The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 934: Sprint knight

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Because the battle castle was opened by the alliance.

So it belongs to the official organization.

If you want to register your identity here, you need an alliance ID card. The battlefield in Zijing City is like an underground arena compared to this place.

Aoki took out his alliance ID card and was able to complete the registration soon.

But now Aoki is not the original Aoki who just entered the Elf League.

Whether it is a title or a real identity, it is still a small place in the entire league.

The owner of the Fuyedao Pavilion, the elf researcher, the senior search officer of the alliance, the top four of the Olympic Games ...

Just these three pieces of information recorded in his ID card file gave the staff who registered to Aoki frequently.

They have seen some of them as Dadao Pavilion Masters. After all, almost all Dadao Pavilion masters in the Carlos area have registered in the Battle Castle and have titles.

The elf researcher's identity is rare, not to say that the number is scarce, but because as a researcher, it is too much to fight against the castle.

The league's senior search officer's identity is a hard stubble and properly represents strength.

Because the job of a search officer can only be performed after a certain assessment, one of the conditions matched is strength.

But this is not the hardest, the hardest is the last name.

The top four of the Olympic Games!

You must know that among the people sent by them in the Shenao area, the best ranked Miss Caruna is only the top eight.

Can this person rank higher than Caruna?

They can be unlucky no matter what, and the end result shows that, then they think so.

And now these four identities are superimposed.

That would be incredible.

The staff immediately registered Aoki's identity information, and directly adjusted it to the same level as Caruna. This is the battle castle's preferential treatment for potential newcomers.

As long as the Ares opponents, the more points they can get, the faster the knight's promotion.

"Hello sir, this is your knighthood." The staff handed over a medal made of unknown metal.

The word Baron is printed on it, which looks good from the overall appearance of the medal, but if you compare it with Du's Earl Medal, it is a little worse.

Seeing this handed medal, Aoki froze slightly, "Isn't it necessary to give the title after fighting?"

The smile on the staff ’s face remained unchanged, explaining, “This is a new condition we recently added to the battle castle. As long as you can get the top 32 in the entire league competition, registration can skip the beginning Screened and awarded the Baron Medal directly.

Of course, if you want to continue to improve the title, you still need battles. "

After getting an explanation, Aoki accepted it.

After all, those who can enter the top thirty-two of the league have their strengths, and their potential and identity need not be said. Granting the baron directly skips the boring battle before, and it is not unacceptable.

Anyway, Aoki is the beneficiary.

"In this case, please help me arrange my first match." Aoki said directly.

"Okay." The staff member was still fast, nodded and immediately lay down on the computer to operate.

"By the way, and mine, trouble also arranged a fight for me." Seeing that Aoki registration was completed, Du also came up and took out his own title.

Those with title titles have their identity information on their title titles, just swipe on the computer of the battle castle, and that's it.

"Okay, dear Earl." The staff said dutifully when he saw Du's medal.

Even in the battle castle, the count of counts is very high.

Without the Grand Duke and Duke, the Marquis is a master of the Heavenly King class, and the Earl is at least the top level in the quasi-kingdom.

Arranging battles at the earl level sometimes needs to wait a long time, after all, not everyone stays in the battle castle all day long.

"By the way, please arrange two rooms for us, just hang them together." Du took out his bank card and said.

"Okay, please wait a moment," said the staff member, who took over Du's bank card.

The range of battle castles is very large, mainly green grass and gardens. The middle and largest building is this castle, which is a place for special battles. Each level represents different levels of knighthood.

The ground floor is the largest, and those who have not participated in the battle have the most battlefields.

The upper level is the battlefield of the barons, the third is the Viscount, the fourth is the Earl, the fifth is the Marquis, and the sixth is the Duke.

The seventh floor does not have a battlefield, but a place similar to a palace with a large chair on it, only the Grand Duke can sit on it.

Of course, the more grand dukes, the more chairs.

In addition to the building of Battle Castle, not far away there is a palace-like building, which is a hotel of Battle Castle.

Where you can live depends on your financial resources.

In the status of Dudu, of course, he would not choose a place to live in any way. Aoki was quite relieved.

However, as the count, the battle of Tou may have to wait for some time, but the battle of Aoki was soon scheduled.

The baron, who generally has the baron status, has the strength of the elves between thirty and forty, that is, he has not reached the elite level.

This level of fighting is not too much pressure for Aoki.

"How about? Would you like to show me to the baron's venue?" Aoki said with a smile.

"Let's go and see how fast you can reach the Viscount." Du also smiled.

Aoki just applied for continuous battles, which means that as long as his battle is over, he can immediately match his opponent again.

One disadvantage of this continuous battle is that if the elves cannot keep up, it will be easy to lose later.

But as long as he can continue to win, the sprint of the title is fast.

Battle castles use knights to calculate the title.

The total number of points for a knighthood is 100 points. When it reaches 100 points, there will be a promotion challenge. As long as the promotion challenge can win, it can be successfully promoted. The loser loses the promotion and deducts half of the points. Too.

Usually, you get a little points for every win, and a little points are deducted for a loss, but if you have a winning streak, you can still get points.

Calculating from the three-game winning streak, add three points for the three-game winning streak, three points for the four-game winning streak, five points for the five-game winning streak, and so on.

In other words, ~ ~ As long as the number of consecutive wins that can be maintained, the faster the promotion.

Losing a game will start again, and after starting a promotion, it will start again.

In other words, in fact, the twelve-game winning streak can directly reach the promotion game, and the promotion game will be promoted to the title.

In addition, in the battle of the baron and the viscount, two elves can be used, and in the battle of the earl and marquis, three elves can be used. The battle of the duke is not restricted.

This is the basic rule of the battle castle in Carlos.

Of course, points are equal to rewards. The more points you can, you can exchange a lot of things you need from the exchange list of the battle castle.

The higher the title, the more lists can be opened.


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