The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 1051 1050 [Tokyo Barbecue and Big Counterattack]

According to many later generations, the "Chongqing Bombing" lasted from February 1938 to August 1943. In fact, until 1944, Chongqing was still being bombed, but the urban area was no longer bombed, and the Japanese invaders targeted factories and military installations.

Even in December 1944, Japanese planes were still bombing Liangping, Wanzhou, Kaixian and other surrounding areas of Chongqing.

At the same time that Japan ended its bombing of Chongqing, the United States began its bombing of Tokyo!

On November 24, 1944, the US military sent 88 bombers to attack Tokyo. The effect of the bombing was not obvious, only a Japanese aircraft factory was slightly injured, but it opened the prelude to the bombing of Tokyo.

The U.S. military used daytime precision bombing tactics in Europe, specifically to blow up important military targets in Germany. But this bombing tactic is not suitable in Japan, because the weather there is so bad that it is difficult for pilots to accurately find targets at high altitudes.

As a result, the Yankees, who suffered heavy losses on the Pacific battlefield, began to carry out nightly carpet bombing of major cities in Japan. This tactic is targeted. One is that many Japanese military parts are produced in small workshops scattered in residential areas; the other is that Japanese cities are mostly wooden buildings, which are very suitable for barbecues.

In the following nine months, the U.S. military launched 33,000 sorties to bomb 98 cities in Japan, dropping 160,000 tons of bombs, killing and burning 230,000 people, and injuring and burning 350,000 people. 24% of the houses in Japan were turned into ruins, 1,600 aircraft were destroyed, and 1,650 ships were sunk and injured.

Why is it called the Big Bombing of Tokyo?

Because Tokyo was the worst bombed, only three bombings in 1945 caused 140,000 deaths in Tokyo, more than 50% of the houses in the city were burned down, and more than 1 million Tokyo citizens were homeless.

Compared with the "Tokyo Bombing" that lasted nine months, the damage caused by the two atomic bombs to Japan was minimal. Incendiary bombs are so cool to blow up. Take the air raid on March 9, 1945 as an example. More than 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped, and an area of ​​41 square kilometers in the center of Tokyo was directly burned to rubble. Nearly 100,000 Tokyo citizens became mobile torch.

In many cases, people in Tokyo were not burned to death or bombed to death, but suffocated to death due to lack of oxygen. Even if they could find a safe place to hide, all the surrounding buildings were burning, and the flames emptied the oxygen in the air, and they could only wait for death wherever they fled.

To be honest, even if Japan is victorious in the Pacific, just a few months of bombing Tokyo will make it difficult for them to continue. 24% of the houses in the country were burned down by incendiary bombs. How can Japan fight wars?

This series of air strikes is also known as the "Li Mei fire attack", which can be called the most fire attack in the history of human warfare, and the fire burned all over Japan.

Until the 21st century, there were still many elderly Japanese who stood up and accused the U.S. military of their inhuman behavior. They completely ignored the Japanese army's brutal aggression against the people of Asian countries, and kept saying that the Japanese civilians were innocent, while the US military imposed the trauma of the war on the Japanese people.


If it weren't for the countless small workshops scattered in Japanese residential buildings, which continuously provided parts and prefabricated parts for Japanese military enterprises, would the U.S. military have changed their tactics and bombed Japanese urban areas?

Let's turn the calendar to 1945—

In January, the Soviet Union occupied Warsaw, and the Chinese Expeditionary Force and the Chinese Army in India successfully joined forces.

In February, the U.S. Army occupied the capital of the Philippines, the Soviet Army occupied Budapest, and Finland officially declared war on the Axis Powers.

In March, Hitler ordered the self-destruction of all of Germany, and the Soviet army occupied the Austrian capital.

Roosevelt died in April, and Truman became president. The Soviet army surrounded Berlin, the US army captured Leipzig, the Soviet army and the US army joined forces at the Elbe River, and then the Soviet army occupied Berlin. Mussolini was executed and Hitler committed suicide. The preparatory meeting for the founding of the United Nations opens in San Francisco.

In May, the Canadian army occupied Amsterdam, Germany surrendered unconditionally, and finally Germany was destroyed.

On the Chinese battlefield, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have gone crazy. They fought more than 20,000 battles last year, wiped out nearly 200,000 Japanese and puppet troops, recovered more than 20 county towns (the last chapter was to conquer county towns, and some county towns were captured and lost), and liberated more than 17 million compatriots. This offensive against Japan continued until the summer of 1945, and the Japanese invaders on the battlefield behind enemy lines were powerless to stop them.

The war has reached this point, and Japan's economy has long since collapsed. The treatment of the Japanese soldiers on the battlefield behind the enemy lines was not much better than that of the soldiers of the national army. Some Japanese soldiers even started to play straw sandals like the Chinese.

The reason for this situation is that the Japanese army transferred most of the materials in the occupied areas to the front line to fight the decisive battle with the national army-just like Stilwell transferred materials from the Chinese theater to the Burmese battlefield.

This series of situations are all chained. Stilwell's big counterattack to Burma left China empty of materials and soldiers on the frontal battlefield, and was defeated by Japan in Henan, Hunan and Guangxi. In order to realize the "Operation No. 1" plan, the Japanese army left the Japanese-occupied areas empty of supplies and soldiers, and the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army took the opportunity to counterattack for more than a year.

At the same time, Chang Kaishen shouted the slogan "One Hundred Thousand Youths, One Hundred Thousand Army", formed 35 new infantry divisions, and formulated a plan to counterattack Southwest and South China in February 1945. In the spring of the same year, the Supreme Command of the Chinese theater formulated the "White Tower Plan" and decided to launch a general counter-offensive against the Japanese invaders in the fall.

In the spring and summer, the national army carried out the Battle of Western Henan and Northern Hubei and the Battle of Western Hunan at the same time, which opened the prelude to China's frontal battlefield counter-offensive.

Facing the pincer attack of the Chinese army on the frontal battlefield and the enemy's rear battlefield, the Japanese invaders continued to retreat, so they could only make such a plan: "Even if the situation has reached the last moment, we must ensure the important areas around Nanjing, Peiping and Wuhan."

In other words, the Japanese army was very pessimistic about the situation in the Chinese battlefield. Except for the Northeast, they only wanted to defend the areas of Beiping, Nanjing and Wuhan.

Last year's Henan, Hunan, and Guangxi defeats, the Japanese army seemed to have won a complete victory, but its logistical materials in the Chinese battlefield have been consumed countlessly, and it is difficult to provide follow-up support after being bombed by the US military in the country. .

The Japanese army in China in 1945 was in a very difficult situation, whether it was the battlefield behind the enemy or the frontal battlefield, and they could not resist the joint attack of the national army and the communist army at all.

By August, the national army had already regained part of the land in the provinces of Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Henan, and Suiyuan on the frontal battlefield. In July, Lao Jiang even formulated a plan to counterattack Guangzhou, wanting to take back Guangzhou by force, trying to open up a sea supply route for international support.

Therefore, even if the United States did not drop the atomic bomb, even if the Soviet Union did not send troops, the armies of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party would be able to drive away the Japanese invaders by their own strength.

Because, Japan has run out of oil and its lamps are dying, and the day is at a dead end.

In July, U.S. President Truman ordered the use of atomic bombs, and another old friend of Zhou Hexuan, Attlee, was elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Under the constant urging of his cheap father-in-law Ornis, Zhou Hexuan finally set off for the UK, because the pharmaceutical company needs his signature to go public. At the same time, he brought his daughter Zhou Chunxi with him, and Ornis roared in the telegram that he wanted to see his granddaughter...

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