The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 532: End of school bag by kira

Aoki left this time not very long, and spent two days with Dawu in Chimney Mountain.

In the past two days, the crow's head and Matara who were left in the backyard by Aoki did not relax. They were only one step away from the elite, and they worked very hard.

Aoki is not around. Not only has the range of exercise not decreased, but he has increased the amount of exercise himself.

Aoki also sees their progress.

They can't see it with the naked eye, but their data has been improved in the data scanned by the chip, and their efforts can be seen.

However, what surprised Aoki was Kira.

It wasn't long before Yui was born, and the change in body shape was not mentioned.

Originally, his tonnage was the first among the elves of Aoki, and during this time, Yukira's weight continued to increase.

Body growth After the big milk tank gave Aoki a certain amount of calcium tablets every day according to Aoki's plan, the body's growth rate also improved.

Yura's is now almost the same size as normal Yura, but in the data displayed by the chip, Yura is still in its infancy.

However, one thing that made Aoki quite pleased was that under the conscious teaching of Aoki, Kira had gradually mastered his own weight.

He is running on the ground today, and will not leave different footprints like before.

Although his footprints are still at least, Kira can at least grasp his balance. As long as he exercises for a period of time, he can successfully control his weight.

Only recently his body is still developing, so even if he wants to control his weight, he needs an adjustment.

After he entered the growth stage, he should be able to gradually stabilize.

However, what made Aoki even more gratified was still demonstrated by Kira, the ability to control the attributes of the ground system.

Aoki's control ability of the rock series is not clear, but it is estimated that from the time that Kira's elven eggs are soaked in the core of the heart, the control of the rock series should not be weak.

After all, Bangalla is a rock and evil spirit. The rock system is still very important for Bangla.

Even if Aoki has a cyan-qualified flaming chicken with acceleration characteristics, it has a tough and indomitable cyan-qualified Coco-dola.

基 When seeing Aoki appear in the backyard again, Yukira is very happy.

Aoki left for a few days. Let him be a little baby Yukira, don't miss it too much.

He jumped **** the ground, and with Kira's weight, his physical strength and skeleton could actually support his normal jump.

However, it was difficult for Aoki. After exhausting all his super powers and his own strength, he reluctantly picked up Kira's weight again.

Aoki couldn't help but sigh as he hugged his armour, which was gradually roughening in his arms.

This weight is really terrifying.

I am also the current Yukira. It is estimated that after he enters the growth stage, it is not the current Aoki that can hold it.

Released the elves, and after a brief rest, they started training again.

Training has been integrated into their lifestyle habits. If you do not exercise for a day, you will feel uncomfortable.

But this exercise is not just the dumb king five of them.

The four little guys, such as the bonfire juvenile, cocodola, mosquito coil, and water leaping fish, also joined the training for the first time.

幅度 Their training range is incomparable to the dull king, but it is also more difficult than the exercise they used to play on their own.

It was after they tried the first battle that they would say goodbye to their happy days.

For this change, the fastest one is Cocodola, then the water leap fish, then the mosquito-repellent maggot, and finally the fire juvenile.

Cocodola is a belligerent character. Among Cocodola's people, he is the one who likes fighting the most.

Although Coco-dola is so exaggerated, there is also a kind of obsession for fighting.

The mosquito-repellent incense stick is because of his smooth personality. Since Aoki wants him to train and fight hard, he will train and fight hard, and his will is second.

Only a fire child is the hardest thing ever.

But since the end of the last battle, although suffering, exhaustion, and tears in his eyes, there has been no begging for mercy and grievances, and no direct appeal to Aoki.

Aoki was somewhat surprised by this.

The fiery juvenile was tougher than he expected.

Who is the most envious now?

的 Yuila in Aoki's arms!

Two small eyes glowed with light, staring at the elves trained in the backyard. If it wasn't for Aoki, he might have rushed out.

"Now you are not training. After your body develops stably, even if you do n’t want to train or fight, I will let you do it, so now you still enjoy the present." Aoki said by touching Kira's small head.

Because of the telepathy, Kira understood Aoki.

Nodded his head cleverly, the two little hands waved vigorously in the air, as if to say, come on!

But with the movement of his two small hands, some small gravel and small gravel on the ground, slowly floating into the air with his hands.

I saw Aoki's eyes lit up.

The gifted talent is worthy of your mother's expectations ~ ~ Looking at the sand and small gravel around, Kira is happy again, his hands are constantly waving, sand gravel surrounds Aoki The whole body began to dance.

I suddenly thought of something, Aoki took out a palm-sized red object from the storage space.

Seeing what suddenly appeared in Aoki's hands, Kira's eyes were straight, and the sand and small gravel flying in the air all fell to the ground, but he didn't feel it, and stared tightly at Aoki's hands. Fragment of Rado's armor.

He looked at Aoki with two small eyes, and then looked at the things in his hands. The two small eyes flickered, and the longing look was almost ready.

Aoki knocked on Kira ’s already hard head with a smile, "This thing is for you, but now you can't control him, you can only touch it, but you can't absorb the energy inside, if I find Secretly absorb the energy inside, and I will confiscate it immediately. "

Yuila nodded immediately.

I don't know why, there was a feeling in the bottom telling him that this red thing was too good for him.

He said, he took out some special materials and made Kira a small backpack-like pocket, which was hung on the back, and inside that was a piece of Gullad's armor.

Carrying a small schoolbag by Yukira.

Whoops, um ... pretty handsome.

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