The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 795: Alliance bleeding

When the host came to power, the 16 players including Ogo and Girona were announced to welcome them.

The first is the prize for the top 16.

An organ-like opening on the stage opened, and a prop similar to a step was raised from below.

This step is a bit like a pyramid. The lower part is bigger and the upper part is smaller. On each step, there is an elven egg!

Yes, these elven eggs are one of the prizes this time!

There are a total of sixteen elven eggs, divided into four layers, the first layer is the top layer, there is one, then the second layer has three, the third layer is four, and the fourth layer is eight.

With the rise of this step, the people in the semi-finals all froze.

It's finally time for exciting awards, but to be honest, the top sixteen prizes are just elven eggs, which really disappointed everyone.

Because of the people who can enter the top sixteen, which one does not have a large number of elves and other elves that need to be cultivated in their hands?

Although these Elven Eggs of the Alliance are certainly not simple Elven Eggs, the elves that have hatched from them are definitely talented, but they do not have much freshness.

It wasn't until the host explained it that everyone changed the mind.

Because these Elven Eggs are alliances of the five major regions, each alliance takes out some of the sixteen Elven Eggs that have been selected after careful selection and testing.

Everyone has the right to choose according to their rank.

The league did not indicate what elves were these elves. It was up to them to choose them. It was all luck and personal feeling.

The higher the elf egg is, it must be slightly better, but good does not mean that it is best for you, so it does not force everyone to take only one position of the elf egg. It may also be selected when the first place is selected It's the elven egg in the bottom row.

Only one person hasn't belittled these elven eggs from beginning to end.

It was Aoki who felt a little dazzling now.

Although the chip is dormant and cannot perform other functions, the basic scanning functions are still there.

Aoki got the information about these elven eggs for the first time.

Each elven egg made Aoki feel a little hot.

This time the league ... it's really costing money.

Reluctantly restrained the shock in his heart, Aoki has determined several goals of his own, it depends on how they choose.

The first person to go up and choose is the first Ogo, who has the right to choose first.

If he followed the order, he would definitely choose the top elf egg, because it was placed the highest, it certainly makes sense.

But before Ogo went up, Aoki standing beside him whispered something.

"By feeling."

This is the sentence that dispelled Dawu's idea of ​​choosing the top elf egg.

With a little hesitation, Ogo took out the elf ball and summoned his shining giant monster.

At this point the Flash Giant Gold Monster has recovered a certain amount of physical strength.

Dawu touched the pliers of the flashing giant gold monster, letting him feel which elven is more suitable for himself.

As a good friend of Dawu, he followed Dawu's elves in the beginning, of course, he understood what Dawu meant, and he knew what his favorite and good elves were.

Dawu did this by suddenly erupting his inspiration and letting the giant gold monster perceive it.

What if I select a water system, electricity system, or other elves at the end?

He is not good at training and fighting such elves.

With the eyes closed, the flashing giant gold monster relied on his steel and super powers to perceive the elf, and finally helped Dawu lock his target on an elf egg in the middle of the second row.

Without any hesitation, Dawu also trusted the feeling of the giant gold monster and chose the elf egg directly.

Aoki, standing behind, saw Ogo choosing this elven egg, and nodded secretly.

I have to say that Dawu let the elves perceive this, and they did a good job.

This elf egg is an elf egg with a big mouth baby, a big mouth baby with forcible characteristics, and the qualification has reached light blue!

That's right, the light blue qualification is the main reason why Aoki feels that the alliance is bleeding heavily. The four elven eggs on the first and second floors are all light blue. Elf eggs on the third and fourth floors are at least teal.

For the next generation of these alliances, this prize can really be said to have been lost.

As long as these elves are successfully cultivated, any of them will become their ace elves.

Dawu's big mouth baby, although probably not the strongest of the four elven eggs, is definitely the one that suits him best.

The original steel system, plus the fairy system just announced by Aoki, has the possibility of super evolution in the future.

Forcibly and after the super-evolved Hercules, Dago will also add an elf that can deal with dragon spirits.

Increased his striking face.

And from the genetic skills of this big mouth baby elf egg, Aoki can see that he has a very talented in the fairy and steel systems.

After I made my choice, it was Girona.

Inspired by Ogo, Girona summoned Lucalio as a helper, and Lucalio, who had the power of the waveguide, could not do more.

After seeing Girona's summoning of Lukario, Aoki knew which of the spirits Girona would choose.

Sure enough, without the surprise of Aoki, with the help of Lucario, Girona chose the top, the top of the pyramid, the fairy egg of Pockby.

A light blue qualification, characterized by the grace of Pockby.

No one knows better than Aoki. What kind of combat power will be possessed by the traits of Polkby after the ultimate evolution into Polkkis? One stroke of air will be able to hit the world's invincible opponents.

This was originally one of the elves that Aoki wanted most.

After all, Bokby is a fairy of the fairy system, and there is still a great chance to master the power of Bird. Aoki has the blessing of Bird and will get along very well with Bokby.

But when Girona summoned Lukario, Aoki knew that Lukario with the power of the waveguide would definitely let Girona choose that Pokebi's Elven Egg.

There is no way, the first goal is selected, Aoki can only choose the second goal.

Aoki had to sigh again, the league's generous shot.

There are also changes made by the league after announcing the attribute of the fairy.

Start with the prizes of this contest!

The elves selected by Ogo and Girona have the attributes of a fairy.

The one selected by Aoki will also be the one with this attribute.

Kona and Aoki were selected at the same time. The two did not summon the elves to help them like Ogo and Girona ~ ~ Instead, each of them took the remaining two of the four elven eggs .

Aoki chose a little guy with a super ability and a fairy.

It must be said that the alliance should have screened the elves on the steps after seeing the four of them entering the semifinals.

Otherwise, it is impossible that all four elven eggs are suitable for all four of them.


Ten more burst out! For 万, where to run, eat 俺, chase a fat stick, nine million rewards plus 2/9!

See if there are ten more outbreaks in hibiscus, should it be a monthly pass to reward, laugh.

Then recently, a big event is being planned in the group. There will be a big surprise next month. There should be a burst on the first of October at the latest. Ask everyone to guarantee a monthly pass!

Finally, I would like to thank Jinzhuang Combin Shushu for running away from qread to give me a lot of rewards, thank you very much!

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