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Name: Sun Wu.

Physical state: healthy.

Loyalty: 100%.

Repair: None.

Qualification: Spirit level.

Source: China Spring and Autumn Period.

Title: Soldier Saint.

Evaluation: Use soldiers as gods, the ancestor of the military, the pillar of the country, the sage of the soldiers.

Gongfa: None.

System introduction: The founder of the military school, was called the saint of the soldiers by the later world honors. The top ten famous generals of China ranked second, second only to the ancestor of the soldier Jiang Shang, and higher than the soldier demon white!

Sun Wu was originally a native of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period, and his father and grandfather were all famous generals of Qi, and then he entered the southern state of Wu.

Later, Wu Zixu was recommended to the King of Wu by Wu Zixu, who presented thirteen articles on the Art of War, which was emphasized and reused by the King of Wu.

After the fall of the State of Wu, Sun Wu stayed in the mountains and rivers, sorted out and revised his life learning, and in addition to the original art of war passed down, he also made the art of war of Sun Tzu.

Seeing Sun Wu's personal information, Ying Ji was also satisfied.

Sure enough, it is not unreasonable that Sun Wu can be respected as a soldier.

Sun Wu is slightly better than Daqin Wuanjun Baiqi in terms of war strategy and strategy and tactics.

In addition, the sage Sun Wu is second only to the ancestor Jiang Shang in military skills, and his talent is more than enough even to be immediately worshipped as the third general of Da Qin.

If others say that Sun Wu is three points stronger than Wu Anjun, Ying Ji will never believe it, and will only think that the two are evenly matched.

However, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Lian Po, and Li Mu were collectively listed as the four great army gods of the Warring States Period, and the four of them basically belonged to the same level of existence.

It's really hard to say who is weak and who is strong among the four army gods, even if there is a slight fluctuation, it will not be too far apart.

After all, on the frontal battlefield, it is hard to beat Lianpo, and Wang Jian is hard to beat Li Mu. These are indisputable facts.

And if it comes to the achievements of famous generals in the world, Meng Yu and Le Yi are actually qualified to be included in the ranks of military gods.

This system is also recognized, and as to why the two were not included in the military gods, this may be the selfishness of future generations in this regard.

Ying Ji had only known that Sun Wu was very strong before, but did not think that Sun Wu had reached the point where he had surpassed the four great army gods.

I just think that Sun Wu is just evenly matched compared to the four great army gods of the Warring States period.

But now it's different. After all, Sun Wu is able to surpass the four great military gods of the Warring States Period. This is the result of the system's comprehensive evaluation of all aspects, and Ying Ji also has to believe.

Sun Wu, this is a fierce man who is really stronger than Bai Qi!


"Everyone should know that although Da Qin has calmed down the world, the situation is still not optimistic as today, with rebels and thieves everywhere!"

"We, Qin Army, cannot get away because we have to station strategically all over the world. Now the widows may have to trouble the public."

After Yingji's words, everyone understood what Yingji meant, and said in unison.

"I'm waiting to serve the king and Da Qin!"

Seeing everyone expressing their opinions, Ying Ji was naturally very satisfied.

"Well, since the princes have such a mind, the widows can't refuse!"

"Mr. Sun Bin, Mr. is the leader of the military strategist today, and his disciples are all over the world, and his influence is extremely deep!"

"Many of the many rebels now are disciples of the military family. The widow also asked Mr. Sun Bin to write a letter to persuade him to surrender!"

"I believe that with Mr.'s prestige, we will be able to persuade the vast majority of the rebels in the world to be included in our Great Qin, so as to avoid the suffering caused by the war!"

Ying Ji looked at Sun Bin, and Sun Bin was also affected by the words, and immediately said, "The minister takes orders!"

"Huang Xie, Wei Wuji, Tian Wen take orders!"

"The minister is here!"

Ying Ji gave an order, and the three of them all stepped forward and clasped their fists.

"This time the widows in the world want to take the Wuling King Zhao Yong as the mainstay, and lead the 200,000 Qin army to completely sweep the world!"

"The three generals obeyed the orders, and the widow ordered the three generals and the former Zhao Guo doctor Mr. Lin Xiangru to assist my Great Qin Wuling Lord Zhao Yong to completely complete the responsibility of sweeping the world!"

"With the surrender book written by Mr. Sun Bin, the vast majority of the rebels in the world will definitely choose to submit, but if you encounter a stubborn resistance, you don't need to be merciful and can be killed on the spot."

"The final commander!"

The three shouted in unison.

As for the others present, they felt mixed feelings. Now everyone knows the conspiracy that Qin State and Zhao State have laid together for the world.

The Kingdom of Qin was in front of it to attract the nations of the world to gather fire, while the Kingdom of Zhao was secretly waiting for an opportunity.

Together, the two countries dug a huge pit enough to bury the nations of the world.

And the nations under heaven really jumped in without blinking, and step by step fell into the conspiracy of Qin and Zhao.

Even Zhao Guo secretly planned a deliberate rebellion, allowing Zhao Gu, General Zhao Gu, to lead the 200,000 Zhao army back to Zhao Guo.

As a result, when he was about to return to the State of Zhao, Zhao Gu led an army of 200,000 to turn suddenly, personally blocked the retreat of the coalition forces, and established the absolute victory of Qin in one fell swoop!

I have to say, it's really a deep plan, and a strong scheming!

"The widow will let Xiangguo arrange a place for the princes in advance. As for Mr. Sun Wu, Mr. Sun Bin, and Mr. Tian Ji, they will stay."

"The widow will use the immortal method to treat the stubborn disease in Mr. Sun Bin's leg, and then teach the three gentlemen the cultivation method!"

Hearing Qin Wang Yingji's words, everyone looked at the three with envy and jealousy.

Needless to say, Sun Wu, the Chinese sage, the pioneer of the Spring and Autumn Period, is also a soldier whom everyone admires, and it is understandable that he could be the first to obtain the practice technique.

Mr. Sun Bin is a descendant of the military saint, the leader of the current military family, the backbone of everyone's heart, and the first to get the practice method, everyone can live in their hearts.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the people who were the first to teach the practice exercises included Tian Ji, which made many people feel a little bit critical.

Although Sun Bin was Wu Chengjun before, he made the world jealous, and no one dared to scratch his beard!

But after all, Tian Ji was far behind Sun Bin and Sun Wu in terms of prestige.

In terms of status, Chu Boyong, the great general of the State of Chu, can also be equivalent.

But now that Tian Ji was the first to get the longevity cultivation technique, how could this not make people think too much, especially Qu Boyong's thoughts.

And the surrender among the people was also aggrieved for his father.

Why is he Wucheng Jun Tianji the first to obtain the cultivation method of longevity?

But his father, who is on the same level as Tian Ji, can only wait. How can his father not compare to his Tian Ji?

"Could it be... because of Yuaner?"

Qu Boyong was worthy of being a former general of Chu State. After a few thoughts, he guessed the reason and couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, it seems that Yuaner is still as stubborn as before!"

"Now Yuaner should be in Xianyang, maybe it's time to persuade him."

Qu Boyong thought in his heart.

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