The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 154 What exactly do you want to do?

The Americans are coming, the Spaniards are coming, so the Japanese should come too. Ruprecht guessed half right, because not only the Japanese came, but also the British! Lord Hamilton of the British Navy accompanied Japanese Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu to Munich. This aura alone made His Royal Highness feel very uncomfortable. This is not like a business deal anymore, right?

If the meeting with Dewey was the beginning of Ruprecht's plan, and the meeting with Sevilla was the beginning of the implementation of the plan, then when it comes time to face the British and Japanese representatives, it's time to see the truth! How to say every sentence, what purpose to achieve is carefully thought out, although one wrong step may not be irreversible, but the result will definitely not be good! For this reason, Ruprecht prepared for a whole week before formally meeting the two of them!

"Even though we used to be a bit unhappy with each other, we now have a common object of dislike, so I think our cooperation can still be dedicated. Whether it is the offer from the Argentine or the Spanish, we already know it, £790,000 ! Our offer is higher than the Spaniards. Sell it to us, and you will reap the friendship of our country."

The level of Mutsu Munemitsu is still much better than that of Vera and Dewey, who are half-ordained diplomats. Russia was pointed out at the beginning. This factor that made Ruprecht very depressed, the Russians broke the contract. You and your company have lost money, and you have no better way to get back at your opponent. Well then, sell the battleship to Japan, and we will give you a sigh of relief. This logical chain is very tight, and no loopholes can be found.

"This will be a good deal, and the British Empire thinks so. Russia is too greedy and needs to be contained, and after you make the right choice, you will also gain the favor of the British Empire." Lord Hamilton chimed in .

"Hehe." Prince Ruprecht threw aside the documents sent by the Japanese, his eyes full of contempt and disgust. "At this point, you still want to play tricks with me? Do you really think I'm so easy to fool? Just judging from the documents you handed over just now, there are traps that we can't accept!"

"The completion date of the battleship you requested is September 1897, which is three months earlier than our estimated completion plan! If we are to accept this agreement, then the premium of 20,000 pounds you pay is at most no more than paying Our wages are rushed. And your warships have to use British artillery. On the whole, our profit may not be as much as selling to the Spaniards. This is unacceptable from an economic point of view. I am really stupid. ? Or do you think you are too smart?" Ruprecht's words were very sharp, and he didn't intend to save face for the two people in front of him.

"And you, a British lord, what qualifications do you have to say that I will gain the friendship of the British Empire? Even the Lord of the Admiralty Hood would not dare to say such a thing? Of course, you can walk out of this door without proof. If you don’t admit this matter, none of you will suffer, and I will be teased by you like a clown. There is no sincerity in your negotiations!” Ruprecht said the last few words almost word by word When it came out, the prince's anger was beyond words!

"The price and other conditions can be negotiated." Mutsu Munemitsu was a little flustered. Prince Ruprecht's shrewdness was within his expectation. In the process, he could feel that there seemed to be something more terrifying about the person opposite.

"That's good, tell me, why are you so anxious to order this warship? What's the reason?" Mutsu Munemitsu didn't expect his worries to become reality in the next second! Ruprecht's words directly hit Japan's biggest weakness! Why do the Japanese want it so urgently?

"I don't want to answer, do you? Maybe my curiosity is a little heavier, so how about it. How about we deliver 750,000 pounds in March 1898?" His Royal Highness continued to test.

"You know, Russia has put a lot of pressure on us in the Far East, and after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, we didn't order any new warships except for two second-class battleships. Now we have such an opportunity to put In front of our eyes, we naturally don’t want to miss it.”

"Since 1890, the Russians have completed several battleships. Together with the 10,000-ton cruiser and 2 Munich-class armored cruisers they deployed in the Far East, the Russians' combat effectiveness will far overwhelm us in 1898. So we must complete the response before their forces are deployed to the Far East. Your two warships play a vital role in maintaining the stability of the Far East."

Mutsu Munemitsu is really powerful, a logical chain is very complete, and the blame is directly pushed on the Russians, because the Russians are too strong, so we have to expand the army quickly. There was no money in the past, but now there are cheap ones, and they have already been built half-pull and half-made. Naturally, it is the best choice for the Japanese Navy. So the Japanese are very tight on time, and there is nothing wrong with this logic.

"You're - talking - panic!" Ruprecht glanced at the other party contemptuously. But he doesn't want to dwell on these questions now, because they mean nothing to him. And some things can't be explained. That's going to happen!

"Lord Hamilton, you just said that I will gain the friendship of the British Empire by selling the warship to the Japanese, is that true? Well then, I believe you, put your so-called friendship on the table, I want to see Let's see how much this friendship is worth!" His Royal Highness ignored the Japanese, but locked his eyes on the uneasy British!

"Fuck! I've never seen such a brazen person. Don't you know that this sentence is just polite? You must have done it on purpose!" Lord Hamilton had ten thousand alpacas running wildly in his heart at this moment, but at this time he Just can't show it.

"You are acting on your own will. This kind of behavior should not appear on a prince of a kingdom. We did have some estrangements or misunderstandings in the past, but now, we should give up the past hatred. The price issue is not impossible to negotiate. If we can guarantee it according to our If it is time to deliver, then it is okay to add some more money! This deal will definitely be more suitable than doing it with Spain. What do you think?"

Mutsu Munemitsu made another effort at the critical moment. The excuse just now didn't work, so he could only use his benefits to convince his opponent. This passage is soft but strong. From the point of view of the art of speaking, it has indeed reached the pinnacle level.

Thanks to book friends The First Tank Guard Brigade, 99boy, Zhan Nan Lou Ke and other book friends for their rewards~~~, and book friends Zhan Nan Lou Ke for their evaluation votes~~~. Yesterday, the collection growth was only in the early 200s, in the early 200s~~~. This can be regarded as a miracle in the history of the starting point.  … The author burst into tears--! Today there are only 2 updates--!

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