The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 558: Frantic

Originally, I wanted to attract a small wave, but when Aoki saw the rushing king, he knew that things were bad.

A king who is significantly larger than other kings rushes to the front.

The ravenous menace rushed towards Aoki.

After Xun Xin scanned the data of this King of King through the chip, her face was not better.

Pokemon: Puppet King (Light Cyan)

Gender: Female

Level: 52

Attribute: insect + poison

Characteristics: Instinct of insects

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: double needle, poison diamond, slam

Basic skills: baton, iron wall, super corner fight, rounding, rolling, poison needle, rattle, chase, hold, poison tail, insect bite, venom impact, high speed movement, crazy rolling, highly toxic, venom trap ,rock climbing

Teach Skills: Iron Tail, Lame, Signal Light

Skill Learner: None

"This is in trouble, level 52, the King of the King of Heaven, is this too much to kill, and has the leader of the King of the Kings group been led out?" Aoki said secretly.

But the body did not stop, and quickly led the elves back.

I hope that this grassland can scare this quasi-king level king.

Rushed out of the forest at the fastest speed and ran to the place before.

Hagi Aoki is fortunate, but fortunately, the leader of this king is not accelerating, or even if she has a safe distance at first, she may not run.

After running across the previous line, Aoki did not stop, and ran again for 30 meters before stopping slowly.

When he didn't feel the movement behind him, Aoki was slightly relieved.

I turned around and saw that the kings of kings were standing on the line before them, afraid to move forward half a step.

I was not as afraid as the previous kings, and scrambling to retreat like that.

The leader of 蜈蚣 King stood straight on the line this time, two sharp eyes staring at Aoki tightly.

He is the creature in front of him, and the elves around him, leading a large number of people from his own group.

As the leader of a group and the leader of a larger group in this forest, she must not let Aoki and his elves.

Otherwise, can they provoke the King tribe?

There are no days of stability after that.

But the leader of 蜈蚣 King was a little confused, because she remembered very clearly what was here.

It's just that she is really unwilling.

I watched the enemy not far away, but couldn't go up to catch up.

Aoki did not dare to come too close. After all, the leader of the 蜈蚣 king was still relatively strong, and there was no lack of some long-range skills. Who knew how far her attack was.

Aoki thinks it is safer to keep a distance of more than 30 meters.

The rest of the kings stood neatly behind the leader of the king, like a group of soldiers waiting for orders.

But judging from their distance from that line, they can still see their inherent fear of this place.

The leader of the king of kings wandered along that line, and endured, but did not dare to take a step.

Aoki has calmed down gradually.

He now has two kinds of expectations in his heart.

One is that the leader of the king of kings should not cross this line, and obediently return to his own forest, so that Aoki can more recklessly treat the entire king of kings as a cash machine.

But there was another voice in my heart, hoping that the leader of the King of Kings would cross this line.

What kind of elf is Lu, who can make such a powerful Lu Wang family so afraid of this place.

Don't even dare to take half a step even when the other party is away.

He also has the courage of the leader of He king to be a little bolder, and dare to stand on that line and think.

The other kings, left one meter away.

Qi Qingmu became interested and ordered the dull kings to use the momentary movement to take them as soon as the king of kings passed there and was within twenty meters of their distance.

As for the attack from twenty meters away, Aoki thought that the elves could still stop it in time.

You can't guarantee it within twenty meters.

The idiot king who got Aoki's orders, his superpowers surging, always ready to use instant movement.

Aoki was very provocative and sat directly on the ground. He took out the energy cubes from the storage space and distributed them to the elves. Then he took out a bag of snacks and ate them slowly.


Yeah, now Aoki is dying!

But if you do n’t do it, I do n’t know what kind of elves there is. Aoki is really uneasy.

I hope the leader of the king will lead him out.

Sure enough, when I saw Aoki's leisurely contentment, I didn't have the slightest way of looking at you, and the eyes of the leader of the king were red.

He kept making hissing noises in his pout, and hesitation in his heart grew stronger.

Aoki's mouth rose slightly, let me fire for you.

狃 "Ma'ara, use the frozen light on the King of Kings, calm her down and make a suitable choice."

"Dora!" Madara responded.

I stood in place, freezing light gathered in my hands.

At a distance of thirty meters, the frozen light can reach this distance, that is, there is almost no power in hitting the Queen of Queens.

But the King of Kings is 愣愣, watching the frozen light of Malaola, hitting his head straight.

Feel the coldness above.

But not only did his head calm down because of this attack, but his head became hotter and hotter, and his anger was hard to restrain.

"The endurance is really good, Madara, this time I hit with an icicle!" Aoki took a bite of snacks and said lightly.

In the unbelievable eyes of King Wang, he saw that only icicles, which turned into a finger, hit his face.

He didn't feel any pain, but he felt that his majesty was deeply provoked.

More than that ~ ~ The dignity of the quasi-king-level elves was stimulated fiercely.

Burn in anger!

The unbearable King of Kings took the crucial first step in the horrified eyes of the Kings of Kings behind him.

After taking this step, the king of the king gave a little sting, and found that the situation in the imagination did not happen.

Then it was time for her to vent her anger.

I stared at Aoki coldly, and quickly ran up.

Aoki watched 蜈蚣 king cross the line, but nothing unexpected happened.

His face became serious.

"King King!"

Aoki shouted.

The superpower fluctuations of the dull king who knew it suddenly skyrocketed, covering Aoki and the elves.

As the amount of superpower bursts out, the space appears slightly distorted.


However, before the King of Kings ran within ten meters, the dull King used out the instant movement.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared on the grass!

A shadow like a bird, spread out the wings of Aoki and the King of the King all enveloped in.

"Wait a minute!" Aoki suddenly called.


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