The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 605 Signing the Treaty

But in the end Theodore Roosevelt still took into account the political stance of the representatives behind such a treaty, so in the end the two parties signed a semi-secret agreement, which recognized that Germany and the United States had signed a series of economic and financial agreements, but the specific The content has no comment. Of course, the British government can obtain the content of this treaty through various channels, but even if they obtain the original copy of the treaty, so what? Anyway, the US government does not recognize it. What do you like.

The content of the treaty mainly includes the following aspects: First, from 1905 to 1915, the United States provided Germany with a credit line of 120 million to 150 million US dollars, which stipulated that more than 80% of the funds would be used for Germany to purchase goods from the United States. There is no actual large amount of U.S. dollar flow between the two parties. When the German government uses the funds to purchase, the U.S. government directly pays and keeps accounts.

10% of this loan will be paid in gold, silver and other precious metals, and these payments will be shipped to Germany for Germany to purchase scarce supplies from other countries and maintain financial and currency stability during the war. After the war, The German government will repay the loan in precious metals over eight years.

Secondly, the German government began to repay the loan in accordance with the regulations from 1910, and at the same time, it used Germany's overseas assets as collateral. The German government does not need to pay interest, but it needs to start transforming the infrastructure of the islands in the Far East in accordance with the requirements of the United States.

Beginning with the loan, the United States would acquire Germany's Caroline Islands in the Far East as a colony in 1910 and the Mariana Islands in 1912. And in 1914, the former Spanish kingdom, including Guam, was transferred to Germany's colonies. And before the end of the loan period, Germany will hand over all its Far East colonies to the United States, including but not limited to German Guinea.

In return, the U.S. government will remain neutral after the outbreak of the European War, and continue to maintain trade with Germany based on the principles of freedom of navigation and trade. The U.S. government does not recommend that ships belonging to the United States of America transport supplies for the Allies. The resulting disaster will be borne by the shipping company itself. The German government has determined that it will not attack ships flying the American flag outside Europe. If unexpected things happen, the two parties should resolve these disputes in a cooperative manner and try to minimize the impact.

Judging from the basic content of this treaty, everyone can understand the previous part, which is almost exchanging American money for German colonies in the Far East. At the same time, the United States provided part of the gold loan to Germany, while still being able to purchase external materials during wartime. But the latter issue about shipping has left many people confused.

"The purpose of a businessman is to make enough profit. If there is 10% profit, the businessman will become active; if there is 50% profit, the businessman will take risks; if there is 100% profit, the businessman will risk hanging If there is a 300% profit, then businessmen dare to trample on all human morality and laws. It is impossible for us to prevent American merchant ships from delivering supplies to the British during wartime. to take action under the influence of the amount of profit.

This kind of thing cannot be stopped, the only way is to greet the US government, or some people in the US government, except for the big consortia that are closely related to the interests of Germany, after years of training by His Royal Highness, There are indeed a group of people in the American political circle who harbor great hostility towards Britain and France, and these people really do not take pleasure in things or sorrow for themselves. Unswervingly stand on the side of Germany. Therefore, although it cannot be completely banned, **** also hopes that the US government can restrict exports and transportation to the Allied countries as much as possible,

And reduce the possibility of the relationship between the two countries deteriorating due to misfires.

His Royal Highness is quite aware of the terror of the US emperor. Not to mention Ruprecht who is a time traveler, even the arrogant Mustache is quite afraid of the United States. Before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Mustache tried his best to avoid conflicts with the United States In the conflict, all submarines were told not to attack American ships. On the one hand, the Americans continued to deliver supplies to the British. The destroyer also escorted the convoy.

It cannot be said that there were no conflicts between German submarines and American ships, but they were rare. This situation did not end until the outbreak of the Pacific War. **** Ruprecht doesn't know if Germany can defeat the United States in World War II in this plane, but he knows that if the United States participates in World War I, then Germany will definitely not be able to defeat it! ****The core of His Royal Highness's foreign work is to keep the United States away from the war as much as possible, and up to now, there is a probability of more than 80% that the United States will not participate in the war.

"Is it really right for us to do this?" Earl Schelling asked after the agreement was signed. In his view, Germany has paid too much and too much for this agreement.

"Your Highness, if everything is done according to the agreement, even if we get a lot of war indemnity, we will only be working for the Americans. More importantly, during the war, the US government can embezzle Germany's fixed assets. Seizing the market we have spent more than ten years or even decades developing, will this cause a rebound from domestic capitalists?" Earl Schelling said with some concern.

The German government does not have many overseas assets, and most of all mortgage assets belong to the German bourgeoisie. Such actions are undoubtedly offending! The German government is naturally generous when giving gifts from other people's things, and the person who signed the treaty will naturally become the target of public criticism.

His Royal Highness knows this very well, and although the contents of these treaties were finalized by the prince and the US government, Herbert was the head of the entire German negotiating delegation, and he signed the final signing! At this time, people with a discerning eye could already see that this was ordered by the Kaiser, His Royal Highness Ruprecht acted, and Herbert took the blame! Without the approval of the Kaiser, His Royal Highness would never dare to make such a promise! It even said that if no one was responsible, the Kaiser would not have done it so neatly!

This treaty is not only to win over the Americans, but also a means for the Kaiser to adjust internally! The matter was so hidden that Earl Schelling, who was directly involved in the negotiation, only vaguely felt it, but he still didn't understand the overall context, so he wanted to know something.

"We have no choice. At the same time, doing so is the best choice for the empire. What's more, the sale of assets is also staged and layered. Since the Kaiser agreed, and it is not our fault, then we will fight with Bavaria. It doesn't matter, you can rest assured." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

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