The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 1013 1012 [Zhou Weilie's College Entrance Examination]

The international war in 1942 was changing rapidly.

The Soviet Union had ended its winter offensive and was once again on the defensive. Japan was arrogant in Southeast Asia, and the Southeast Asian colonial troops of the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Netherlands continued to surrender, and the Japanese army had thus far won a complete victory in the Southern Front Campaign.

At the same time, due to the harassment of the Communist Party's troops behind enemy lines and the Volunteer Army, the Japanese army began to implement the "Three Alls Policy" in the occupied areas of North China.

Facing the unfavorable situation in the early stage of the Pacific War, the United States dispatched a bomber formation to launch the "Doolittle Air Raid" against Japan. Sixteen land-based bombers took off directly from the aircraft carrier and bombed 10 military-industrial targets in Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, and Nagoya.

Although the bombing effect this time was minimal, its impact was enormous.

After news of the U.S. air raid on Japan came out, both China and the U.S. were elated. However, the prestige of the Japanese government in the hearts of the people has been shaken, and Japanese people are increasingly questioning whether the government has the ability to win the war.

The Japanese Army immediately blamed the Navy, and the Navy had no choice but to transfer the aircraft carrier formation from the Indian Ocean back to the mainland. It is very depressing for the navy. They can make meritorious deeds in the Indian Ocean, but they can only watch others make meritorious deeds in the defense of their own waters.

Ever since, Yamamoto Fifty-Six chanted the slogan "If the U.S. Pacific Fleet is not destroyed, the empire will have no peace", and resolutely launched the "Battle of Midway Island". In this battle, the Japanese navy suffered heavy losses, which became a turning point in the comparison of naval forces between the United States and Japan.

Since the outbreak of the Pacific War at the end of last year, the fiat currency has experienced an unprecedented depreciation. Japan threw the legal currency in the occupied areas to the Kuomintang-controlled areas and the liberated areas, and mixed a large number of counterfeit coins. While earning a lot of supplies, it also severely impacted the financial market in non-occupied areas.

The Liberated Areas had to ban legal currency and use the "anti-money" issued by the Communist Party instead, while the Nationalist government chose another way to retaliate - printing counterfeit banknotes, counterfeiting counterfeit money.

This matter was planned and executed by Dai Li himself, and through the traitor Zhou Fohai, he obtained the banknote printing version of the Japanese puppet bank, and then contacted the American banknote printing factory through Song Ziwen to imitate it. These counterfeit banknotes were issued by the Wang puppet government and were imitated by the US banknote printing factory and shipped back to Chongqing soon. They were specially used to buy goods and bribe traitors in the enemy-occupied areas.

However, these counterfeit banknotes were quickly discovered, not because they were printed too fake, but because they were printed too genuinely.

The counterfeit banknotes imitated by the Wang Puppet Government in the United States are more like real banknotes than real banknotes due to their excellent paper and exquisite printing, and people can spot the difference at a glance.

As a last resort, Dai Li had no choice but to set up a counterfeit banknote factory in Geleshan, Chongqing, and finally put an end to the shortcomings of counterfeit banknotes printed too authentically. Although the Wang puppet government severely cracked down on counterfeit banknotes, there was no way to do it. By the time of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, one yuan of every thousand yuan "China Reserve Certificate" was a counterfeit coin printed by Dai Li.

Coincidentally, the Japanese and puppets are also frantically manufacturing counterfeit banknotes in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and liberated areas. But the "anti-money" issued by the Communist Party is rougher, and even has some rough edges, and the "anti-coin" made by the Japanese puppet is more real than the real one...

At the end of May, Zhou Weilie successfully passed the high school graduation exam.

Regarding his son's choice of school, Zhou Hexuan and Zhang Leyi had a month-long dispute, and finally had to let his son make his own decision. Zhang Leyi tried hard to persuade her all day long, but Zhou Hexuan didn't say a word, and directly threw Hua Luogeng's thesis to his son.

Without any suspense, Zhou Weilie chose Southwest Associated University.

Due to the lack of time, Zhou Hexuan could only ask Sun Yonghao to take Wei Lie to Kunming by plane. Zhang Leyi also wanted to follow, but unfortunately she was pregnant and it was impossible for her family to let her run around.

This year's college entrance examination has canceled the unified examination, and instead implemented the joint enrollment district system. There are only two universities in Kunming District, with Southwest Associated University as the convening school, and the examination venue is also set at Southwest Associated University. Registration, proposition and marking are stipulated by the Ministry of Education, but the specific operation is decided by the examination area itself.

It's much better now. The college entrance examination questions before the Anti-Japanese War were really tricky. For example, in the independent proposition of the National Beiyang Institute of Technology in 1933, the first topic of the first session was composition, and the topic was: Chang Kaishen did not resist Japan, Song Ziwen borrowed money from Europe and the United States, try to state the facts and comment on it.

After arriving in Kunming, Sun Yonghao took his young master to choose a hotel in the city, and then went to the office of Southwest Associated University to sign up. It was almost the deadline, and there were not many students who signed up for the exam, so they went in without queuing.

The person in charge of the registration was a middle-aged man. He looked at Sun Yonghao and Zhou Weilie and said, "Please show the relevant documents."

Sun Yonghao quickly took out his ID and said, "This is my young master's high school diploma."

The middle-aged man casually picked up his graduation certificate and flipped through it. He was obviously taken aback for a moment, and asked, "The kid just turned 12?"

Zhou Weilie said: "I'm 12 years old and three months old, and my imaginary age is 13. Also, I'm not a child, you can call me Classmate Zhou."

"Okay, classmate Zhou," the middle-aged man said rather curiously, "are you sure you can get into college?"

Zhou Weilie said: "I want to study in Southwest Associated University. I like mathematics. I want to be Professor Hua Luogeng's student."

"Be ambitious, I wish you success in the exam." The middle-aged man took out a registration form and asked Zhou Weilie to fill it out.

I lived in Kunming for a few more days, and finally waited until the official exam started.

Perhaps because of the good food and being forced to exercise daily, Zhou Weilie has grown rapidly in the past two years, and has already exceeded 1.5 meters, which is very rare in the Republic of China where malnutrition is common. He walked into the examination room alone, but he didn't attract much attention, because there were candidates who were shorter than him.

Check the admission ticket, enter the venue, issue papers, and start the exam.

First of all, let me explain that there are four sets of examination papers in Southwest Associated University at this time.

The subjects are slightly different, divided into "grammar group" and "science and engineering group", that is, arts and science sub-examinations. On this basis, it is further divided into examination papers in the rear area and examination papers in occupied areas. The examination papers in occupied areas are simpler to reflect the concern for students in enemy-occupied areas.

Zhou Weilie took the science papers in the rear area. Mathematics, physics and chemistry are more difficult, and literature and history are relatively simple.

The first subject, Chinese.

The first question, composition: describe the most profound impression of childhood.

Zhou Weilie didn't start to do the questions directly, but browsed through all the questions, and then came back to write the composition. This kid didn't even write a draft, and started working on the test paper directly. He wrote that when he first moved to Chongqing, his father took his brothers and sisters to fish on the river. In the end, I came to the conclusion that there are laws in everything, which requires careful discovery and mastery, and at the same time, the courage to ask for advice. Anyone may know more than you.

The second question is the translation style of classical Chinese.

It is to translate classical Chinese into vernacular, and you also need to segment sentences yourself, because the given article has no punctuation. This question is not bad, Zhou Weilie roughly understands it, and the translation is almost perfect.

The third question is translation of style into classical Chinese.

Well, translating vernacular Chinese into classical Chinese is Zhou Weilie's super weakness. He struggled for a long time and finally finished the translation after stumbling around. Only God knows how many points he will get. Fortunately, this is a science paper, and the liberal arts paper must drive him crazy.

No, that's all. There are only three questions in the language test.

The seven courses were tested for a total of three days, including history and geography, and the total score of the two courses was 100. Only one subject, physics and chemistry, is optional.

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