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"Well, yes, general, you should know that Da Qin's vision should focus on the heavens and the world, instead of focusing all of his energy on a small mortal world."

"If my Daqin is not strong enough, then the widows will definitely choose the strategy of cannibalization and cannibalize the countries below the sky step by step, and the general should understand that my Daqin's growth rate is still slow now!"

"My Da Qin wants to enter the heavens and the worlds as soon as possible and start a war with the heavens and the worlds, so the encroachment strategy is no longer possible."

"My Da Qin can only take the initiative to attack, east out of Hangu, slaughter the world, split the mountains and rivers, and strive to swallow the world in one fell swoop, otherwise I don't know how long I will wait for Da Qin to grow up."

Ying Ji said, Bai Qi also nodded slightly in agreement. Indeed, Da Qin's current growth rate is still too slow.

Relying on the strategy of cannibalizing at every step will not be effective for ten years and twenty years. Da Qin wants to enter the world as soon as possible, only to choose the strategy of swallowing the world! "

"If the king wants to conquer the kingdoms below the sky, he will eventually be the vanguard!"

Bai Qi said, Ying Ji laughed and said: "Bai Qi, Bai Qi, you look down on yourself too much, how can a little pioneer be worthy of Wu Anjun's edge?"

"Bai Qi, you are a sharp sword that has been hidden in the hands of the widow. If you do not get out of the sheath, you will have to do it. Once you get out of the sheath, you will inevitably destroy the kingdoms below the sky with lightning speed!

"This is also the reason why widows desperately reduce your sense of existence in front of hundreds of civil and military officials and secret agents from other countries."

"Next year, Da Qin will start a war with the kingdoms under the sky. By then, the widows will definitely worship the general as the general of the Qin army and lead our Qin army to conquer things in the kingdom under the sky!"

"Waiting for the general to lead a million Qin army to swallow the world, the widow will worship the general as Wu Anjun again!"

"The final general thanked the king, and Bai Qi will live up to the king's trust!"

Bai Qi clasped his fists and said, once Bai Qi had defeated the Six Nations and Million Allied Forces, now Bai Qi will not be afraid of the slightest!

What really made Bai Qi feel the inner ripples was the title of Emperor Wu'an. The Qin Kingdom is different from the kingdoms below the sky. It is the supreme glory to confer the emperor in the Qin Kingdom!

Since the enactment of the Shang Dynasty, the number of people who have entrusted the emperor has been far lower than the number of people under the sky. Even the number of people who have been entrusted is very small. Even the generals have not yet been entrusted, let alone the martial character. Up.

Bai Qi once defeated the Han-Wei coalition army because of his great military exploits, attacked the city all the way, sings forward, and directly captured Wu'an in South Korea, and was awarded the title of Wuanjun. Get the obsession in my heart!

"General Bai Qi, I believe you have other gains!"

Ying Ji asked with a smile at this time. Actually, Ying Ji didn't need to send Bai Qi out when arranging the ten cultural and ten martial arts to penetrate the countries, but Ying Ji still sent Bai Qi out.

The reason is that Ying Ji saw that Bai Qi had been restless after breaking through to the innate realm (foundation realm). In short, it was a little impetuous, which can also be understood as an invincible loneliness.

Bai Qi said that there was no one in the world who could compete with him in martial arts, and Bai Qi became more and more deeply concerned about the loneliness and loneliness in his heart that could not find an enemy to fight against.

Ying Ji looked anxious in her eyes, and Bai Qi seemed to have fallen into a mental obstacle.

If this state is not lifted, Bai Qi is likely to go crazy because he can't find his opponent.

Therefore, in desperation, Ying Ji had no choice but to make Bai Qi the commander of this mission of infiltrating the world.

He also told Bai Qi how vast the world is, and let Bai Qi go for a walk and relax. It is best to relieve Bai Qi's negative state.

"Returning to the king, I didn't expect that what the king said was true. In addition to the heavens and the world, the local world is also so vast and boundless, and China Kyushu is so small!"

"At the end, I will cross tens of thousands of miles of grassland in the north during this period of time, and reach the bitter cold land of the extreme north. The sky is full of snow and the rugged ice field. It is simply a world of ice and snow, like an ice kingdom!"

"The final general has also crossed the desert and yellow sands to the west, to the countless islands to the south, and has seen the vast ocean of the extreme east. Fortunately, the king told him, otherwise he will not know when he will know the vastness of this world! "

Bai Qi clasped his fists and said, now Bai Qi knows the vastness of this world. Although the heavens and worlds are extremely vast, his own world is not small.

It is impossible for others to travel across the entire Asian continent in less than a month, and even have footprints in the European continent.

But for the martial arts cultivator who has the ability to fly in the air at Bai Qi's innate realm, it is simply a breeze!

The impetuosity in Bai Qi's heart during the time he traveled around the world gradually faded. He was all restrained, and his scholarly spirit became heavier and heavier, even compared to the Confucian Confucianism.

"Well, General Bai Qi, you should know that General Zhanghan and General Baili have already stationed in Lishan. All counties and counties in Daqin have sent defenders to **** the outlaw death inmates in the prison to Lishan and hand them over to General Zhanghan and General Baili. Under the supervision of the criminal army, the number of criminals in Lishan has exceeded 100,000!"

"And Lishan has become the base camp of our Great Qin Criminal Army. There are more than 70,000 criminals and soldiers stationed there. If there is a war in the future, we can increase the number of criminals from Lishan criminals as appropriate. I believe that General Zhang Han will do it. Ok."

"A few days ago, General Wang Xiaojie also led the Anxi Army and 200,000 Daqin people from the land of Bashu and Guanzhong back to the northwest."

"After the construction of the three county towns and twelve county towns is completed, Daqin can begin to develop the northwest grassland. Now Daqin can finally spend the winter with peace of mind!"

Hearing Yingji's words, Bai Qi was also quite agree, since General Wang Xiaojie calmed down the northwest grassland.

General Wang Jian and General Wang Ling forced Chen Bing to retreat at the border of Wuguan. Since the 300,000 Chu army led by Chu Boyong, Qin's various foreign and internal troubles have finally calmed down, and Qin can finally catch his breath.

"Bai Qi, I have not had a war in Da Qin this winter. It seems to the Yiwu people that maybe Da Qin can start infiltrating other worlds ahead of time!"

Ying Ji said, this is also the idea that Ying Ji has already had in her mind. The step-by-step approach of unifying the heavens and the following countries and invading other worlds after the real development and prosperity of Da Qin is not suitable for the current Da Qin.

If the world that Da Qin is about to invade is a high-spirited world, then Ying Ji will admit the counsel first without saying a word, and wait until Da Qin develops and grow and beat the other party to death. It doesn’t matter even if it waits 20 to 30 years. Anyway, Ying Ji has the capital Can afford to wait.

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