday, countless people sold stocks, which in turn triggered more panic selling.

The operation for the next half month allowed Zhou Hexuan to appreciate what it means to be an awesome trader.

On Monday, 6 million stocks changed hands in the US stock market, but the number of stocks that fell far exceeded those that rose. The stock index fell slightly, and Zhou Hexuan and the others made a small profit.

On Tuesday, Li Feimore didn't make a move, and Zhou Hexuan went to bowl happily. According to Li Feimore's guess, the big consortium will definitely make a move. And the facts were as he expected, the stock market rebounded briefly that day.

Although the stock market fell again on Wednesday, Li Fermore did not make a move. He continued to observe the market.

On Thursday, Li Fei Moore suddenly went crazy, 20 times the leverage, full of positions!

This day is called "Black Thursday", and the market value has evaporated by 9.5 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to more than two years of tax revenue in the United States-while Zhou Hexuan made a crazy profit of 1.1 million US dollars.

On Friday, Lee Fermore had another truce. On this day, Whitney, the president of the exchange, publicly placed an order to buy blue chips, giving investors a little confidence, and the stock market rebounded again.

On Saturday, the stock market fell again, but there was no panic, and Li Feimore still chose to sit on the sidelines.

The market is closed on Sunday.

On Monday, rumors abounded in the market and the stock market continued to fall, but Li Fei Moore still did not make a move.

On Tuesday, Li Feimore went crazy again, with a leverage of 30 times, and his position continued to be full.

On this day, sell orders swarmed out, the trading volume reached 16 million shares, and the stock index plummeted, which was called "Black Tuesday" in history. Zhou Hexuan made a full $7.8 million on this day.

Then, there is no more...

The U.S. government intervened and asked Li Feimore not to sell short.

At the same time, large conglomerates such as Rockefeller began to rescue the market, and the stock market rebounded.

The situation after that was too complicated. Even Li Feimore didn't dare to buy short with dozens of times the leverage. Since the U.S. government does not allow short-selling, Li Fei Moore will go downhill, anyway, he has earned hundreds of millions of dollars.

Zhou Hexuan was terrified watching from the sidelines. If it was not for Li Feimore to trade, but for himself, even if he knew that the U.S. stock market was going to collapse, he might lose all his money.

The above process is simple to say, but undercurrents are turbulent, and various micro-operations are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Zhou Hexuan can only admit: the 10% profit share for traders is very cost-effective, and it is definitely worth the money.

After deducting taxes and Lee Fermore's transaction share, Zhou Hexuan's $400,000 has become $7.2 million.

The U.S. stock market will plummet for half a month. If you continue to short, you will definitely make money. Unfortunately, Li Feimore was warned by the government. Zhou Hexuan didn't dare to play by himself at all, because the big consortium had already stepped in, and it was difficult for small retail investors to fish in troubled waters.

Zhou Hexuan even wondered if the US government would destroy this guy humanely if Lee Fermore, who made a crazy profit of 100 million US dollars, continued to short.

As for Zhang Mouzhi, this old gentleman is completely confused...

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