The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 953: Chief search officer

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one day.

Aoki rushed to death and boarded the last flight from Zijing City to the Alliance headquarters.

It arrived a full day after Adams made the phone call.

Unblocked came to Adams' office.

At this time, the teachers of Aoki Liu Shengang and Adams had been waiting in the office for some time.

I thought I could see it yesterday. Who knows that it took Aoki a day to get here.

"Teacher! President!" Aoki entered the office and saw the two scream respectfully.

But in addition to the two, there was Furong who stood behind Adams and greeted Aoki quietly.

I haven't seen it for a while, but it's a little taller.

Adams and Liu Shenggang nodded with relief.

"Aoki, we have heard about what you did in the Carlos area this time. The Carlos Regional Alliance also sent us a thank you letter for your contribution in the Balmum Incense incident. The gift of thanks from the heirs of Xiangdian will be sent to you by Furong. ”Adams said with a smile.

As I get older, I just want to see the next generation of Fengyuan Alliance grow up as quickly as possible.

In this generation of Aoki, there are still many people with good potential, which made Adams quite satisfied.

Especially now they are realizing their potential.

Among them are Aoki, Ogo, Mikkeli and Hibiscus.

These four people have the potential of the Four Heavenly Kings. What Adams hopes most is that these four people can reach the Four Heavenly Kings and even higher.


At this time, Adams himself was the champion of the Fengyuan area.

However, I have to say that I am old and lack energy.

And in recent years, his own strength has gradually declined, at most he can continue for three to five years, beyond this time, his strength may decline to the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.

After all, not everyone can stay as long as Dr. Oki during the peak period.

By the time of Adams, neither the trainer nor the elves could stop the killing knife.

Originally, Adams also had great hopes for the miles of Orange City and Orange Road Museum.

Qianli's strength is indeed strong enough. When Naihe Qianli did not pursue the positions of the four heavenly kings and champions.

He frankly told Adams that he could be in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings, but did not want to assume too many tasks, hoping that he could have enough time to improve his strength.

A few of the four kings now are unwilling to take care of things. For another thousand miles, Adams estimates that he will be busy.

In the end this matter can only be temporarily suspended.

"Both the president and the teacher are well educated." Aoki said with a smile.

"You have been with that little ghost for a long time, and you have learned his way," Adams cursed with a smile.

"Hey ~" Aoki smiled and scratched his head.

Suddenly I didn't turn around to identify myself.

"Well, to be serious, this time I hurriedly called you over here, in order to give you a heavy load."

Add a burden?

Adams continued, "The kid who crossed the other day also sent me an e-mail with a video of you playing against him, but he was evenly matched and ended with your defeat.

This kid actually wants to interfere in the management of our Fengyuan Alliance, let alone him. "

Adams was scolding Du, but in fact he was not too dissatisfied with Du.

What Du has done is exactly what he wants to see.

Can't let the talents of any rich area be buried.

"From the battle with him and the previous incident of the Baldham Xiangdian Xiangdian, you almost know that your strength has reached the level of the Uranus. Maybe not all the main elves have reached the Uranus level, but I believe it is similar.

Therefore, after discussing with your teacher Liu Shenggang, I decided to let you take on more responsibilities, and I hope that you will be able to provoke a large position in Fengyuan District. "Adams said positively.

At the words of Adams, Aoki stood upright.

Although there is no clear explanation, Adams's words are equivalent to booking Aoki for a future four-king king position.

As long as Aoki grows to a certain degree, Adams will push Aoki to the top.

To know the current rich area, it is not bad to say that Adams is right. The president and title of the league is simply power and force.

And an alliance president who has been in the Fengyuan area for so many years, will no one else support him?

I am afraid that more than half of the senior alliances in the whole rich area now support Adams.

After all, a person who has worked so hard for so many years in Fengyuan District will have a respectful heart.

"Let the Alliance send." Aoki said firmly.

Adams nodded with satisfaction. "That being the case, I will now grant you the position of the fourth chief search officer of Fengyuan Alliance. The search officer will be directly responsible to me, so your immediate leadership will be me."

Fourth place!

Chief Search Officer!

Aoki's heart shook slightly.

Originally thought that Adams would give himself some seemingly secondary rights, but did not expect to suddenly enlarge the move.

The department of the search officer is managed by the champion in any area. Now the champion in Fengyuan is Adams, so the search officer is directly responsible for Adams.

The chief search officer is the highest position in the search officer organization.

Aoki felt that after returning to the Guandu alliance, he should be granted the position of chief search officer, but he did not expect that he would be granted this post after returning to Fengyuan area.

The chief search officer is already a senior member of the alliance.

Aoki, 16, became the chief search officer, probably the youngest chief search officer in the history of the elven world.

Any chief search officer needs to have the strength of the king, but does not mean that anyone who has the power of the king can be the chief search officer.

The strength and identity are essential.

There are only three chief search officers in Fengyuan.

See who these three people are. The special Joey of the Joey family, Joey Yui, the boss of Aoki, has a frozen bird of the legendary elves.

Junsha, the main battle of the Junsha family ~ ~ I don't know what the specific name is.

The other one is a member of the Zvuchi family. It seems that it is Dawu's cousin or cousin. It is not clear, but it should be close to Dawu.

Dawu is under the chief search officer.

Aoki, who has just entered the rank of Heavenly King, will be at the same level with these three big brothers.

It can be seen that the chief search officer's strength is not the most important, and identity may be the most important.

Ogo can no longer be the chief search officer.

Not because of his strength or lack of status, but because the Zvitch family already has a chief search officer and no one can serve.

Be balanced.

In other words, from now on, Aoki may become the boss of Ogo. Although he is not a direct supervisor, he is also a boss?

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