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At the critical moment when the battle between the Mongols and Songs was progressing, a terrifying beast roar that seemed to come from the reckless era instantly swept across the world, causing the two armies to slow their attack and defense speed.

"What's the matter? What sound is this?"

Hearing a roar of a beast that he had never heard before came from behind his army, Kublai was extremely surprised, and at the same time a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Report, Your Royal Highness, you... you should go and see for yourself."

A Mongolian army captain ran from behind and pulled his dry throat and said, his eyes seemed to contain endless horror.

"Asshole, what kind of demeanor you are in a panic, you are not worthy of being a Mongolian warrior. Go back to the grassland after the war."

Kublai was extremely dissatisfied as he watched the panic performance of the chief martial artist.

In Kublai’s heart, the Mongolian warrior should be indomitable and fearless. How can he show fear?

Ignoring the desperate captain, Kublai also decided to go and see for himself what happened in the rear. The Golden Wheel Fa King and Huo Du and others also accompanied him.

In the rear army position at this time, countless Mongolian soldiers watched the changes in the front with their calves turning, almost standing unstable, even the weapons in their hands seemed to be unstable.

I saw that on a huge flat ground between the two big mountains, rows of terrifying creatures were lining up in a neat and orderly line and pressing toward them.

"Gosh, what kind of monster is that? Is it a tiger?"

"how is this possible?"

"Yes, how could there be such a big tiger?"

"Tenjin, this is the mount of the deity."

Seeing the hundreds of saber-toothed tigers, three or five times the size of ordinary tigers and with two long fangs, gradually approached, countless Mongolian soldiers were terrified to the extreme.

"Pass the order, the rear army will change into the front army, and the whole army will prepare for battle."

"Order the siege troops to stop the attack and immediately return to the army for reinforcement."

After arriving in the rear army position, even though Kublai began to feel a little afraid of these terrifying and weird tigers.

However, Kublai's inner strength quickly calmed down and prepared to mobilize the army for defense.

Kublai believed that even though there were hundreds of beasts that had never been seen in the world.

However, he has a hundred thousand army in his hands and is well equipped, so it may not be impossible to disperse these beasts.

"The Great Qin Iron Army is here, and the front army immediately put down its weapons and surrendered, and offenders are killed."

At this moment, a loud voice came.

It was only then that everyone including Kublai Khan discovered that these terrifying tiger monsters were carrying one after another mysterious sergeant shrouded in black armor.

"There are unknown forces who want to interfere in the Xiangyang battle."

Looking at the black armored sergeant who appeared on the back of the monster, Kublai was shocked, feeling that the development of the situation had been out of his control.

Especially when those sergeants called themselves Daqin Tiejun just now, this was what surprised Kublai.

Since his childhood, Kublai was both civil and military, how could he not know the Great Qin Empire that once flourished in the Central Plains civilization.

But didn't that huge empire died and fell apart thousands of years ago?

Why does this army call itself the Great Qin Iron Army?

Is it the offspring of the old Qin people?

Several doubts appeared in Kublai’s heart, but even after Kublai’s contemplation, he could not come to a reasonable explanation.

"The whole army is ready for war!"

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Kublai also understood that the opponent was unkind, and a great battle might be inevitable.

As for the threat of the other party, Kublai was noncommittal.

You know, you have one hundred thousand elite in your hands.

Even though the opponent rides a monster, but there are only hundreds of them, one's own side still has a greater chance of winning.

Wanting him to surrender Kublai Khan without a fight is simply a dream.

After Kublai Khan’s military order was issued, many Mongolian soldiers executed the military order meticulously although they were afraid.

It is indeed the Mongolian army that swept across Asia and Europe and was at its peak.

"Stubborn, you will pay for your choice."

"The army obeyed the order, rushed to kill the enemy, and captured the Mongolian prince Kublai Khan.

Seeing the Mongolian army who was ready to bear the stubborn resistance, riding a majestic saber-toothed tiger, the Captain Qin, who was at the forefront of the assault force of the Qin Army, also gave an offensive order without hesitation.

"Capture Mongolian Prince Kublai Khan alive!"

Hundreds of Qin army generals shouted in unison, and then they drove the saber-toothed tiger under the crotch and began to charge.

Only a mile away, in front of a fierce prehistoric creature like a saber-toothed tiger, it can be reached by a quick run.


In just three breaths, hundreds of Qin's cavalry crashed into the Mongolian army.

And the Mongolian phalanx, which was originally as solid as a mountain, collapsed under the sudden impact of hundreds of saber-toothed tigers, with frequent loopholes.

The Qin army took the lead and rushed into the Mongolian army to kill one by one, taking the lives of countless Mongolian soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables.

During this period, it was not that Mongolian soldiers used strong bows and crossbows to fight back.

But those arrows had no effect at all when they hit the armor of the Qin army generals or the saber-toothed tiger.

You know, there is no realm for such ferocious prehistoric creatures like the saber-toothed tiger.

But its attack power and defensive power are actually second-order innate, and it is simply not something that these fine iron arrows can hurt.

The generals of the Qin Army were even more terrifying, with all the second-order innate cultivation bases.

Even without special armor, the body can withstand this attack.

In short, under the charge of five hundred Qin's cavalry, the Mongolian phalanx was cut through.

Qin Jun's iron cavalry rushed forward five or six miles in less than a quarter of an hour.

The huge phalanx consisting of a hundred thousand Mongolian army was also penetrated by more than half, just like paper.

"Run, Your Royal Highness, these people are all top-notch masters. Together, they can kill anyone in the world."

"Plus there are beast mounts, a hundred thousand army can't stop it."

The Qin army kept advancing, and Kublai and others kept retreating.

Just as Kublai was about to be overtaken by a Qin army cavalry who broke through the defensive formation and charged in.

In order to prevent His Royal Highness from being caught by the Qin Army, King Jinlun took up Kublai Khan and ran away.

Huo Du and Dalba behind him also followed their masters on the vigorous escape route, which turned out to be a rhythm that even the army didn't want.

On the walls of Xiangyang City, watching the battle in the distance, countless Song Army generals and martial arts figures opened their mouths to plug stones.

What did they see?

Led by the invincible Mongolian prince, Kublai Khan himself, invincible in the world, the 100,000 elite Mongolians were rushed by hundreds of beasts and cavalry, rushing everywhere like ducks, and the opponent seems to have nothing. One casualty.

Seeing this situation, Guo Jing and countless Song Jun generals and martial artists felt that their worldview had collapsed.

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