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The inside should be combined with the outside, and the millions of coalition forces under the attack of the inside and the outside have fallen into chaos.

But chaos turned to chaos, and the coalition forces were far from defeated.

Although they lost contact with the high-level coalition forces, the coalition forces still spontaneously organized a large army to meet the enemy without the command of their own generals.

With the passage of time, the coalition forces that gradually contracted their defenses also resisted the rebels' attacks.

The offensive strength of the rebels has gradually weakened. After all, the rebels have been planning for a long time although they were unexpected.

But after all, there are many coalition forces, and the combat power is not much different. Otherwise, once the hundreds of thousands of rebels are replaced by the elite Qin army, it might be impossible.

"Zhao Jun's iron cavalry rushes to kill the enemy with this general, and joins with the Qin army master!"

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Lian Po, holding a spear on the horse, shouted loudly.

In turn, Lian Po led the Zhao Jun cavalry, who was comparable to the Qin Army, and began to rush into the coalition camp.

Zhao Guo's iron cavalry is very powerful, especially under the leadership of Lian Po, one of the four warring states in the future.

One hundred thousand Zhao army cavalry madly advanced, hundreds of thousands of rebel infantry gradually advanced, and the scale of victory tilted again.

"All the army obeys orders, and all coalition soldiers with black scarves on their necks are friendly forces. Once they meet them, they cannot be killed!"

Among the millions of coalition forces, the golden flame cavalry leader Meng Gao, who has cut a straight line through the coalition barracks, screamed.

The 100,000 golden flame cavalry all took their orders, and they continued to attack.

At the rear of the army, one hundred thousand armor-piercing soldiers led by Qin General Wang Jian had also arrived on the battlefield. The one hundred thousand heavy armored infantry immediately divided their troops into two battles against the left and right coalition forces.

Even the most elite coalition army formation is like a piece of paper in front of the armor-piercing soldiers of the hundred battles, and it will be broken with a poke.

Seeing that the infantry could not confront the Qin army infantry, the coalition forces immediately defeated the cavalry and rushed towards the armor-piercing soldiers.

But looking at the coalition cavalry rushing toward your own army, the armor-piercing soldiers did not evade.

I saw the armor-piercing soldiers erected their shields directly on the ground, actually wanting to resist the cavalry with infantry.

Everyone knows that Qin Jun is good at battle!

But the people of the world didn't know one thing. In the battle, the armour-piercing soldier of Qin was the most powerful.

The collision between the infantry and the cavalry began, and it seemed that it could destroy all coalition cavalry. When they hit the shield phalanx formed by the armor-piercing soldiers of hundreds of battles, it was like hitting a steel city wall.

Although the phalanx of the armor-piercing soldiers of the Hundred Wars was shaken, there was no sign of collapse. Instead, the coalition cavalry became more and more blocked, and they were all in chaos.

"The army is advancing, and it will kill you wherever it passes!"

Wang Jian gave an order and suddenly pierced countless spears from the shield square that seemed to be the Great Wall of Steel.

The horses and pawns of the coalition cavalry were also pierced through countless holes by countless spears, and blood was immediately spilled over the ground.

Unaffected, the Golden Flame Cavalry continued to fight on the left and right wings.

The things that were standing where they passed became the cause, the living became the dead, the corpses were everywhere, and the blood flowed into streams!

Armor-piercing through hundreds of battles, omnipotent, invincible, and invincible, the invincible power was vividly displayed in this head-on attack.

Less than a while later, the 200,000 Qin Army led by Qin Jun Yinghua also arrived and joined the battlefield.

Soon after, Bai Qi led all the remaining 350,000 Qin army into the battlefield.

By this time of the war, the Qin army had all been thrown into the battlefield, and the Lian army had been dismembered by the main force of the Qin army and became countless parts.

The sound of war horses neighing and the sound of soldiers shouting to kill continuously filled the super battlefield that stretched hundreds of miles and tens of miles wide.

The mountains and plains are full of armies wearing various armors and fighting each other. The battle on the flat ground is even more tragic, but under various favorable factors, the Qin army still has the advantage.

And Meng Yu also continued to lead one hundred thousand golden flame cavalry to fight in the battlefield, no one can stop them, and they all became the dead souls under the iron hoof.

"Hangu Qin Jun listens, this general is the golden fire cavalry chief Meng Yu, the main force of the Qin army has arrived, please switch and extend the enemy immediately and pinch the coalition!"

By this time, the fighting spirit in Meng Yu's heart had been completely burned, and the same was true of the 100,000 golden fire cavalry.

No longer had the thought of continuing to connect with Hangu Pass, and they were immersed in the battlefield of blood and fire.

However, Meng Yu didn't dare to disobey the general's order, and directly used the majestic blood energy and powerful true energy of the whole body to strengthen the Dzogchen realm to bless each other, and the sound was like thunder and three tremors, spreading for dozens of miles.

"Quickly, the shogunate gathers the generals, the Dadao sends orders, gathers all the combatable soldiers of our Hangu Qin army, immediately reinforces the battlefield, and flanks the coalition!"

Looking at the chaos and battlefield of the coalition forces, and hearing the voice of General Meng Yu, the leader of the Golden Fire Cavalry from afar, Wang Luzhong's guess was finally established and he quickly began to assemble his army to prepare for the attack.

At the same time, some misunderstandings in Wang Lu's heart were also solved.

It turned out that the king really did not forget the Hangu Pass generals, but the purpose of Da Qin at this moment turned out to be to take the opportunity to defeat the allied forces of the world.

So that the nations under the world no longer have the power to backhand, and swallow them in one fell swoop.

After understanding this, Wang Lu no longer complained.

Because if you can exchange the price of 100,000 Qin soldiers at Hangu Pass for the dominance of Da Qin, then the absolute value will be absolutely no regrets.

Soldiers are expensive, time is life, and what you grab is time.

Under the strict orders of Wang Lu, a total of more than one hundred thousand Qin troops under the leadership of Qin Jun Wang Lu, Gan Mao, Xue Rengui, Su Lie and Li Jing once again switched and extended the enemy, left Hangu to the east, and plunged into the battlefield with tragic war. .

The cavalry still cleared the way, and the infantry followed up. After Hangu Pass, under the leadership of many Qin generals, the army directly began to cover up and kill.

The battlefield, where the two armies had gradually become balanced, began to gain more advantage in the Qin army and the uprising army with the help of more than one hundred thousand elite Qin army.

Golden Ge Iron Horse, Black Armor Overseeing the Sky, Infantry Thunder, Iron Cavalry Like Wind!

At this moment like wind and thunder, at this moment like a volcano, the powerful wind, forest, fire, and mountain sweep the entire battlefield, and the coalition forces can only support it hard.

The powerful Qin army and the uprising army raged on the battlefield horizontally and horizontally, and the numerous generals of the Qin army were unparalleled and fascinating.

"Da Tao issues the order, the army fights from back to front, Hangu Qin army fights from front to back!"

"Iron cavalry interspersed, infantry divided, and the three armies gradually gathered and besieged the main coalition forces."

"If you encounter a small unit of coalition forces along the way, you can swallow it at your discretion. This battle must be the main force of the world!"

On the general stage guarded by only a few hundred Qin army foot soldiers at the rear, Bai Qi looked at the brutal battlefield that was stained red with blood, and gave an expressionlessly.

The main commander gave an order, Da Tao issued an order, and countless Qin troops who had gradually dispersed due to the fight began to gather again, forming a black square after another!

The Qin army also began to rendezvous with a number of uprising armies, and their forces were even stronger than before, and they began to gradually move and fight, gradually obliterating the main force of the coalition army in the sound of screaming to kill.

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