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And the person who plays flute, why didn't he come over when he heard the howling of the people in the warring family?

Feng Zhiwei was about to go out to see who it was, and suddenly he heard another wind of clothing, and the man outside the temple, who heard the wind of wind coming close to his clothing, suddenly hummed, There was no sound.

Then a familiar voice was heard.

"Are you here? Come in and see!"

He heard another sound familiar with dying, mixed with a bit of chewing sound, said coldly: "Noisy, stink!"

Feng Zhiwei slammed into the half-open door.

Helian Zheng, Gu Nanyi!

Really! Either none will come, all will die!

Feng Zhi, with tears in his eyes, looked back to Ning Yi and smiled gently.

When He Lianzheng saw Feng Zhiwei, he opened his mouth wide and said, "Uh ah," he was speechless.

Master Gu stopped when he was eating walnuts forever, and stuffed walnuts in the mouth of Helianzheng on the side. He flew over at a rapid speed, grabbed Feng Zhiwei, and touched it up and down.

Then he touched a large handful of pills from above and below, and stuffed the broad beans into Feng Zhiwei's mouth, not allowing her to express any opinion.

His Royal Highness Chu was more pitiful. No one asked, but he had to rescue Helian Zheng, who was almost choked to death by a walnut.

He Lianzheng slowed his breath and scolded: "You are a stupid, if you could find me here? Cross the river and demolish the bridge! Shameless!"

Master Gu doesn't even listen to other people's words, and he has no idea about cursing people.

"Is there any medicine for the eyes?" Feng Zhi swallowed the messy things for a long while, pointing to Ning Yi. Ning Yi said lightly: "Don't ask him, he doesn't have this skill yet."

Young Master Gu sleeved his hands and touched the walnuts, completely unresponsive to His Highness's provocation.

Feng Zhiwei saw a small porcelain bottle beside the corpse of the leading man by the door, which read "Long-Xixiang Antidote", presumably it was the poisonous antidote among them. It was searched by the people of the warring family that day to prepare for them, but I don't know why. When Gu Nanyi and Hezheng came, the warlord also avoided it.

Feng Zhi faintly felt that what happened was a little unusual during the period from the beginning of Xiao Xiao to the time he was just saved. Obviously, the flute blower avoided Tian Zhan Shi Jia, and Tian Zhan Shi Jia avoided Gu Nanyi—this It's very interesting.

Of course, this meaning cannot be studied now, because Gu Xiaodui will not answer her.

After taking the medicine and resting for a while, Master Gu gave Feng Zhiwei a little breath, and under Feng Zhiwei's pleading, he reluctantly gave Ning Yi a pulse and stuffed it from the color to the smell. Maruko gave Ning Yi, and he was very reluctant to send it out. As long as Ning Yi showed a slight hesitation, he would withdraw it immediately.

It's a pity that His Highness didn't look reluctant at all. Not only did he take it, he also thanked him with a smile, not only thanked him, but also immediately ate it, so that Master Gu immediately went to his arms and touched the walnuts.

During the break, I heard Helianzheng talk about the beginning and end of the chase. That night, Master Gu was really lost. He turned and turned around thirty miles away from the station until Helianzheng couldn’t rest assured that Feng Zhiwei also chased When he came out, he took him on the way, and the two chased to the post. When they saw so many burnt corpses, they were half cold. Later, they saw Feng Zhiwei's mark at the foot of Jiyang Mountain. Marking is not so easy, so it is delayed until now.

Feng Zhiwei heard that they had also been to Huayan Du Village and couldn't help but ask: "Did you see Chun Yumeng..."

Helian Zheng's expression dimmed and shook his head.

Feng Zhiwei lowered his eyes and said nothing in silence. He Lianzheng said with hate: "Our guards have died for dozens, and the station is overwhelmed by the whole army! Too much of these bastards!"

"The debt owed is always to be repaid." Ning Yi stood up and asked Feng Zhiwei to find the greasy pieces of beef paper stamped with the Longxi House, and said lightly, "Let's go, the original plan Let’s go to Jiyang, which is not far from Fengzhou, the capital of Longxi where Shen Xuru is located. We should talk to Shen Xuru."

Master Gu stood slowly and picked up Feng Zhiwei. Feng Zhiwei turned his head angrily in his hands and said, "I can walk by myself!"

It's a pity that Master Gu, who has both pity for Xiuyu and not for Xianxiu, has already thrown her on his back, and flew away...

Ten miles down Jiyang Mountain, it was Jiyang Mansion. Feng Zhiwei and Ning Yi discussed it. After all, they were not familiar with Peng Hexing, the Jiyang Mansion. In order to avoid the grass and snakes, first take the Changyingwei waist card to see, make sure that Peng Zhifu is reliable and then look at the situation. To reveal his identity, Changying is a royal guard anyway, and wherever he goes, there are indeed responsibilities for reception in various government offices.

Peng Zhifu is a middle-aged scholar with a clear face and a gentle temperament. He received them in a decent manner, arranged for them to live in the inner courtyard of the prefecture, and asked people to ask the doctor, but there was always some worry in the eyebrows. It seemed that there was something to worry about.

Feng Zhiwei asked a few words of concern. Peng Zhifu showed a bit of a wry smile and shook his head: "Thank you for your concern, the dragon can't overwhelm the head snake, you can't care about things here..."

Feng Zhi smiled slightly and said, "We are also royal guards."

"Royal escort..." Peng Zhifu gave another wry smile and shook his head to go out. "In Longxi, the Shen family is the royal family. What does a **** do..."

Feng Zhi smiled and asked Helianzheng to listen to the news. After a while, Helianzheng had not returned yet, but vaguely heard the noise in the front yard.

The front yard is the Zhifu lobby and office premises. This is the first place in a county. Who dares to make trouble here?

He heard Peng Zhifu far cry loudly, and his voice was sorrowful, "The governor of this government has been a priest for ten years, and he has been awarded the post of Yangzhi Prefecture. He has been appointed by the emperor, loyal to the state, what is wrong, he should be so robbed of his job!"

There seemed to be a dispute, and Feng Zhiwei listened from afar, showing a sneer.

After a while, He Lianzheng returned with a look of anger and excitement. He said: "Long Xibu's political envoy Shen Xuru said that Peng Zhifu was suspected of bribery and seized the position for investigation. Fu Chengshen Junxin will temporarily act as the presiding official, oh Let me explain that this man, Cheng Fu, is cousin of Shen Xuru’s Yuanfang."

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