The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 971: Shit!

Shakira's Sword of the Cliff locked the target on the electric dragon that was already injured.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor, relying on the powerful attack and speed of the belly drum, walked around Shakira and did not engage in close combat.

All electrical skills will be actively absorbed by Shakira when approaching them.

The real power of the Cliff Sword is unexpected.

Although Shakira's Sword of the Cliff is a defective version, it is also relative to Gul'dor.

For Shakira, it was enough.


A painful heartache came from his lower body.

Dianlong's eyes rolled over, feeling that his head was empty, and he lost his fighting ability directly.


Seeing the electric dragon's attack, Leiqiu and Lei Elves felt a bit of coolness in his Majesty.

Even if they could run, they didn't dare to run away.

Shakira, who has a ground system, directly ignores the opponent's electricity system skills, which is to continue to use the sword skills of the cliff while standing.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor also walked around Shakira, using only long-range skills, and with the increase in the abdominal drum, the power was quite good.

The main thing is the battle between Super Boscodora and Super Fire Chicken.

After the evolution of Boscodora, the increase is not just physical fitness.

Both the explosion of energy and the mastery of energy have been greatly improved.

As a rock-based skill, the sharp-stone attack is quite terrifying to the flying fork bat.

Pieces of sharp rock, according to Aoki's previous, swirling different trajectories, slammed into the fork bats dodging back and forth in the air.

Dodge still had some effects at first, but as the number of hits gradually increased, the dodge ability decreased.

On the other side, the flaming chicken shook four flaming ribbons on the wrist, and a raging flame appeared from the head, covering the whole body.

The speed is getting faster and faster while running, and the color of the flame is also changing.

Originally red, it slowly changed to orange yellow, light yellow, and finally golden yellow.

Just looking at the appearance is not like the fire skills.

But the scorched black exposed on the ground where the Flaming Chicken ran, can know how terrible the temperature is.

Thunder beast is also a kind of spirit faster.

However, in front of the flame chicken rice with acceleration characteristics, it is still not enough.


Hit the head!

The increase of the sword dance, coupled with the original explosive power of the flash flame charge, directly bombed the lightning beast.

呲 ——

The Flaming Chicken slid his feet to control his body still sliding forward.

Flash Flame Charge has a rebound effect, and the Flame Chicken has also suffered considerable damage.

But it was dwarfed by the thunderous beast that was blown up.

"Boscodora, the rock is blocked, and the fork bat is shot down!"

"Flame chicken, chase after victory, kick by flame!"

Aoki ordered again to the two elves.

Superevolution can not last long, so it must be decided quickly.

Although it can persist for three minutes, three minutes is the limit. Once it reaches three minutes, Aoki will directly lose his ability to move.

It's almost a minute now.

The energy in Boscodora and the Flaming Chicken, who understood the situation, suddenly surpassed.

The flaming chicken that originally wanted to stop sliding directly released the resisting body and rushed towards the lightning beast with the speed of sliding.

High Leap.

At this time, the Thunderbolt just barely stood up.

Shaking his head to strike back at Regis' order, he saw a foot with a golden flame getting closer and closer, and appeared in front of himself at a few extremely fast speeds.

嘭 ——

Kicked off again.

There is only one idea in Thunderbolt's head.

Did you wash this?

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Kick fly did not stop because it hit a tree.

Three trees were broken directly behind.

Some scorched blacks can be seen at the break of the tree. It is obvious that the flame of the flame chicken is attached to the thunder beast, causing the tree to burn.

Thunder beast, lose combat ability!

While the Flaming Chicken attacked the Thunderbolt, Boscodora also changed the way he dealt with Forked Bats.

Four chain-like long strips of rock, after spending a little time, still tied the prong bat and locked it tightly to the ground.

In this way, the usefulness of Boscodora can be maximized.

"Boscodora, Tarzan topped out! Combining earthquake skills, he ended up with an iron tail."

Aoki is ready to let Boscodol use a new combination of skills in combat.

Mount Tarzan topped with an earthquake.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Boscodora's heavy tonnage can feel the tremor on the ground even if he only runs on the ground.

Each step is like a small earthquake.

Struggling madly by a fork-shaped bat accidentally tied to the ground, especially when watching Boscodora getting closer, the madness and despair in the fork's eyes became more and more obvious.

Damn, won't you be beaten up?

When I ran into the fork bat, the fork bat barely ran out of the rock blockade, but it was too late.

Boscododra grabbed the fork bat's foot with just one hand.

The Fork Bat fluttered its wings wildly, but Boscodora remained motionless.

In anxiety, he could only bite at Boscodora.


The sharp teeth came into contact with Boscodora's arm and made a crisp sound.

Fork bat's face despair.

What a terrible bully!

Boscodora ignored him, the other fist waved, his fists collided, and a metal collision sounded.

The cross-shaped bat in the middle felt that his overnight dinner was about to be beaten, and a dizziness appeared in his eyes.

But Boscodora remembered Aoki's orders.

To use Mount Tai and earthquake.

Throw the fork-shaped bat fiercely on the ground, and then force the legs and tail to eject into the air.

Lying on the ground, the fork-shaped bat saw the horror scene with the slightest crack in his eyes.

A horrible giant like Tarzan, smashed from the air, carrying the energy of the ground system.


boom! !!

Two roars ~ ~ 嘭 ——

Immediately, there was another sound.

It's the closing of the iron tail.

Boscodora strictly followed Aoki's orders.

The ground here is completely sunken.

The fork-shaped bat below Boscodora was not only fully embedded in the ground, but also everywhere in the body where blood could be seen gushed out of the body.

If you don't do it right away, you will definitely lose your life after one minute.

Boscodora's weight and explosive ability are really terrifying.

In just one and a half minutes, the two quasi-king-level elves that Regis relied on had lost their fighting ability.

On the other side, Shakira and the mosquito-repellent frog emperor's two enemies four, at this time has become two enemies two, Dianlong and Leiqiu first lost their combat capabilities.


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