The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 985: Meet Rose again

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When he saw Rose, Aoki thought of the sun dog who had killed him today.

I should have no problem facing him now, and I don't know if the opponent's strength has improved.

"I don't know, Miss Qiang, why did you come to work in Yuhong City? I remember that you were supposed to be in Golden City before." Aoki didn't mention what he was going to do, but asked again.

Hearing Aoki's question, Rosa rose again.

The expression on his face was a bit ugly, but a fake smile soon appeared.

The natural smile that was able to hold on now is a bit stretched.

"I don't know who this lord is, exactly? Why do you know so clearly about my affairs?" Qiangwei asked.

She hasn't worked long in Golden City, knowing that she has worked in Golden City and there are not many strong people.

As for why I came to work in Yuhong City, it was helpless.

Who makes the sun dog the real connection between the Hunters Guild?

For those who joined halfway, let alone the true core of the Hunters' Guild is absolutely out of reach.

This fat position in Golden City was stung by a member of the hunter's guild.

It's not bad to see Yuhong City, but in terms of the oil and water of the Hunters Association, Yuhong City and Golden City are completely incomparable.

People will only remember the largest city. As for the second largest city, who will pay attention?

Just as others know that the highest mountain in the Kanto region is Baiyin Mountain, which is the second highest mountain, and who cares?

Aoki still didn't answer.

Leaning directly on the back of the sofa, a Geng ghost emerged from the shadow, nodded to Aoki, and submerged directly into the ground.

Seeing the appearance of Geng Gui, Qiangwei had a creepy feeling, and the goosebumps of the whole body suddenly rose.

Just a glance, as a senior hunter, he knew that his elf was not this Genggui's opponent.

The man in front of you is terrifying!

This was the first reaction in Rose's heart.

Although we know that the cadres of the Rockets are all masters of the Heavenly King class, seeing and personal experience are two different things.

This time Rose didn't dare to chase after him.

Soon, Geng Gui poked his head from the ceiling and nodded at Aoki.

Make sure this room is a safe room.

Seeing Geng Gui's actions, Rose also understood that Aoki wanted to determine the safety of the room.

But I don't know why, it made her feel more uneasy.

Aoki ignored him, but just took out an elf ball from under the black robe and pushed it directly in front of Rose.

Seeing the hand holding the elf ball, Rose saw at a glance that the man in black robe in front of her was not very old.

At least not more than 25 years old.

"Can you deal with this elf?" Aoki no longer covered his hands.

A string of beads emerged from Aoki's black robe and circled between his fingers.

Mind beads and superpowers.

Frown slightly.

Still a superpower.

In my impression, I really don't know such a strong man.

Resisting the anxiety and curiosity in his heart, he picked up the elf ball on the table.

Then she took a small one out of her storage space, put the elf ball on it, and pressed the detection key.

This is a portable sprite detector. What it detects is not very detailed, but roughly everything can still be scanned.

Aoki took out this elven ball, which is one of the last seven elves left by Locke.

An emperor Kairos.

"This is ... the tamed King Elf?" Rosa looked at the test results in her hands, a little at a loss.

As the head of a hunter's guild, it is really the first time that I have seen someone trying to tamed a King of Heaven-level elves.

Generally, this kind of business is handled by the internal staff of the Hunters Association. The person in charge said that she is a good person in charge, but in fact, more of them are the ones who deal with chores.

The members of the guild who do not want to do or are too lazy to do it are all handled by them.

Today is mainly rare. All members of the guild in the guild went out to attend the meeting, so she came to receive Aoki.

I didn't expect that the first customer today would come up with such a big deal.

The Hunter Guild respects wild elves. All hunter missions are tamed wild elves, but this does not mean that the Hunter Guild ignores the tamed elves.

Mainly because the conditions were not met.

The Hunters' Guild claims to only deal with tamed elves of quasi-king level and above, because such elves are more valuable.

For tame wild elves, they are more malleable and have a certain training value.

For the tamed elves, the basic fighting style has been finalized. It is more troublesome to correct the fighting style that suits them. Many people prefer to train the elves from scratch.

But when the tamed elves reach the level of quasi-king or even Uranus, then it is different.

At this level, even if the elves do not fit their fighting style, they can still have a certain fighting power.

And the elves that can reach this level have almost realized their talents. As long as you buy them, you can become a timely combat force.

It may not be possible to reach the extreme of these elves, but it is also a good combat force.

Still many people are willing to buy these elves to supplement their combat effectiveness.

So the last Aoki coffin could reach this price.

Uranus-level elves, wild and tamed, are not much different.

"Can you handle it?" Aoki asked again.

Rose recovered from the **** of sorrow, the laughing flower branch fluttered, and her previous embarrassment was left behind.

Having a Uranus-level Geng ghost, the identity of the Rockets cadre, and an elven ball taken out of hand is also a Uranus-level elf, which shows that the person in front of himself is not an ordinary Uranus-level trainer.

There may be some existence of the same level already in his hands.

"Yes!" Such a big customer, but we must hold it tightly.

At the same time that I can earn a lot of commissions ~ ~, I can also have a very valuable customer.

So this thing must be done well and done beautifully and simply.

Aoki nodded with satisfaction.

This elf is the weakest one in Lockes's hands. If the Hunters' Guild can give itself a satisfactory price, he won't mind selling it directly here.

"Wait a minute, I'll be back soon." After that, Rose left in a hurry.

Although she is now in charge of the guild, she does not have the right to directly acquire the Heavenly King Elves, and requires instructions.

Aoki looked at the leaving Rose, closed her eyes, and fell into thought.


Ten more and fifth more! Seek the bottom! For the second leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, I will add 9/10! The day before yesterday was wrong and came 6 twice, so today is Chapter 9.

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