The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 129 Difficult negotiation

"Compensation for 300 million taels of silver, ceding the Liaodong land south of Shengjing, the Penghu Islands, and Taiwan Island. Are you kidding? Ito Hirobumi!" Russian plenipotentiary Lobanov glanced at the negotiation documents submitted by the Japanese Then it was thrown aside. Herbert, the German representative next to him, also said that this condition was impossible to accept.

This is probably the most peculiar negotiation in the world. The armistice negotiations between Qing and Japan are not decided by Qing and Japan. At least Li Hongzhang, the representative of Qing, has very limited opinions. Russia, Germany and France sitting in the back row of the negotiators It is the backstage boss. Although the British are sitting on the side of Japan, they have not spoken up to now. The Americans seem to be neutral, but they have their own ideas in private.

"This is a matter between Qing and Japan. Please don't interfere with countries that have nothing to do with it. This is inconsistent with international practice!" Ito Hirobumi said with a pale face. He thought that the Russians would refuse. The attitude of the Russians is so defiant!

"The Japanese fleet's attack on the German fleet is also inconsistent with international practice. And now your country's asking price has completely deviated from what was advertised at the beginning of the war! North Korea did not gain independence, but fell into the hands of your country. Your country is now An out-and-out robber, and as friends of the Qing Dynasty, we must uphold justice for the Qing Dynasty. This condition is impossible to accept." Herbert said, there was a scar on his forehead, which was caused by Japanese shrapnel, as long as If the angle was any better, Herbert would have been shot straight away!

"Our country will not cede an inch of land!" With the powerful foreign aid, Li Hongzhang finally hardened himself! As soon as Li Hongzhang made this suggestion, it was appreciated by the representatives of Russia and Germany, and the French also said that it should be so, and believed that a plundering war should not be condoned!

The first round of contact between the two sides lasted only an hour before being interrupted. There was nothing to talk about. The price gap between the two sides was too great! With the support of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, the Qing Dynasty seemed to have taken medicine and refused to give an inch. As for Japan, if the Qing Dynasty refused to give an inch, Japan really has nothing to do now.

"The Russians are our mortal enemies in the future, and they won't give up a single step. The French and the Russians are allies, and it's difficult to relax their attitude. And the Germans? I'm a little confused. We have already given Germany a lot of benefits. , Why can’t they reach an understanding with the empire? Isn’t our contribution enough to smooth out the mistakes made in the Toshima naval battle?” In the hotel where he stayed, Hirobumi Ito said painfully.

"Of course, this matter alone will not lead to such a firm attitude from Germany. The Qing Dynasty sold our interests to Germany! Germany can establish a concession in Shandong, Fujian and Taiwan are also open to Germany, and even enter Sichuan! And Russia I am also willing to share the interests in the Northeast with Germany. And if the Beiyang Fleet is rebuilt in the future, all the equipment will come from Germany. The benefits we give are really too little." Mutsu Munemitsu said with a wry smile.

"Then what do they want?" Ito Hirobumi growled like an angry beast.

"Except for North Korea, the empire will not get even an inch of land, and the compensation amount is only 50 million taels of silver. The terms of trade..." Mutsu Munemitsu began to state the information they obtained from the British.

"Hehe, Russia and Germany are really confident! They didn't hide their thoughts at all, they said it openly, and we have nothing to do!" Ito Hirobumi turned around suddenly, "What's the attitude of the British?"

Two hours later, Chamberlain, the British representative, came to the hotel where the Japanese delegation was staying. After he glanced at the dejected Japanese next to him, he sighed and walked into the meeting room. The negotiations between Qing and Japan are not simply a matter between the two countries, but essentially a continuation of the conflict between Britain and Russia! And now the Russians seem to have the upper hand.

"The conditions of the Russians are absolutely unacceptable. I know that your country is under tremendous pressure, but I still want to remind your country,

In the future, Japan is the only one that can fight against the Russians. Germany and France don't care whose hands the Far East is in. Germany even hopes that Russia's power will be kept in the Far East forever. If your country is also ready to give up the Far East, then you can continue like this. "Hirofumi Ito's words are soft and strong, and he expounds the impact of this matter on the British global strategy from the perspective of the British.

"Your country can fight against the Russians in Afghanistan, Persia, and join forces with France and Russia in a costly Crimean War. Then in the Far East! Why can't you come up with some in the last undivided place in the world? What about courage and strength? The Russians don’t dare to fight, they are just making a show!” Ito Hirobumi looked at the silent Chamberlain and continued.

"Our relationship with France is not good. In order to help you, we also fell out with Germany! You still let us fight the Russians? What are you thinking? For a Japan, do we have to offend the three top powers in the world ? Let's fight the whole continent? Are you worth it?"

"A single battleship in the German fleet can beat your combined fleet to shame. A German army of 2,000 can easily defeat a brigade. We are going to fight Russia, but you must at least use your brains when you do things. Those countries You can mess with those, but you can’t! The help of the British Empire is not a blank check, so you can fill it in as you like. You have to listen to me! At least respect our opinions!" Chamberlain was so angry. Would it be possible to have the current situation without Japan starting to do bad things?

"We don't want Liaodong anymore, can Taiwan give us? We will reduce the compensation, 200 million taels of silver. We can also join hands with the Americans. If two countries are willing, then we can get a pretty good ending." Itou Hirobumi said tremblingly.

"Americans? They have already contacted the representatives of Germany. As far as I know, they have not contacted the representatives of your country so far, have they? You should be very clear about what this means. They want to share interests with the three countries. You Can't give them a satisfactory price!"

"As for the territory, don't even think about Taiwan. Many cities in Taiwan and Fujian will provide convenience to the Germans. In order to guarantee these rights and interests, the Germans sent two Munich-class armored cruisers from the mainland. We will not fight with the Germans. Germany is against each other. If you want, you can try to challenge the German fleet." Chamberlain replied without hesitation.

The current situation is that Britain will absolutely avoid provoking Germany again in the short term. If it really gets angry, Russia and Germany will fully cooperate in the Far East, and Germany will provide warships to arm Russia. The great prestige played by the Munich-class armored cruiser made the British also worried! Although the British didn't say it clearly, it was almost equivalent to telling the Japanese, don't even think about the territorial issue!

Thanks to book friends zhouyu1976, cct244, book friends 160428154200778, xyl15225580, bighill1982 for their rewards~~~ Sanjiang is over this afternoon--! Next week is a category tip~~~. I ask for the support of all book lovers~~~, the collection grew very rapidly yesterday~~~, Flanker, thank you for your support~~~, today is still the third update!

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