Zhou Hexuan, Lu Xun and the Sun family brothers walked to Qianmen Street from east to west.

Lu Xun hadn't been back to Beiping for three years. Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar street scenes and hearing the street vendors yelling for business, he couldn't help sighing: "Peking is still so lively."

"It's just that the place near the station is busy. If you go further into the city, you will find that everything is much more desolate." Zhou Hexuan shook his head with a wry smile, "After all, this is no longer the capital of China, and a large number of institutions and personnel have moved to the city. Went to Nanjing."

"It's conceivable." Lu Xun said.

The weather in early summer is fine, but the sky in Beiping is grayish yellow.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, flying sand and rocks, Zhou Hexuan, who was about to speak, swallowed sand in his mouth, and quickly spit out: "Ah bah!"


Lu Xun laughed loudly: "I haven't smelled the pungent smell of Beiping dust for a long time."

Unlike Zhou Hexuan's impression, he found that Lu Xun liked to laugh a lot, and he didn't have a tense face all the time.

Zhou Hexuan took out a handkerchief, tied it behind his head, covered his mouth and nose and said: "My ideal Chinese government can organize manpower and material resources to plant a large number of trees in North, Northwest and Northeast China, and cultivate artificial protective forests that spread thousands of miles. By then, The dust storms in Beiping will disappear without a trace, and the air will become as clean as in the south.”

Lu Xun disagreed: "It's just a little dust, why make a fuss over a molehill, if there are such human and material resources, it is better to use them to improve people's livelihood."

Zhou Hexuan pointed to the north and said: "The dust in Beiping comes from the desertification of the northern grasslands. If it is not controlled, the desert area will become larger and larger. Maybe one day, even Beiping will be covered by desert. It is not just a matter of breathing. As simple as sipping sand, it is more related to the agricultural economy in the north and the livelihood of countless herdsmen and farmers in the north. Just like the flooding of the Yellow River, controlling desertification and yellow flooding are the basic things that the government should do. If one day, the central government If it can effectively control the desert and the Yellow River, then this government is worthy of support.”

Lu Xun listened thoughtfully, he usually cared about the thoughts of the people and the actions of politicians, while Zhou Hexuan preferred to think about practical issues.

After walking for a while, when we came to the middle section of Qianmen Street, Lu Xun pointed to a shop and said, "It's almost noon, please invite me to take the train, and I'll treat you to lunch."

"Okay," Zhou Hexuan joked, "There are three of us here, so it's a big advantage."

Lu Xun asked, "Are these two friends your attendants?"

Zhou Hexuan explained: "The bodyguards, they even saved my life. The younger brother of the warlord Chu Yupu assassinated me the year before last, and this brother Yongzhen blocked a shot for me, which almost hit the heart."

"It's a righteous man." Lu Xun praised.

Sun Yongzhen scratched his head and smirked: "Sir, it's right for you to block the gun for yourselves."

Lu Xun always thought Zhou Hexuan was weird. He was obviously a literati and scholar, but just like politicians and warlords, he took two bodyguards with him when he went out. He is obviously very close to some warlords, full of political strategies, but he still refuses to become an official.

However, there were too many wonderful works in the Republic of China, Zhou Hexuan was not missing, and Lu Xun didn't think too much about it.

Everyone went upstairs and sat down by the window. Lu Xun said, "The bean juice here tastes very good..."

"Don't," Zhou Hexuan interrupted quickly, "I'm not used to drinking that stuff, just a bowl of noodles with fried sauce."

Lu Xun had no choice but to order three bowls of noodles with fried sauce, a bowl of soybean juice for himself, and a plate of pickles. He took a sip and said intoxicated, "It's smelly and fragrant, it's still the same smell."

Zhou Hexuan laughed and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to drink soy milk in my life, and I want to vomit when I smell it."

"Then you are really a Zhili native. If I have a chance, I will treat you to Shaoxing rice wine." Lu Xun said, chewing pickles.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "I miss Jinhua's ham even more, I haven't eaten it for many years."

"You don't seem to like to fight with people." Lu Xun put down his chopsticks and said, "I scolded you last time when I wrote an article, but you didn't scold me back. It made me wait for a while, and all the written manuscripts were discarded."

"Haha," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "I'm too lazy to write, to be honest. I'm a pragmatist, and I don't do meaningless things. Unless it is of practical benefit to me, I won't waste my energy writing insulting articles at all. .”

"You are honest," Lu Xun said, "but many Chinese people today are asleep, and they won't wake up if they don't scold louder."

Zhou Hexuan said: "Those who should wake up will naturally wake up. Those who can't wake up are probably pretending to sleep. You will never wake up a group of people pretending to sleep."

"That's a good sentence," Lu Xun nodded. "People who pretend to be asleep can't be woken up. The hateful thing is that these people who pretend to be asleep still occupy the big house, leaving no room for those who really wake up. Mr. Zhou, you They are hostile to Japan, but it is undeniable that the Japanese have a lot to learn from us. Their national character is serious, and they directly lift out those who pretend to be sleeping. Our national character is muddling along and turning a blind eye to those who pretend to be sleeping.”

Zhou Hexuan swallowed a mouthful of fried noodles and said: "In fact, the situation in Japan is worse than in China. You can go to the Japanese countryside to see that many people there are living in a worse life than Chinese farmers. The strength of Japan is based on on the basis of exploiting nationals."

Lu Xun said: "If exploiting the people can make China strong, I will be the first to be exploited voluntarily. It is a pity that Chinese politicians can only exploit the people to make themselves strong."

Zhou Hexuan was silent, unexpectedly speechless.

It took a long time for Zhou Hexuan to say: "There are too many smart people in China, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone thinks they are right. Sometimes, I wish there were more idiots in China, so that we can move forward together. Make. Just like Japan, their strength is actually in the wrong direction, but it does not affect their strength."

"Why do you say that Japan is going in the wrong direction?" Lu Xun asked.

"The strength and prosperity of Japan is deformed," Zhou Hexuan explained in detail. "Since the Meiji Restoration, Japanese factories have sprung up like mushrooms. Especially after the European War, Japan's industrial output value has doubled. The factories are open day and night, and the port throughput is slow. Information, production, trade, and prosperity are the general impressions of Japanese people about their country. At the same time, the Japanese countryside is desolate, farmers can’t eat enough, and it’s common to sell children and daughters. Is Japan really powerful? No. Japan’s domestic More than half of the factories are engaged in the textile industry. Their domestic market is narrow and they rely heavily on export trade. Once the foreign market is in turmoil, the Japanese economy will collapse immediately. Among other things, if all Chinese insist on not buying Japanese textiles for half a year, Four out of ten capitalists in Japan will go bankrupt."

To be honest, boycotting Japanese products was feasible during the Republic of China, because Japanese products were too single and heavily dependent on the Chinese market.

Lu Xun took out a cigarette, handed it to Zhou Hexuan, struck a match himself, and said, "You seem to have predicted in "The Rise of Great Powers" that an economic crisis will break out in the United States this year, and it will even affect the whole world. If it is true, Japan will Wouldn't it just collapse?"

"Yes, the Japanese economy will definitely collapse," Zhou Hexuan said, smoking a cigarette, "so Japan must invade China, because only war can transform domestic conflicts and draw the attention of the Japanese people."

The Kwantung Army invaded the Northeast and created the September 18th Incident. There were two direct reasons: one was that the lease contracts of Lushun and Dalian were about to expire, and the other was that Japan’s domestic economy had collapsed, and war had to be used to transfer conflicts.

How far did Japan collapse after the economic crisis broke out in 1929?

There are even many "villages without girls" in Japan, because farmers can't live on, so they can only send their daughters out to be prostitutes.

There was a report in the "Women" magazine: In order to survive the famine, the impoverished Konishikuni Village in Yamagata Prefecture sold 397 girls to brothels, and there were no more girls in the village.

This report shocked the whole of Japan, and the Yamagata County Government Office argued that there were indeed 397 women who went out, but only 109 were prostitutes.

However, the turmoil in Yamagata Prefecture has not yet settled down. Villages such as Maize Village and Shimo Village in Akita Prefecture, and Akinomiya Village in Yukatsu County have also become the targets of media coverage because a large number of young girls have become prostitutes.

Later, "Village Without Girls" could no longer attract attention, because Tai Sikong was common, and a large number of villagers committed suicide with their families and became a new hot spot of public opinion.

Until 1935, the height of Japanese women regressed greatly, with an average height of only 1.48 meters, and the average life expectancy of men dropped to 44 years. Even many urban women in Japan have taken off their Western-style blouses and skirts and changed into kimonos, the only way to cover their bony calves.

Japan's invasion of China was not just a group of militants clamoring, but to the point where it was impossible not to fight. Only by fighting can Japan's domestic contradictions be transformed, and the collapsed economy can be saved by using the operation of military enterprises and foreign plunder.

Not to mention that the Japanese people are innocent. Every Japanese at that time enjoyed the dividends of the war of aggression against China, and they couldn't even afford to eat without a war.

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