"Presumably most of my classmates haven't read my new book yet," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "Let me tell you a historical story first. About 400 years ago, the emperor of the Aztec Empire in America sent the navigator Columbus Crossed the Atlantic Ocean and discovered a new continent called Europe. In the next two hundred years, the Aztec Empire sent colonial troops to carry out bloody colonial massacres against Europe..."

A few words directly confused the students, and they began to reflect on whether they had learned fake history.

Finally, some students couldn't hold back, stood up without waiting to raise their hands and shouted: "Mr. Zhou, you made a mistake. Columbus was a European. He discovered the New World of America. It was Europe that colonized and slaughtered America."

"Oh, is it so?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled suspiciously, and asked, "Then why did Europeans go to America to colonize, and not Americans to go to Europe to colonize?"

Immediately, a student replied: "Because Europe is more advanced than America. When Europe sailed, it was about to enter the era of industrial civilization, while America was still a primitive agricultural society."

Zhou Hexuan didn't seem to understand this, and asked the bottom line: "In ancient times, the ancient humans scattered all over the world should have similar starting points of civilization. But why didn't the Americas enter the industrial civilization first?"

"Because..." The student was speechless, not knowing how to answer.

"Then let me ask again," Zhou Hexuan continued, "If human history repeats itself, is there any possibility that the Americans or Africans were the first to develop industrial civilization and colonize Europe and Asia?"

The student faltered, "It's also... possible."

"It's absolutely impossible. Even if we go back in time, it can only be Europeans or Asians who first entered the industrial age and then colonized America, Australia and Africa," Zhou Hexuan said firmly, "This is my new book "Guns, Cannons, Bacteria and Steel", the main content to be described."

A female student raised her hand weakly and asked, "Mr. Zhou, is it because Europeans and Asians are smarter?"

"Of course not," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "Comparing all races in the world from the moment of birth, the IQ is not much different. But why did the world develop into what it is now? And it will inevitably develop into what it is now? Text , system, technology... these factors are irrelevant, the most important thing is the development of agriculture."

The students in the audience showed puzzled expressions, and quietly listened to Zhou Hexuan's words.

Zhou Hexuan continued:

"If human society wants to develop and reproduce, the prerequisite is to survive. The way to survive is nothing more than fishing, farming, hunting and nomadic means. In ancient times, human beings rarely settled down and lived and reproduced in a certain place for a period of time , it is necessary to migrate to obtain a more sufficient source of food. But agriculture has changed all this. The development of agriculture has brought about settlement, which is a very important foundation and has greatly improved the ability of primitive humans to fight against nature. In addition to settlement, it is The domestication of plants and animals, the domestication of plants into whole grains, and the domestication of animals into poultry and livestock are the basis for the development of human society.

Why do I say that, even if we go back in time, Europeans and Asians were the first to develop industrial civilization?

Let’s look at animals first. There are 14 known large domesticated animals, 13 of which appeared in Eurasia, including cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and so on. As for the Americas, it is very bad, there is only one species, called alpaca.

By the way, there are no horses in America. The current horses in America are all descendants brought by Europeans. Cattle can be farmed, and horses can be used for war and transportation, which greatly improves production efficiency. For Americans, they have no horses and cattle, and they are inherently inferior to Europeans and Asians.

Followed by plants, the domestication of plants is too critical. Nowadays, regardless of the East and the West, the staple food is plants, and America and Africa are also very bad in this respect.

From the world map, we can see that Eurasia is a horizontal continent with little climate difference. Under primitive farming conditions, domesticated plants in Eurasia can spread very quickly. As for America and Africa, they belong to vertical continents, and the climates at different latitudes are very different. Today's Mexico and the United States are next to each other, but it took three thousand years for Mexican corn to spread to North America, and it took the development of agricultural technology. In the era of primitive agriculture, it was impossible to grow corn on a large scale in North America.

From this we can conclude that Eurasia has an inherent advantage. The domestication of animals and plants allowed Eurasian humans to settle and develop a complex social system. A large number of people were freed from primary labor and had the energy and time to develop technology, writing, and create guns and steel, step by step to achieve the leading position .

Why did I mention bacteria in the book? It's about animals. The ancestors of Eurasian humans, because they domesticated various animals, stayed with these animals for a long time, got used to the germs on animals, and greatly improved their resistance. This bacterial immunity is also inherited. When European colonists conquered the Americas, they not only relied on advanced weapons, but also the germs they brought with them. These germs are incomprehensible to Americans, they have never encountered them in their ancestors, and they will immediately get sick and often die when they come into contact with them..."

Zhou Hexuan spoke for half an hour, and the students in the audience suddenly realized that they all had the feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds.

The history they read in the past was the history of a certain dynasty, a certain country, and a certain nation, but what Zhou Hexuan talked about today is the history of the entire human race.

"Mr. Zhou, according to you, both Europeans and Asians have advantages. Why is China lagging behind Europe?" Suddenly a student asked.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "This is a good question. The advancement of the Eurasian continent is a historical necessity, but the backwardness of the Chinese is an accident in the inevitable. This involves the geographical location of East Asia, as well as the influence of culture and system. But China is inevitable. It will be revived again, because China has a very profound accumulation of heritage, and no one can lose everything in one or two hundred years. For the specific discussion, you can read my new book, and I will not describe it in detail.”

The previous student stood up again and said, "Mr. Zhou, you haven't answered my question yet, why are you advocating dictatorship?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled slightly: "Student, that is just my personal academic point of view, you can choose not to believe it. Moreover, I am not calling for dictatorship, I am advocating democratic centralization. As for the freedom and democracy you pursue, if you have the opportunity, You can go to European and American countries and observe the people at the bottom. You can see their living conditions, and you will know what kind of democracy is in Europe and America today. It is the democracy of capitalists and politicians, and has nothing to do with ordinary people .”

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