The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 508: Show superpowers

Ogo stood behind Aoki and watched him do these things. Although he didn't understand what Aoki was going to do, he didn't bother and stop, and watched patiently.

The duck-billed fire dragon took over the advanced energy block from the Aoki book.

Carefully threw one of them into his mouth, as if tasting something delicious.

After eating one, it stopped, hiding the remaining energy cubes in a place where even Aoki couldn't understand.

Then is the moment to witness the miracle!

Aoki's eyes showed signs of belonging to superpowers.

The eyes are the windows of the mind. The superpowers are the abilities that the head and the heart combine, so the most obvious part when superpowers are used is the eyes.

Aoki's eyes flickered with blue light, and a pale blue superpower silk thread connected the duck-billed fire dragon's head.

ECG induction.

In other words, the more advanced method of using ECG is to sense the meaning described by the other party directly through super powers.

In other words, Aoki understands what Aoki says, and Aoki understands what Aoki says.

After all, it is not human, and it does not have the ability to organize language.

Ogo, who stood aside, stared at Aoki with wide eyes.

It's like seeing a ghost.

What did I see?

superpower? !!

Wrong, superpower? !!

Aoki is a superpower? !!

Is this what Aoki is hiding? !!

Genius breeder plus superpowers!

Is this going against the sky? !!

Ogo's surprise was in Aoki's expectations.

However, he has no time to ignore it now. Aoki has not learned this expansion function until recently. He has a high degree of control over the super powers, but Aoki originally had less control over his super powers. Gao, so this ability is difficult for him to compare prices.

Slowly communicating the thoughts of the duck-billed fire dragon.

"Duck-billed fire dragon, can you hear me?" Aoki said in an electrocardiogram.

The duck-billed fire dragon, who heard Aoki's words, jumped up, looked around, and found that no one else appeared.

What happened to the sound in his head?

"Don't look around, it's me, the person in front of you, the one who just gave you delicious food." Aoki reluctantly said.

When saying this, the duck-billed fire dragon looked at Aoki dubiously.

He has never seen this amazing ability!

Then, it took Aoki five minutes to let the duck-billed fire dragon accept this ability of Aoki.

Finally, it is the key communication time.

The expression ability of the duck-billed fire dragon is really worrying. It may be good at this kind of communication among elves, and Aoki can barely understand it.

Fifteen minutes later, Aoki, who ended the exchange, accepted his superpowers.

Wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Feeling a little dizzy, this special use of ECG makes him a little overloaded.

"Hoo." He exhaled a long breath.

At this time, a handkerchief appeared in front of Aoki, and now Ogo has returned to his indifferent look.

Aoki's display of superpowers surprised him very much, but he didn't know how long Aoki had hidden the superpowers, and now he showed it to himself, which was his trust in himself.

As a typical aristocrat, how can there be no handkerchief on the body, this is a must-have.

"Thank you." Aoki thanked him briefly and took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Then he said, "I just briefly communicated with the duck-billed fire dragon. These wild elves are really bad at organizing language and expressing skills." Aoki couldn't help but want to vomit.

If it is the head of a crow, they can definitely tell everything through the process and results within three minutes, but the duck-billed fire dragon cannot.

Not to mention a little elf like a dumb king who is no less intelligent than humans.

There is no harm without contrast.

It had been prepared to be troublesome, but I didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

"From the meaning expressed by the duck-billed fire dragon, some creatures like ours appeared on the top of the mountain, which should be humans, and then brought some elves he had never seen. Although they did not actively attack them, but Their homes were damaged, and the duck-billed fire dragons protested, but they were easily repelled. "Aoki said briefly.

Obviously it's a very simple thing, and it's so complicated!

When Ogo heard Aoki's words, he supported his chin with one hand, and looked thoughtfully.

According to Aoki, that is to say that a group of unknown humans suddenly appeared on the mountain, which caused damage to the environment on the top of Chimney Mountain and had a relatively large impact on the elves living above.

When they encountered two duck-billed fire dragons before, were they so panic-stricken because of those people?

To Ogo's ability, of course, there is no need to explain more about Aoki.

In fact, for Ogo, the more important thing is that Aoki is actually a superpower.

After seeing Ogo's eyes, Aoki smiled bitterly, and knew that it was hard to say.

I sorted out my thoughts a bit and said, "I know you should be surprised that I am a superpower, yes, yes, I am a superpower, but I am the most trashy elementary superpower who can only have the ability Electrocardiography and some basic usage methods, and with my talent, I may never improve in the future. "

Aoki's words made Ogo silent.

The atmosphere between the two was a little dignified.

Scorpion-tailed scorpion and Kodola, who stood side by side, obviously didn't understand why their trainers seemed a bit wrong.


This is Ogo's voice.

Aoki's heart was a little tight, and his subconscious trembled, and he was about to touch the elven ball behind him.

This matter must be faced, and Aoki has made the worst plan. Now he is not Ogo's opponent, but he has the instant movement of the dull king, and there is absolutely no problem running away.

"It's really too much! Aoki! You are a superpower! I just know it now! It's too much! When we last battled, you didn't use superpowers." Ogo showed his signature confident smile .

For Aoki to be a super power ~ ~ he was more surprised, and a little bit envious, but Aoki did not have any other ideas about his concealment.

Shouldn't it be concealed?

Aoki is so genius, and then exposing his superpowers is not good for him. It may even be dangerous everywhere.

It turned out that this was Aoki's hiding means.

It is worthy of being recognized by me!

Really a genius!

Seeing Ogo's confident smile, Aoki was quietly relieved.


Almost thought he was going to part ways with the league.


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