The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 314 313 [Arrival in the United States]

The ocean liner stayed in Tokyo Port for a day, and waited for many Japanese passengers to board before continuing to sail. The next stop was Hawaii.

Zhou Hexuan writes novels very quickly because the plot of the story has already been established. What he needs to worry about is to explain some future items in the vocabulary of science fiction. Such as artificial satellites, such as underwater detectors, such as image displays, such as mobile phones, etc.

On a whim, Zhou Hexuan also used pencils to draw various illustrations, and deliberately distorted the shape of the future machine.

Zhou Hexuan drew the underwater detector as a small submarine, the image display (closed-circuit television) as a circle, and the artificial satellite as a monster with countless antenna transmitters.

Why did Mao want to write about artificial satellites?

Take a look at the content of Zhou Hexuan's novel:

"In 1990 AD, human beings have entered the era of electrical intelligence. The exploration ship searching for the wreckage of the Titanic has the ability of ocean-going automatic navigation. It relies on artificial satellite signals for positioning, and the unit is accurate to nautical miles. The captain no longer needs to use a compass...

Artificial satellites are just like the moon, orbiting the earth's space. It balances the interaction of the earth's gravitational field, atmospheric resistance, sun's gravity and moon's gravity, and has its own fixed orbit...

Just like wireless broadcasting, artificial satellites are like signal towers in space, transmitting various signal waves to the earth anytime and anywhere. At the end of the 20th century, human beings can make calls anytime and anywhere without being bound by telephone lines, just like the difference between wired telegraph and wireless telegraph...

Brock Novitt detected the exact location of the Titanic through the sonar system. He asked his assistant to activate the underwater detector, which has a waterproof camera and transmits the image of the seabed to the control room of the cabin..."

More than 20 years later, when the first artificial satellite of the Soviet Union was successfully launched into the sky, people once again turned their attention to the novel "Titanic".

It is not uncommon for the predictions of science fiction to be successful. For example, before the invention of airplanes, submarines, and computers, some science fiction writers mentioned them in their novels. The reason why people are so surprised is that the story of "Titanic" is widely known, and by the 1950s it had become a household name.

On August 30, 2000, the 61st World Science Fiction Convention was held in Toronto, and the "Ten Most Influential Classic Science Fiction Novels of the 20th Century" were selected. The "Tom Swift" series of novels won the title, while "Titanic" ranked fourth on this list.

Although most of the time, people regard "Titanic" as a romance novel. But it was selected into the list of "Top Ten Classic Science Fiction Novels of the 20th Century", but no sci-fi fans stood up to object, because all the "future" technologies mentioned in it have become reality.

Sci-fi fans even feel sorry, because Zhou Hexuan's sci-fi works are too few, and this is still a romance novel disguised as sci-fi.

Someone joked: "Zhou Hexuan is a science fiction master who has been delayed by historical research."

After shutting himself in the cabin for half a month to create, Zhou Hexuan finally came out to breathe. He was invited by the Ma Murui couple to listen to the symphony performance with Zhang Mouzhi.

This stuff is high-end, well, the main reason is that the tickets are too expensive, and most people are reluctant to listen to it.

"Zhou, I don't think I need to introduce you," Ma Murui said, pointing to the handsome young man beside him, "This is Mr. Mei Lanfang, a famous dramatist."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Boss Mei!"

"Mr. Zhou." Mei Lanfang shook hands with Zhou Hexuan.

Zhou Hexuan introduced: "This is my father-in-law, Mr. Zhang Mouzhi."

Mei Lanfang nodded and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Mouzhi said enthusiastically: "Seeing Mr. Mei's demeanor today really deserves his reputation."

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then walked into the concert hall together. There were only more than 20 spectators sparsely inside.

Everyone's quality is still very high. After entering the concert hall, they consciously shut up, no one made noise, and just waited for the orchestra to start playing.

The first piece is more cheerful and lively, playing Schumann's "Spring Symphony".

Ma Murui and his wife were sitting upright, with intoxicated expressions on their faces, as if they were completely immersed in the wonderful world of music.

Mei Lanfang's eyes were slightly closed, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his fingertips were silently tapping on the armrest of the seat. This Peking Opera master is also very fashionable, and usually likes to listen to symphony and watch movies.

The "Spring Symphony" only played the first two movements, and then it was replaced by Beethoven's "Symphony of Destiny". The effect of the live performance was quite shocking. Even Zhou Hexuan's scalp was numb from the sound of the music, and he felt an urge to fight against fate.

More than two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the orchestra's performance finally came to an end.

Mei Lanfang walked outside the concert hall and asked casually, "Where is Mr. Zhou going?"

"New York." Zhou Hexuan said.

"That's right, let's drop by," Mei Lanfang said, "I'm going to Washington first, and then go to New York to perform on Broadway."

Whether it is going to Washington or New York, you have to take a long train to get there, which is really a smooth ride.

Ma Murui suggested: "If Mr. Zhou is free, let's go to Washington together. Those officials from the State Department are definitely willing to chat with you."

Zhou Hexuan estimated the time and said with a smile, "It's a great honor."

Twenty-seven days later, in mid-September, the ship finally arrived in San Francisco.

Zhou Hexuan has already completed the first draft of "Titanic", which is about 200,000 words long. By the way, he also took the time to draw 8 illustrations.

Everyone rested in San Francisco for two days to relieve the fatigue of the journey a little. At this moment, the Chinese Minister to the United States officially sent an invitation, hoping that Zhou Hexuan could go to Washington. The embassy prepared a welcome banquet for Zhou Hexuan and Mei Lanfang.

The embassy sends a letter to invite you, and you have to go if you don't go, otherwise you will lose face.

Everyone sat on the long western railway for two full days, but they still haven't reached the end.

Zhou Hexuan secretly complained that the speed of the train was too slow, but Zhang Mouzhi sighed: "It's really a masterpiece of industry! I don't know when China will have such a long railway."

"There will always be." Mei Lanfang answered.

Whether it was Zhang Mouzhi or Mei Lanfang, it was the first time for them to come to the United States, and the prosperity of San Francisco completely overwhelmed them.

The wide streets, the tall buildings, the bustling market, the large number of cars... In any aspect, China can be thrown away by eight streets.

Mei Lanfang had been to Japan before, and he couldn't help but compare San Francisco with Tokyo and Kyoto, and found that they were completely incomparable. Tokyo was at the fringe of urban and rural areas in front of San Francisco.

The most frightening thing is the car. Rickshaws are popular in China, but San Francisco uses cars as taxis!

San Francisco is already so prosperous, what about Washington and New York?

The accompanying Chinese all had the feeling that Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

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