The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 512: Butler

Only Dawu's metal monster can fully reflect his identity.

This is the gap between people in the elven world.

In order to become a trainer, the civilians must use all their efforts to obtain even the most ordinary elf.

Noble children like Dawu, from the day they were born, represented a high starting point.

This is the normal state of the world and the main reason why Aoki did not resist after becoming a Rockets team.

What is wrong is not someone like Ogo, but the system of this world.

The stupid king and the metal monster, two super-powered elf, the combined strength is not just one plus one.

The two looked at each other, and the tacit understanding just cultivated today allows them to make a more correct choice in this case.

"The dumb king, with a metal monster, moves instantly! Go to the two of them, and control them with your mind, don't let them move." Aoki commanded ECG induction.

Dawu didn't give any instructions to the metal monster, but the metal monster could understand what Dawu meant.

Suddenly, the superpower of the idiot king suddenly erupted and disappeared with the metal monster.

的 The strength that two powerful super-elves can show is very scary.

For a moment, the dull king and metal monster who moved to the two of the lava team instantly controlled them with super powers.

Although the two big wolf dogs next to them are evil spirits, they don't have much resistance to the dull kings and metal monsters with miracle eyes.

The two are not weak, but compared to Aoki and Ogo, they are not enough.

Not to mention dull kings and metal monsters are their trump cards.

If it wasn't for the purpose of preventing large movements, they wouldn't have to bother.

Aoki threw an elven ball again, summoning the claw tail scorpion.

The advantage of the lame-tailed scorpion with many feet and many joints in this kind of heart is demonstrated. Under the command of Aoki, quickly approach the two controlled wolf dogs.

I stunned them twice and stunned them directly.

Aoki and Ogo slowly walked out from behind the rocks after all the was over.

Under the horrified eyes of the two members of the lava team, Aoki let the dull king directly stun them.

Ogo is here, can not solve them directly, making Aoki feel very headache and uncomfortable.

Facing the enemy, the people in the alliance are repeatedly provoked because of such indecision and insufficient decisive shots.

If everyone is as decisive as some of the search officials, killing and killing, Aoki estimates that the alliance will not be so passive now.

There are more and more underground organizations in the dark.

He is because of the unnecessary kindness of the Alliance.

After stunning the two and tying them with a rope, Aoki and Ogo got the lava team's coat on them.

I directly put it on my body, not to mention that it is indeed a lava team that often appears in high-temperature areas. After wearing their jackets, they felt a little coolness.

Obviously, these coats have been specially processed.

I brought the red hood on my jacket. At first glance, the two looked like the lava team.

This is the way I came up with after discussion with Aoki and Ogo.

I rushed in, and the danger was definitely much greater. Now I can at least avoid some simple investigations.

The two members of the lava team that were **** awakened directly with water.

I looked at them in front of them, and the members of the lava team suddenly turned pale.

刚刚 They just knew they had been attacked and wanted to give an alert, but their bodies couldn't move.

When I woke up again, I saw that my lava team's clothes had been worn away. In this case, they also knew that they were probably finished.

I was not directly resolved by the two people in front of me, but was resolved by the lava team inside.

Suddenly the face looked dead.

I looked at their expressions, and Aoki knew what they thought.

He looked down at the two men in a condescending manner, "We are members of the Alliance, answer our questions, maybe there is a chance to survive, otherwise ..."

When I heard Aoki's words, the lava team's eyes burst into life.

Although the league found their whereabouts this time, the crisis brought to the lava team is obviously greater, but the league has another advantage, that is, it will not kill people indiscriminately.

As long as you cooperate well, the big deal is to be locked up.

It ’s better to die than to live. It is better to be locked up than dead. Maybe there is still a chance to come out.

The man in the two of them nodded madly, and the dumb king blocked their mouths with super powers, preventing them from speaking.

"Now untie the control of your mouth and answer my questions well, as long as you are satisfied, leave you a way out." Aoki began.

He gave the dumb king a gesture, and the dumb king carefully released the control of the two, and once they had the intention to send an alarm, they blocked it again.

Alas, this worry is also superfluous.

They still want to survive, the Lava team has nothing to do with them.

Anyway, it is the life of the bottom layer. The supreme ideal of the lava team has nothing to do with them. They just want to live a better life before joining the lava team.

They didn't call, Aoki nodded with satisfaction.

"What is the purpose of your lava team coming here this time?" Aoki asked.

The same man said, "Return to my lord, what the specific purpose is, the villain is not very clear, but this time led by Butler in the lava team, he often do things for the lava team cadre fire village I do n’t know if it was initiated by himself or by Fire Village this time ~ ~ We are only the bottom layer, responsible for completing the access task. "

"How is Butler's strength?" Aoki asked again.

Compared to the purpose of the lava team this time, Butler, as the main person in charge of this task, whether his strength is strong or not, and their relationship with Aoki is more important.

If it is too strong, Aoki and Ogo will choose to give in, and the alliance's combatants will arrive soon after anyway.

Of course, if the strength is not very strong, then Aoki and Ogo are also willing to make a break, what is the secret inside.

"Butler ... Butler's specific strength villain is not very clear, but there are rumors inside the lava team, but Butler was able to sit in this position only after he had entered the fire village. His position in the lava team, It's almost the pinnacle of the captain, above the captain, below the cadres. "

内部 The lava team and the Rockets have similar internal divisions, just don't know if the division of strength is the same.

If it is the same, the peak of the captain should be the strength of the junior King.

But now the lava team is far behind the Rockets, after all, the captain's peak may be the peak of the elite, even if it is not, it is the first time to enter the quasi-king.

I should be almost at this level.

I heard Butler's strength, Aoki breathed a little sigh of relief, not just heavenly.

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