The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 1047 1046 [U.S. military compromise]

Regarding the crimes committed by the US military stationed in China, the attitudes of China and the United States are surprisingly consistent. That is to hear the verdict quickly and minimize the impact of the case before the situation escalates.

In Stilwell's words, the US military agencies near the scene of the incident were ordered to make a decision as soon as possible.

What is the result?

It is often the temporary military courts of the United States that "enforce the law impartially" and do whatever they want. However, the verdict must be handed over to a formal institution and signed by a military judge to take effect. The military judge will change the verdict on the grounds of insufficient evidence and transfer the soldiers involved to another place to continue serving. They don’t even bother to transfer to another place. The Chinese don’t know about it anyway. .

China and the United States have fooled the Chinese people again and again, and have deceived the Chinese people into confusion.

But this time there were twists and turns. Three American officers refused to accept the verdict of the temporary military court. They insisted that it was Zhou Hexuan who instigated the mob attack and caused serious physical harm and psychological trauma to them. Zhou Hexuan and his bodyguards must be severely punished.

At the same time, they do not admit their guilt. They said he molested and raped a female student as normal social interaction; he shot a Chinese police officer as self-defense; he hit and injured a passerby with his car as an accident while avoiding an attack.

The guy whose balls were kicked out even wrote a letter to an American reporter in China, and made some nonsense that was about to lead to an international diplomatic incident. Fortunately, the United States also has a wartime press control system. Press releases that harm relations with allies need to be strictly censored, and the manuscripts are ordered to be canceled before publication.

The U.S. troops stationed in Chongqing followed suit and collectively protested against the Chinese slander and demanded severe punishment for Zhou Hexuan, the mastermind of the injury. They even sent a telegram to the U.S. Army Headquarters (Yunnan) assisting China. Even Stilwell, who was far away on the front line in Myanmar, knew about it and asked the U.S. Army Office in Chongqing and the U.S. Embassy in China to handle the matter properly.

Chang Kaishen was afraid of affecting Sino-US relations and immediately summoned Zhou Hexuan. The general idea was to ask Lao Zhou to give in and give him some compensation, and said that the US military's temporary military court would also cooperate. Zhou Hexuan only needed to hire an attorney to appear in court.

Zhou Hexuan was so angry that he slammed the table and left, saying that he didn't want any money, but his life. Anyone who wanted to pay would pay it himself.

What Zhou Hexuan didn't expect was that Chiang Kai-shek actually planned to allocate funds to help him compensate...

Before the second hearing, U.S. Ambassador to China Goss and Assistant Director and Charge d'Affaires of the U.S. Far East Division Atchison visited at the same time.

"Mr. Zhou, excuse me!"

"Please take a seat, both of you."

Gauss went straight to the topic and said: "Mr. Zhou, I believe you should know the purpose of our visit. China and the United States are allies, and we cannot destroy the alliance relationship just because of a trivial matter. Therefore, I think this matter should be downplayed."

Zhou Hexuan sneered: "What do you want me to do?"

Gauss said: "Mr. Zhou will ask a lawyer to represent him in court. We will also punish the US military involved in the case, and you only need to bear a compensation."

"So, how should the US troops involved in the case be punished?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

"Accidentally hurting someone, provoking trouble." Goss said.

Zhou Hexuan said: "I think it should not be tried by a temporary court. If it is changed to a formal military court, then I am willing to appear in court in person. As far as I know, most of the judgments of the US military temporary court have been changed when the military judge signs. "

Gauss was a little embarrassed. Just as he was about to speak, Atchison, who was standing next to him, suddenly interrupted: "Mr. Zhou, our Far East Department and the U.S. Army Assistance to China Command have very consistent opinions. Everyone takes a step back and minimizes the big issue. Please consider the overall situation, Mr. Zhou." Heavy."

Zhou Hexuan did not speak, but returned to the study to get a stack of files, threw them on the coffee table and said, "You two can read it yourself. This is just the criminal files of the US military in Sichuan, with more than 300 cases from 1939 to now. I don’t know if you are here to aid China in the war, or if you are here to murder and maim the Chinese people!”

Gauss and Acheson casually flipped through a few pages, both feeling ashamed.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry," Gauss stood up and bowed. "On behalf of the US military in China, I apologize to the Chinese people. I will notify the US military in China headquarters and ask them to strictly restrain the behavior of the soldiers."

Zhou Hexuan sneered: "If restraint is effective, why use the court for it?"

Aiqison asked: "How do you think Mr. Zhou should solve it?"

"Revise the "Exchange of Letters" between China and the United States." Zhou Hexuan said.

"Impossible, this is a diplomatic document that has been determined by the two governments." Acheson immediately objected, because the "Exchange of Letters" was signed by him, thus establishing the special jurisdiction of the US military stationed in China.

Zhou Hexuan did not back down: "Then there is only one way to make this matter bigger and try it as you want! At the same time, I will call President Roosevelt of your country to question and file a complaint with the Allied Far East Commission!"

Gauss frowned and said, "Mr. Zhou, let us go back and discuss it again."

"I won't send it away," Zhou Hexuan said.

The two Americans left Zhou's mansion, frowning all the way.

"What should I do?" Gauss asked.

"What else can be done?" Aiqison shook his head and said, "Those idiots in the army should be punished. Just as Zhou Hexuan said, transfer the three officers involved to a formal military court and try them strictly in accordance with military law. No, He should be tried harshly and sentenced to attempted rape!"

"Where is the injured policeman?" Goss asked again.

"The military will be responsible for compensation for all injured Chinese," Acheson said.

"This is the only way," Gauss sighed. "Fortunately, the policeman is not dead, otherwise Zhou Hexuan would definitely hold on to him."

In the eyes of rich people, money is just a number.

In the eyes of those in power, human life is also just a number.

Whether it is Gauss, Acheson, Stilwell, or Chang Kaishen, they do not care about the life or death of the parties involved in this case. They only care about the overall situation of the war, and they can sacrifice everything for the small people. If Zhou Hexuan's influence was not too great, Zhou Hexuan would be the one who was sacrificed.

Gauss and Acheson both wore the same trousers as Stilwell. Their current focus was to force the Nationalist Government to abandon its attack on the Eighth Route Army and to connect the northern and southern battlefields of China to combat the arrogance of the Japanese army.

But old Jiang Ming was stubborn and refused to give in. Now the conflict between the two sides has reached the critical point.

At such a critical moment, there must be no extraneous matters. Once the incident gets serious, Zhou Hexuan's social influence will inevitably arouse anti-American sentiment among the Chinese people.

Not to mention that the three U.S. troops involved were unreasonable. Even if they were completely innocent and it was Zhou Hexuan who took the initiative to provoke and hurt others, they would be abandoned by the U.S. military.

This has nothing to do with law or justice.

In the face of politics, law and justice have to stand aside.

In just half a month, the formal U.S. military court pronounced its verdict and it was signed by the military judge and took effect. All the criminal records of three American officers during their service were uncovered. One of them was sentenced to death, one was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and the other was sentenced to 10 years in prison. All medical expenses for injured police officers and passers-by will be compensated by special funds allocated by the US military.

The three officers and their comrades-in-arms still refused to accept the verdict, but their objections were suppressed by the military, and all relevant reports could not be published in China and the United States.

Zhou Hexuan was very satisfied with this handling, but he was just a little regretful. He originally wanted to use this incident to amend the Sino-US "Exchange of Letters" treaty, but it turned out that the Americans were not fools, and actually solved the matter without any loopholes.

There is no way, we are still in the anti-fascist war, and the US military is willing to make compromises for the sake of the overall situation.

If we wait until the end of World War II, the Americans will not be willing to give in. The "Shen Chong Incident" has caused so much trouble that the US military has not made the slightest concession.

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