The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 134: Big trouble

With the process of German unification, many Poles have problems with their sense of belonging, especially at the top. They were originally loyal to the Prussian royal family and had no sense of belonging to Prussia and Germany as a whole. Everything they owned came from the imperial power, but when Prussia became Germany, the power of the center would definitely be dispersed. There was no federation when Prussia was pure The parliament is such a thing. After Germany, Prussia has only 17 votes in the Federal Parliament. If this is refined to specific powers, what do you think the Poles will think?

It is precisely because of this dislocation of thought and the disapproval of religious and ethnic issues that the feelings of the Poles towards Prussia are still very complicated. When there is no other way, everyone hangs out together, you give me some benefits, everyone lives in peace and fights together, but if something happens, the Poles want to be independent, and they still have to use knives with you. There are too many cases where people were born German and became Poles when they became adults. German Poland lasted for decades under Prussian rule, but it still did not surrender completely, and the Prussian high-level officials were still very entangled with Poles.

And Ruprecht's first knife stabbed the sensitive nerves of the Prussians. Of course, this cannot be entirely blamed on Ruprecht. Someone scolded first. A Hamburg newspaper compiled an article In this article entitled "On the Role and Development of Protestantism in Germany", the author strongly advocated the role of Protestantism in the development of Prussia. He believed that in order for the German Empire to become stronger and more stable, the dominant position of Protestantism should be established, and become the state religion. Gradually weaken the religious power of other kingdoms and grand duchies.

A unified religion is indeed helpful to the stability of the country. Of course, the premise is that you have already unified. This point is indeed recognized by the high-level Prussians, but there are some things you can do, but you can't say it! And now Bismarck has been busy for decades engaged in religious and social struggles. Such a powerful person has not completed the task, and he has not said that Protestantism has become the German Orthodox Church. You, a small newspaper, are courageous enough!

Of course, there are thousands of various newspapers and periodicals in Germany, how much shock can a stone cause, but at this sensitive time, when Bavaria pays close attention to the direction of German public opinion, when other countries also start to pay attention because of religious beliefs and xenophobia. At that time, when the Poles in East Prussia felt that they had been shot, and under the impetus of certain forces, this long-gestating incident finally fermented!

"What do you mean Y? I am a Polish, but since the Napoleonic Wars, my family has shed blood in the Danish War, the Austro-Prussian War, and the Franco-Prussian War. My father died for the Empire! I have shed blood for the Empire Up to now, all the benefits have been taken away by the Prussian lords you founded. We can only guard the declining manor and struggle for a living. Up to now, even religious beliefs have been deprived by you! You cannibals do not spit out bones guy!"

Then a Polish-born Junker nobleman published an article called "My Life" in an East Prussian newspaper, using bloody facts to describe the tragedy of being unable to enjoy fair treatment while fighting for the empire all his life encounter. He claims that the profits of the empire have been divided up by those greedy capitalists! It is the root cause of the decline and poverty of the Junker nobles! "These vampires can sell their souls for a mark! They monopolize all the industries of the empire, causing the old aristocratic system to perish, and finally pointed out that these guys who did not contribute and did not shed blood in the imperial war Sharing the profits of the empire? What happened to the emperor of the empire, the loyalists of all the nobles?"

Well, yes, this article not only tells the aspirations of all Polish pro-Germans, but also hits the sore spots of the Junker nobles. When the empire was expanding, what kind of scenery was Lao Tzu? What is Junker Nobility? It is a military landlord with a large number of fields! Prussia was an agricultural country at the beginning, and the landlords were naturally NB, and the armed landlords with swords and guns were NB to a certain extent, and this was the class attribute of the Hohenzollern family at the beginning.

Everyone counts as family.

But later, with the development of industry, the proportion of agriculture decreased, the Kaiser also began to invest a lot of money in the industrial field, and there was no war anymore, and the promotion channels for Junker nobles became increasingly narrow. The double gap in economy and status has turned many Junker nobles into business card nobles, without any benefits except a prominent surname! Not all Junker nobles can marry the bourgeoisie. There are countless decliners among them!

Who doesn't have any relatives or friends? The marriage between the Junker nobles broke the bones and connected the muscles. And this nobleman's article also aroused certain repercussions in the circle of Junker nobles. Many people expressed their solidarity, and many people said that the imperial government was too indulgent to those capitalists! Then there is another group of people who think that food tariffs should be raised to protect the interests of local agriculture....

And then, Bavaria's counterattack also launched. An article titled "We Need Fairness" appeared in a Bavarian newspaper. This time, the Bavarian royal family came to the fore. He said without hesitation that Bavaria needs money and has made a lot of money during this period, but the source is very clean! One does not rely on monopoly, and the other does not rely on bribery, it is all about real skills! You can do it!

"We are one country. Although there may be some differences in religious beliefs and nationalities, this is not the mainstream. Everyone hopes that this country will be better. The economic competition between the two parties cannot rise to national conflicts! Some industries in Bavaria are indeed in conflict with Germany. It caused a conflict, but this kind of conflict is benign, I earn money by my ability, Bavaria's hardened armor is the best in the world, you Krupp have the ability to do it yourself!"

"You said that Lao Tzu's artillery wants to monopolize the imperial navy, but your Krupp's artillery has already monopolized the navy and army! Who is more obvious at a glance, not only that, Krupp also uses state power to suppress competitors. The rapid-fire guns were originally ours. It was done, but the internal artillery order of the Prussian army still came from Krupp, and forced us to hand over the technology. What are you doing? I was too lazy to care about you back then, and you still slapped your nose? For yourself What kind of thing are you if you don’t hesitate to stir up the antagonism between religions and states because of your own interests?”

Ruprecht was also unambiguous, pointing out by name that the mastermind behind this series of events was Krupp. In fact, this pot is a bit too big, and it is obviously wrong for Krupp to memorize it all. After all, Ruprecht has offended many people. The armor has already pitted Krupp, and the artillery is preparing to pit it. Ruprecht's semi-automatic rifle also competes with Mauser, and there are too many enemies in shipbuilding, but this time, Krupp is unlucky! Ruprecht is staring at you! Hit it to death!

The third one is here~~~, please collect~~~, please reward~~~.

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