The next day.

A total of twelve Indian progressive writers gathered at the manor. They are: Chairman of the Progressive Writers Association Premchand, Vice Chairman Anand, Secretary-General Alim, former Secretary-General Sajad, Mumbai writer leader Abbas, Haider Uddin, the leader of Raba writers... originally received invitations for more writers, but were absent due to various reasons.

This time it was not a formal meeting, but a meeting of progressive writers and leaders.

The gathering place was on the grass in the manor. There were obviously enough chairs and benches, but everyone sat on the floor with plates of fruits in front of them. When it's meal time, a banana leaf is placed in front of each person. The servant scoops rice onto the banana leaf, and then pours a large spoon of curry soup on it.

There are certainly small spoons, but they are only used to add ingredients and side dishes. People grab them with their hands when eating.

It’s okay to eat with your hands. After all, it’s people’s eating custom. But why does Mao have to squeeze the curry sauce rice with his hands again and again, just like a child playing with mud, shape it into a rice ball and then bring it to his mouth to chew slowly? Coupled with the yellow and black color of the curry rice, it really looks like... ugh!

Zhou Hexuan felt a chill when he saw it, and he took the rice with a spoon honestly.

By the way, Zhou Hexuan and Zhang Leyi had an internal crisis last night, so they ran to the fields outside the manor to resolve their problems. The huge manor didn't even have a toilet. There was a servant following him at that time, and the servant was holding a jar filled with water.

The water in the jar is of course used to wash the buttocks. Under normal circumstances, you have to use your left hand to water it, and finally wash your left hand. Those with power can ask servants to do it for them. For example, last night, a servant wanted to help Zhou Hexuan wash his butt, and Zhou Hexuan was so frightened that he quickly took out a piece of paper to solve the problem. The servant felt aggrieved by this. Perhaps he felt that he had not done a good job, or perhaps he felt that he had been ignored.

Before, they were just chatting with each other, and then they got down to business when they started eating.

The person who presided over the speech was not the chairman and secretary-general of the Indian Progressive Writers Association, but the vice-chairman Anand. The man put down the ball of curry rice in his hand, waved his right hand stained with yellow juice and said: "Gentlemen, Marx once wrote an article to elaborate on the Indian problem: All natural and man-made disasters can only touch the surface of India, while Britain destroys The social structure of India has been destroyed. Indians have lost the old world instead of gaining a new world. We have severed ties with all our traditions and history!"

All the writers shook their heads slightly, expressing their agreement with this view.

Among these people, only one or two were Communist Party of India, but the rest were inclined or sympathetic to the Communist theory. Especially Vice Chairman Anand, who once publicly stated that he was deeply influenced by Marx, and also translated Marx's works to India for serialization.

It may be difficult for everyone to understand why Mao, a large group of high-caste bourgeois writers, would actually choose to sympathize with or even join the Communist Party.

It's actually very simple, they all learned it from the British. In the 1930s, the British yearned for the Soviet Union, and the Indians yearned for the United Kingdom. Soviet communism was introduced to India in a second-hand manner, and was then used to resist British colonial rule.

Since it is a second hand, there is naturally a difference in content. The communism pursued by Indians is a weakened version created by the British. Strictly speaking, it is more similar to reform socialism.

Violent revolution? hehe.

These Indian writers did not dare. While shouting communist slogans, they supported Gandhi's "non-violent non-cooperation movement".

Anand continued: “The mission of our progressive writers, and also the mission of all Indians, is destructive, that is, to destroy the old Asian-style society, and second, constructive, that is, to establish a Western-style modern society in Asia. ! If you want to break the old society and build a new society, you must transform your thoughts and correct your concepts. And the renewal of thoughts and concepts requires the promotion of literary works. This is the work that our Progressive Writers Association of India must do!"

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Writers clapped with their left hands and clapped their right wrists.

Chairman Premchand praised: "Anand said it very well and clearly. We cannot fight alone, we must unite again to expand our influence. Alim, please tell us about the situation of the Writers' Association. "

Secretary-General Alim said: "Since the second congress of the Progressive Writers Association, we have not gathered together for more than three years. In the past three years, our writers have been arrested, our magazines have been closed down, and branches in various places have also been attacked. Devastating damage, the daily work of the Progressive Writers Association has come to a complete standstill. Now things have turned around. The British recognized the independence of India in the "United Nations Declaration", but they refused to fulfill their promises. All Indians should stand up and condemn. In Under such circumstances, the British cannot go too far, and the opportunity for our Progressive Writers Association to make a comeback is here!"

Zhou Hexuan secretly laughed when he heard this. These Indian writers actually had to look at the British for literary promotion, and they had to take advantage of the international trend before they dared to stand up. Looking at China's "Left-Left Alliance" again, the "Five Martyrs of the Left-Left Alliance" appeared shortly after its establishment, and the surviving writers are still fighting for it. The British only arrested writers and sealed magazines, but did not kill anyone at all.

Compared with their Chinese counterparts, Indian writers are too weak and fearful.

Former Secretary-General Thajad smiled and said: "I also agree with Alim's statement that now is a good time for the development of the Progressive Writers' Association. I propose that the third congress of the All India Progressive Writers' Association be convened in the near future to restore the destroyed organization. Everyone recovers!”

Anand added: "Of course, we should not blindly oppose Britain, but seek cooperation in opposition. Now the mainstream of civilized countries around the world is anti-fascist, and we should establish an anti-fascist united front in the Indian literary world. In this way Doing it will not only facilitate the progress of the work, but also gain the support of the British."

"Mr. Anand is really a wise man. We should indeed raise the anti-fascist flag." Mumbai writer leader Abbas praised.

Premchand suddenly asked Zhou Hexuan: "Mr. Zhou, you are one of the founders of the 'International Anti-Fascist Alliance'. Do you have any good suggestions for this?"

The "International Anti-Fascist Alliance" has already spread all over the world, especially in the United States, the United Kingdom and China, and its total global membership has exceeded 200,000. However, this organization is very loose, and most branches have been reduced to reading clubs, with only study, discussion, publicity, donation, international support and other functions left.

As the president of the China Branch of the International Anti-Fascist Alliance, Zhou Hexuan's only role was to promote the Anti-Japanese War, encourage military enlistment and raise donations through the journal "Fei Offensive". Members from all over the country are scattered, there is no organization at all, and no one even regards this as a serious group organization.

Zhou Hexuan said: "I very much support the establishment of an anti-fascist front in the Indian Progressive Writers Association. Fascism is the public enemy of all mankind. In the Axis plan, Germany expanded to the north, west and east, and Italy expanded to the south and east. Expanding eastward, Japan is expanding eastward and southward. Their goal is to occupy the entire Asian, European, and African continents, and India is also within the scope of fascist expansion. The British are just colonizing, and the fascist countries are more brutal. They will Blatantly stealing all your wealth. Tragedies like Germany’s massacre of Jews and Japan’s Nanjing Massacre may happen in India.”

"Mr. Zhou is right, fascists are the devil!" Thagard echoed.

Zhou Hexuan continued: "So the Indian people should not have unrealistic illusions about Japan and think that they are here to liberate India. Now, some of the remaining Indian soldiers in Myanmar have formed an army with the support of Japan. They are helping The Japanese attacked the British army. This is extremely wrong. If the British are robbers, then the Japanese are devils. Dear Indian writer friends, you must write articles to promote it, and don't let Indians become the devil's accomplices."

The writers present shook their heads. They were representatives of the emerging bourgeoisie, and they only wanted to fight for more rights when they opposed Britain. The fascists are so terrible. Maybe one day they will directly massacre and loot, instead of just being colonized by the British.

Zhou Hexuan added: "In order to strengthen the communication and learning between Chinese and Indian writers, I suggest that the Indian Progressive Writers Association and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles have more exchanges. As an honorary director of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, I invite Indian writer friends to visit China."

"I am willing to go to China!" Anand raised his hand.

Anand is indeed the best candidate to visit China. He is the founder and vice-chairman of the Indian Progressive Writers Association. He has a high status but does not have many affairs. I took a flight to China for exchanges and returned to India just in time to attend the Third National Congress. I was able to learn a lot of struggle experience from Chinese progressive writers.

Zhou Hexuan did not expect that Anand's trip to China would directly transform him from a pro-communist to a Communist Party of India. He only stayed in Chongqing for two months before he became a complete admirer of Taizu, and later established a Maoist guerrilla force in rural India.

It was also because of Zhou Hexuan's invitation that the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Indian Progressive Writers' Association strengthened their contacts, and the two sides maintained a close relationship until the early 1960s. It was not until the 1980s that after the literary circles of the two countries re-established contact, Zhou Hexuan was once again known as "the bridge of literary exchanges between China and India."

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