The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 975: This is forcibly set!

嘭 ——

Suddenly from the shadow of Lockes, an elf appeared again, stopping the Geng ghost in progress.

Cursed doll!

Locks is still hiding.

But think about it as well, as a King-level trainer, it is normal to hide a little bit of the backhand for self-protection.

In this way, Lockes cannot solve it directly.

Then you can only step back and deal with the remaining two elves first.

Geng Gui didn't get too entangled with the cursed doll and turned towards the two elves.

Under the command of Aoki, the dream demon also helped Geng Gui control the opponent.

Two shadow **** coupled with the fantasy light of the dream demon, the two elves at the end of the crossbow fell to the ground and lost their fighting ability.

The final blow to defeat the Flamingo was unsuccessful. At the same time, his own side also lost two elves. The expressions of Locke and Brownis were a bit ugly.

Aoki slowly came out in a black robe.

Seeing this familiar figure, Locke's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "It's you!"

Yes, he recognized Aoki.

This is what Aoki wants to show him.

"What a coincidence, Lord Locke, we met again." Aoki slowly walked out of the corner with a smile, and there were dream monsters floating around.

After solving two opponents, Geng Gui also floated to the side of Dragon King Scorpion.

The Tanabata Bluebird flew beside the panting Flamebird, took out some of Aoki's prepared healing potions, and delivered it to the Flamebird's mouth.

The flaming bird gave a hesitant glance at the Qixi Blue Bird, and then looked at the fire-breathing dragon opposite, with eyes full of anger.

Brownis looked very ugly.

Finally, the flaming bird was seriously injured.

It's not so easy to deal with all of it at once. If you let the Flamingo regain strength, then two of you will be in trouble.

"Who the **** are you? This mission is not to capture the genes of the Flamingo? Now you are preventing us from defeating him, do you want to get out of the Rockets?" Rocks screamed sharply.

Aoki did not speak, and continued to move forward, not far from the flame bird.

Geng Gui appeared next to the flaming bird, took out a test tube prepared in advance by Aoki, and under the watch of the flaming bird, he took a lot of blood from the wound on his body.

Golden blood.

Geng Gui delivered the test tube to Aoki.

Aoki shook the test tube, and said with a smile, "Now that the genes are available, Lord Locke no longer needs to worry."

Seeing Aoki's movements, Rocks's face was gloomy.

"It seems your job is to stop us, isn't it?" Brownis next to him smiled suddenly.

Aoki gave a slightly surprised look at Brownis.

To be a patriarch, I still have some brains.

"It seems that my father was prepared with two hands in the beginning, and it is also correct, otherwise we might really plant here." Then, a fairy ball appeared in Brownes's hand.

Aoki frowned.

Still underestimate the Jinchuan family?

The elven ball was thrown and an electric dragon appeared.

This electric dragon is not comparable to that of Regis, and it just shocked all the elves when it appeared.

Just from the momentum, it can be seen that this electric dragon should be similar to the previous flaming bird's heyday.

After scanning with the chip, I found that the power of this electric dragon is really strong.

The level reached 74. Although he could not break the limit of the Heavenly King level, he was only close to the door.

The most terrifying thing is that I don't know how long this electric dragon has maintained at this level, and its mastery of skills and energy is definitely quite strong.

"Really ..." Aoki couldn't help but look at the electric dragon.

Brownis and Rocks looked at Aoki, looking forward to his next change.

"It's really that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. No wonder Regis always carries other people's elves as his card. It turns out that his father is the same." Aoki said with a chuckle, as if the appearance of the electric dragon was not Eyes.

The smile on Brownie's face was stagnant.


Without knowing why, Brownis suddenly had another very bad hunch.

Aoki lifted his super powers from his face, and pulled the hood off his head, revealing his handsome face.

Black hair black pupil.

No more, showdown!

Don't hide your identity.

All flash away! I'm going to pretend! It's rare to be able to pretend once, and no one should stop me!

"It's you!" Brownis recognized Aoki.

But it was because he recognized Aoki that he was really shocked.

If he could, he would rather not recognize Aoki.

"You're not the little guy who walked out of Trial Island on Dream Island the last time, and let Regis eat it? It looks like ... Aoki? Has reached the rank of Heavenly King?" Brownis could not believe it.

No wonder it's someone who can make Regis eat.

Thinking of Regis, "You say Regis?"

Aoki smiled mysteriously without speaking.

But the more so, the more disturbing Brownis was.

"You reveal your identity. It seems you want to share your life and death with us here. Who gives you such a big deal of confidence? Is this a flamingo?" Brownis forced himself to calm down.

Aoki didn't answer his question, but looked at the Firebird, and said electrocardiogram, "How is the recovery? Is there any problem with the electric dragon?"

The flaming bird looked at the electric dragon with a burning gaze, and nodded to indicate that it was OK.

As a beast, of course, I can't say that I can't.

Aoki laughed again.

"Then there is no problem, isn't it just a fight? Then fight a battle."

With that said, there were two more elven **** in his hand.

The dull king and Mrs. Huajie appeared together.

Since the identity is no longer concealed, Aoki no longer hides the elves.

Anyway, he has made up his mind to leave the two of them, otherwise he is the one who is unlucky.

Mainly, I didn't expect that the Flamingo could persist for such a long time, otherwise Aoki might have come out.

But now, the time is just right.

Aoki is very energetic, he has his hole cards.

Today is to leave these two dumb minded guys!

Today, I'm so pretentious!

"Let them see our strength!" Aoki shouted.

There were eight elves in total, none of them looked timid.

Even if the opponent has a level 70 Spitfire Dragon, the remaining elves have reached level 60 or above, many of which have reached level 65 or above, but as long as Aoki is certain, they will not be afraid.

What are you afraid of?

Reckless is it!

"Super evolution! Geng Gui!" Aoki once again took out a keystone from his pocket and shouted at Geng Gui.

Geng Gui nodded, and the smile on his face was no longer.

His super evolutionary stone has been in his body.

With the control of Aoki, the keystone in his hand and the superevolutionary stone in Geng's body came into contact.

Geng Gui's whole body of super powers surging ~ ~ wrapped it up, Geng Gui's shape is also changing at an extremely fast speed.

"Uh ---"

Super Geng head-to-head battle! it has started.

The Aoki Heart Grid started, and all the elves were connected by Aoki.

It's just that an elf is super-evolving, and it can be maintained for a long time. There are not many problems in half an hour.

It depends on how long the flamingo can last.

As long as he can hold on, Aoki's hole card will remain hidden.

Geng Gui at level 62, after super evolution, reached level 66, crossing the threshold of entering the Heavenly King level.

This is Aoki's hole card against the Spitfire Dragon.

The opponent just finished using the abdominal drum skill, and at most only half of his physical strength was left. The remaining elves also had more or less injuries, and Rox had only a cursed baby.

It's totally possible to fight!


Fifth more! For the second leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, we will add 6/10! Ask for a monthly pass!

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