The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

Vol 4 Chapter 175: Night Wand

In the world of Muggles, a famous scientist appeared in the early nineteenth century. His name was Charles Robert Darwin. His masterpiece "The Origin of Species" put forward the theory of biological evolution. He believed that species in nature Time will "evolve" in the process of adapting to changes in the environment. For example, humans (HomoSapiens) are new species that evolved from orangutans.

In the world of wizards, some wizards once put forward similar arguments. He believed that the first generation of wizards was part of human beings who had exploded out of the chaotic magic power in their bodies in order to adapt to the harsh environment and wars of the time, and they successfully mastered this kind of power. Ideal thinking influences the power of reality. It is a pity that he did not have Darwin's luck, and his doctrines were not universally handed down. At that time, except for a few wizard historians specializing in ancient history, no one remembered his name.

The biggest reason why the theory of evolution is unpopular and recognized in the wizarding world is that because of the existence of fire dragons and giants, they are living counter-evidence——

Their ancestors are extremely powerful ancient dragons and ancient giants. In ancient times, various legends such as "Hell Dragon King", "Undead Dragon", "Titan Titans", "Cyclops" and so on have emerged endlessly, and their terrifying reputations It is to let other species have only fear and surrender, and then look at their current descendants——

Fire dragons have become wizards’ playthings. They were caught by fairies to guard the treasure house, they were kept in breeding areas by wizards, and used as raw materials for potions, wands, and alchemy items. The giants were left behind by the last tribe in the world and were driven away by wizards. Go to the Ural Mountains in western Russia, where there are no people and poor resources. By 1995, there were only a few 80 people left because of internal struggles...

According to their situation, it seems that the ancient civilization had been faulted, which caused the degradation of these two powerful species...and indirectly, the wizards gradually did not believe in the existence of "evolution"...

Rao was in the mood of a centenarian in Dumbledore, and he looked unbelievable at this moment.

There was a faint sound of dragons in the void, high and low, like waves, and as Xie Lin’s dark night star cloak rose high, there was a star-like point of light, which was reflected in the mid-air, just like A magnificent and fantastic magic wave graph.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Ms. Maxim, and President Karkaroff seemed to be aware of it. The four of them frowned slightly, but they couldn't tell a reason.

Dumbledore, as the owner of the old magic wand, can clearly see the true face behind the wave of magic power——

It was a creature very similar to the night skeletal creature.

Like Ye Qi, it has no flesh on its body. The black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton. Every bone is clearly visible, and huge bat wings are born in the bulge between the shoulder bones. The difference is that the four legs that were supposed to have long horseshoes have now become dragon claws that resemble a black skeleton, and its head, which originally resembles a dragon’s head, has now grown three long legs. With long black corners, rows of barbs gleaming with sharp sharp points grow on the dragon's nose and chin.

The most noticeable change is that Ye Qi's eyes were originally pupilless and blank, but now they have become a pair of pupils burning with aquamarine flames.

Dumbledore couldn't help but think of the ancient legend--

Just as the ancient dragons degenerate into modern fire dragons, and the ancient giants degenerate into modern giants, the ancient ancestors of this species, Yeqi, are legendary creatures corresponding to the power of death——

Dark Night Corpse Dragon (; Mortem).

The five great dragons alongside "Hell Dragon King", "Undead Dragon", "Holy Light White Dragon" and "Weeping Blood Red Dragon".

Does this mean that "evolution" really exists, and the remnant spiritual sense of the Ye Qi attached to Schelling's wand——

Has evolved into its ancestor, the Dark Night Corpse Dragon!

Dumbledore’s tall and thin body shook, even though he knew that it was only the residual knowledge that was cultivated from a tail feather with special alchemy techniques, it was impossible to show the power of the ancient dragons to destroy the heavens and the earth. But this is already remarkable-after all, this is something that Dumbledore hasn't done for half a century with his old wand in his hand!

He immediately made a decision. His fingers hidden in his sleeves quivered quickly, making a complicated gesture, and a loud phoenix sound seemed to be coming from a distant place...

Hearing the peculiar phoenix's long scream, the four warriors' footsteps all stopped at the same time. Harry even stopped completely and looked around curiously, trying to find out where the phoenix sound came from.

Even Schelling, who was walking at the most steady pace, paused for an insignificant short moment. He suddenly felt a warm slender thing in the pocket of his cuff, and he passed the fabric on the cuff. After a light touch, he was 90% sure that this must be a tail feather from Phoenix Fox.

He seemed to understand something, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he kept walking out of the auditorium under his feet.

【Yeqi Magic Wand Upgrade-"Night Night Magic Wand"! 】

["Props" Fox's tail feathers are obtained! 】

The warriors walked out of the auditorium together and slowly walked down the steps. Bagman seemed to be very enthusiastic and asked: "How is it, how do you feel?" Although it seemed that he was expressing condolences to all the warriors, his gaze was only focused on Harry alone. Body.

"Very good," Harry replied awkwardly.

They walked into the Quidditch Stadium, where they had become completely unrecognizable. A twenty-foot-high hedge surrounded the edge of the field. There is a gap in front of them, and that is the entrance to this big maze. The passage inside is dark and a bit scary.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands. Hundreds of students filed in, and the air was filled with excited words and jumbled footsteps.

The sky was now clear and deep blue, and stars began to appear. Professor Hagrid, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flivy walked into the stadium and walked towards Bagman and the warriors. Their hats are decorated with bright red stars, except for Hagrid,

His red star is behind the terry vest.

"We will patrol outside the labyrinth," Professor McGonagall said to the warriors. "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, we will shoot red sparks into the sky. We will have someone to help you. Do you understand?"

The warriors nodded together.

"Okay, you go!" Bagman said happily to the four patrol members.

The four people walked away in different directions and scattered around the maze. At this time, Bagman pointed his magic wand to his throat, and said "a loud voice", so his magically amplified voice echoed in the stands.

", the last race of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! I'll report the current score--"

"Schelling Malfoy-92 points, first, Hogwarts School!" Applause and cheers stunned the birds in the Forbidden Forest into the darkening night sky.

"Eleanor von Hohenheim and Harry Potter-85 points, tied for second place!" There was another round of applause from the stands. "Katarina Grindelwald-Monroe-70 points, third place, Boothbatten College!"

Schelling saw the Lucius and his wife, Draco, Pansy, sisters Greengrass, Murray, Susan, Zhang Qiu, and Luna all sitting in the same row from a distance, applauding Catalina politely. He waved at them, and each of them smiled and waved at him.

"Now... Schelling, listen to my whistle!" Bagman said, "three--two--one--"

With a short and sharp whistle sounded, Schelling swung the night star cloak on his shoulders and held his wand in his hand. Behind him appeared four tennis **** of light, emitting a gentle light like the moon, and walked in with his head high. After the dark labyrinth, the whole figure merged with the darkness and disappeared from the sight of the audience in the stands.

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