Despite the difficult economic situation in post-war Britain, the stock market was thriving. Especially industrial stocks, from the announcement of Germany's surrender to the election of Attlee as Prime Minister, the industrial stock index of the London Stock Exchange soared from 103 points to 118 points, and it continued to be bullish.

Ornish chose the best time to list a pharmaceutical company—during the war, the London Stock Exchange was closed for three days, and people didn't have much thought about investing in stocks. In another six months, the British Labor Party government will promulgate the "Investment Control Act", which will limit the number of new shares issued and will be subject to extremely strict scrutiny.

It is listed now, just in time for the first express train of the stock market recovery, but all industrial stocks will soar. When the "Investment Control Law" is promulgated, it will be difficult to issue new shares, which will once again trigger a new wave of investment, and people will frantically buy old shares that have been issued.

However, for speculators, the British stock market at this time is not friendly. Although it seems that what you buy can go up, the nerves of the British are extremely fragile, and a slight disturbance in the international situation will cause shocks in the British stock market.

For example, in August 1948, the Soviet Union suddenly blocked Berlin, and the British stock index plummeted immediately-wow, is it going to war again? Everyone sell stocks quickly.

Zhou Hexuan only hopes that the Labor Party government will not focus on his pharmaceutical company, otherwise it may be nationalized someday. Historically, the British steel industry has been ecstatic. In the early 1950s, the steel industry was nationalized by the Labor Party, and soon privatized by the Conservative Party, then nationalized by the Labor Party, and then privatized by the Conservative Party... ... This tossing and turning can make people completely confused.

At the beginning, the nationalization and privatization policies were all motivated by the support and promotion of the national economy, but later they gradually became tools of political struggle between the Conservative Party and the Labor Party, and entrepreneurs were at a loss as to what to do in the middle.

The United States is better, that is the paradise of capitalists.

Zhou Hexuan can't figure out how much money he has now. Anyway, the stock price of "Royal Pharmaceutical Company" has doubled 12 times within a week. Although the war is over, the patents of sulfonamide and penicillin are there. These two magic drugs are enough to last for 20 years, and investors are already jealous.

King George VI has reached the point where he treats money like dung. The king didn't make a fuss about increasing his shareholding, and he didn't care about the rise in stock prices.

On Sunday, Zhou Hexuan visited Buckingham Palace and found that King George VI was a little nervous. He was irritable and irritable during the war. After the war, he suddenly relaxed and indulged in smoking and drinking all day long. It is said that he smoked several packs of cigarettes a day. No wonder he developed lung cancer in a few years.


On July 26, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom jointly issued the "Potsdam Proclamation": Allied countries will continue to fight against Japan until Japan stops resisting completely, and the Japanese government must surrender immediately.

At this time, the Soviet Union's military strength in the Far East was still weak. Stalin was afraid that the Japanese would make a fuss, so he did not sign the "Potsdam Proclamation" for the time being. The Japanese government refused to surrender, and even shouted the slogan "100 million people will die".

On the day when Japan refused to surrender, the "Kamikaze Special Forces" also attacked once, using a suicide attack to sink the American heavy cruiser "USS Indianapolis"-this cruiser had just finished transporting the atomic bomb and was preparing to return.

Let's take a look at the Chinese version of the team song of "Kamikaze": "Kamikaze, Kamikaze, I am Wu Weiyang, and I am victorious in all battles, and I am Pacific... the athletes are all heroes."

This song was written by a Chinese, that is, Chen Gexin, the author of "Night Shanghai". This big traitor also!

Many years later, Ms. Long Yingtai gave a speech at the University of Hong Kong. She missed the cultural traitor Chen Gexin very much, and used Chen Gexin's death to satirize the mainland's persecution of artists. As a result, hehe, the teachers and students of the University of Hong Kong sang "My Motherland" in response (those who are interested can search for related videos).

On the third day after the "Potsdam Proclamation" was released, Zhou Hexuan met Churchill in London. This dude slipped away before the end of the meeting, and didn't even attend the closing ceremony, because he was no longer the protagonist.

"Writing this little content in a few years?" Churchill held the manuscript of "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" with tens of thousands of words in his hand, with a look of disgust.

Zhou Hexuan said angrily, "If you don't want to read it, return it to me."

Churchill quickly put away the manuscript, smoked a cigar and said, "Put it here first. You have to speed up, don't wait for my memoir to be finished, your "Legend of Galactic Heroes" is still serialized."

"Take your time, don't worry." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Since Japan sent troops to Southeast Asia, "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" has been discontinued in the UK because it is too difficult to send manuscripts. The serialization resumed a few days ago, and the Yinying fans in the UK were so excited. They didn't expect to see the follow-up content in their lifetime.

Churchill flipped through the manuscript slowly, raised his legs and said, "I heard that you were imprisoned by that little donkey for half a year?"

"You are very well informed." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

"The British ambassador to China said in the letter," Churchill said, "that little stupid donkey is the most idiotic leader I have ever seen. His brain is made of wood and he can't communicate at all."

Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile: "Are you jealous that he hasn't stepped down yet, but you yourself have nothing to do all day?"

"Jealous? Hehe, would I be jealous of him? It's just a joke." Churchill's face was a little ugly, obviously he was worried about Attlee's becoming Prime Minister.

Zhou Hexuan said comfortingly: "Look aside, the British don't need war now."

Churchill shook his head and said: "Britain still has too many international problems to solve, and Attlee's diplomatic philosophy is too weak. Just watch, the British will find that they need a tough prime minister, and I will make a comeback in four years. "

Fascinated with self-confidence.

The two stopped talking about politics, but about literature. Churchill was about to start his path to the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In the next month, Zhou Hexuan waved banknotes to buy and buy in the UK, buying those old manors and castles. The tourist attractions that will be full of tourists in the future are now cheaper than the next, and the cost of renovation is estimated to be higher than the housing price.

As for British companies, Zhou Hexuan is not prepared to take over, because the Labor Party's future nationalization reforms are too powerful.

The real hot spot for investment is still Japan, which will be in ruins after the war. How cool it is to buy a few streets of land in Tokyo.

In the 1980s, the Japanese were clamoring to buy the entire United States, but Zhou Hexuan could stand in the center of Tokyo and say: "This street is mine, and that street is also mine. Well, the streets over there are still mine. .”

The time for Zhou Hexuan to act soon came. On August 9, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

The last straw that broke the camel's back has appeared, and the next thing is to wait for Japan to surrender.

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