The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 293: Final Trial Begins

It was dawn the next day.

Trial Island Rockets base.

Some people were standing in the bustling square.

There is still half an hour at eight in the morning, the time when the final trial will begin.

All the trainers have gathered here.

Aoki stood at the far corner with Skye and others, and now it was the last moment. There was no need to fight any more. In the final trial, no one except oneself could have 100% trust.

Those leaders should also understand this.

The main purpose of their gathering of forces is just to want some of their men to help them deal with trivial matters during the three months of the trial island, and at the same time to give those people their due shelter, which is an equivalent exchange.

As for how many of them can really use it after the trial is over, the benevolent sees it.

I am afraid that in the end, there will be Gujia, and there are still more people who care about it.

I saw that he was now standing in the middle of the square with thirty or forty people. Yesterday he did not get any people on the side of Aoki, but among the soloists on Alec's side, he still got a lot.

At least with Skye's notice, Aoki saw the eighth-ranked man who originally belonged to the soloist organization, and is now standing behind Guga with great vigor.

Guga kept her eyes on Aoki's body, staring at Aoki with her two eyes, and the resentment in her eyes couldn't be covered.

If it wasn't for Aoki that seriously injured Abai Snake, he would not have wasted more than half a month. He wouldn't have to whisper to his brother, or worry about those who joined later and their strength.

As the only trainer on the trial island with a good background, Guga also knew from his elder brother the true purpose of the trial.

So even at the last moment, he wanted to gather more people.

He knows that even if he has the support of his brother, he is not necessarily an opponent of Aoki. What other cadres do he dare not guarantee that he is their opponent, he can only gather more people. Can be used as cannon fodder at least when necessary.

However, Guga has obviously grown a lot. Although he hated Aoki, he did not directly lead people to provoke.

Quite a bit calm.

And the Aber monster that has been with him, looking at the dark crow on Aoki's shoulder, can see the undisguised killing in the eyes of the only snake left. The dark crow with eyes is full of resentment.

It was just that the Dark Crow didn't want to ignore him at all and stood silently on Aoki's shoulder.


Jasmine and Alec also stood silently, looking at Guga and Aoki, with a hint of jokes in their eyes.

There are also people behind them, but they are not as strong as Guga's background.

Behind them are only two big captains who want to try, not quasi-cadres like Guga's brother, so they have not given them as much resources as Guga.

Therefore, they were always under the pressure of Gu, and even if Gujia was abolished for half a month, they soon surpassed them.

This is the gap in the bottom line.

So even if they know what the winner of this trial will get, they will not want to fight for the so-called first.


Soon, Viper and Shadow came to the square. Along with them was a group of people hiding under a black robe. Everyone was standing next to a super-elf.

This group of people should be what the viper said, a member of the Rockets' superpower group.

Viper's eyes swept through the audience, and now there are 91 trainers left, but the quality of these trainers is much higher than the several times he has taken before.

At last he stopped looking at Aoki and the dark crow on his shoulder, and frowned slightly.

Aoki's strength is considered to be the best among all the trainers, but his original elf Dark Raven obviously did not reach the level satisfying him. This kind of strength is still a little different from those of cadres.

The snake looked at the shadow.

I saw a slight smile. It was n’t clear to him what the strength of Aoki was, but the dark crow and the previous ghost were not all his strengths, but he remembered before the island of Aoki There should be three elves.

He gave the poisonous snake a look of his own accord, and then ignored him.

It made the snakes stump.

What did that look just mean?

Guess it yourself? no problem? what is this else...

Concealed a bit of embarrassment with a cough, the poisonous snake said, "Oh! The trial will begin soon, and there will be members of the superpower group to teleport you to any place on the trial island. I think you know the rules. Not much to say. "

"Ahem! At the end of the trial, everyone comes up to pick up the scoring device, and then enters the teleportation array."

After that, let the subordinates arrange for everyone to come to the stage to receive the integration device, and then step into a random teleportation array composed of members of the superpower group and their elves.

Guga looked at Aoki before she came on stage, her mouth moved slightly, but no sound was heard, but Aoki understood.

Guga's mouth said, "I'm waiting for you inside!"

As each trainer enters the teleportation team ~ ~ there are fewer and fewer people on the square.

After all the other three forces entered, Aoki took people to the stage.

The integration device handed over by the staff is somewhat similar to the honest information device, which reads a number "1".

Did you just give yourself a little initial points before coming to take the test?

A bit of spit in the heart, put the device into the storage space, and then stepped into the teleportation array.

Among those who were at ease maintaining the teleportation formation, the person who was the leader felt Aoki come in, and then gently "snapped" a bit, and then called the superpower of others to teleport Aoki out.

When Aoki disappeared, he said in a voice he could only hear, "Superpowered, interesting."

The viper gave him a surprised look. Although these people said he was invited by him, they were actually those who invited them to prevent the trainers from cheating.

This leader's strength is not weak, although not to the level of Nazi, but the Rockets' superpowers can be considered relatively strong.

Can Aoki be surprised by him, is it really not as simple as he sees it?

Why his friends and this superpower seem to have a special sense of surprise to him.

After all the trainers in the square were teleported away, the leader of that superpower bowed slightly, and took the rest of them silently sitting in the corner of the square, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

As if feeling the doubt of the poisonous snake's eyes, Ying smiled and said, "That kid is a little special. Don't look down on him, maybe you can really do some miracles."


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