The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 269: Zaidahu

When Father Yagyu Aoki also talked about the elves for two hours, the door was knocked again.

"It looks like you're quite busy today." Father Liu Sheng smirked.

Now that Aoki is under the door, he feels relaxed, as if he saw the envious eyes of his good guys.

Aoki opened the door with a smile, and only saw a full-dressed Dago standing upright at the door. The polite appearance made people feel that they were from the inside to the outside.


When Aoki heard the knock on the door, he knew who was coming, and didn't avoid anything, so he asked Ogo to come in directly.

When Dawu saw the man sitting on the sofa, he immediately looked at him, walked in front of Father Liu Sheng, and saluted him respectfully, "Da Fuzi, say hello to Master Liu Sheng."

When Mr. Liu Sheng opened the door in Aoki, he knew who it was, and waved his hand with a smile. "The kid of Zvqi's family, good, good."

At the same time he nodded his head, this novice disciple was able to make good friends with Z Fuqi Dawu, and he was very pleased.

The young master of the German company, it goes without saying that strength and ability.

It is said that things are grouped into groups and people are grouped, and those who can associate with geniuses are often geniuses.

At the words of Father Liu Sheng, Dawu smiled slightly and nodded humblely.

Father Liu Sheng and his father are friends, and in the face of elders, they still have to do enough.

Moreover, Father Liu Sheng is not only a master of the Heavenly King class, but also a senior cultivator, no matter which status he deserves his respect.

"Well, all of you young people communicate, I will almost go back, and the experiment is not finished yet." Father Liu Sheng stood up.

"Aoki, remember what I said, you have a good talent, don't waste it." Do not forget to tell Aoki before leaving.

"Yes, teacher." Aoki responded respectfully.

Looking at Aoki's respectful appearance, Father Liu Sheng shook his head uncontrollably. Aoki promised simply, but it was obviously unrealistic to make him do this. He had experienced it from a young age and understood.

He stopped talking and disappeared into the corridor.

After closing the door, Aoki let out a sigh of relief, then wiped her forehead and sweated, "Huh, it's really stressful."

Then I saw Ogo looking curiously at Aoki, standing up and making a few laps around him, as if he wanted to get to know him again.

"Aoki Jun, the elder you said at home, wouldn't it be Mr. Liu Sheng?"

Aoki glanced at him with an inexplicable look, then shook his head and ass, sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Aoki's eyes, Ogo seemed to understand at once, "It must be him, right?"

"Yes, it is the older generation of the alliance like Father Liu Sheng that can make such a rare exclusive energy block formula so fast. My dad often mentioned him in front of me, but in recent years, he started He disappeared. I didn't expect to meet him here. "

The more he said, the more sure he was, and he automatically added everything in his head.

The corner of Aoki's mouth kept rising, and he didn't speak.

This is your brain supplement, I didn't say it!

Then took out a box of exquisitely packed energy cube storage box from the ring and pushed it to the table.

"This is the energy cube you want, but the requirements I told you are slightly different. He can't completely increase the weight of the metal monster, but it can minimize its weight gain. Of course, the nutrition for normal growth is not at all What is missing may even work better. "

Aoki has a little pain. In order to make this energy block, he crystallized the half-fist-sized medium-sized energy just obtained from the unnamed island and cut it into one-eighth. Can it be bad?

Hearing that, Dawu flashed his eyes instantly, took out the elf ball, summoned a metal monster.

Aoki subconsciously scanned the data of this metal monster.

Aoki's eyes lightened slightly when he saw the level of the metal monster.

It is indeed a rich person. How long has it passed before this metal monster has reached the thirty-fifth level from thirty.

Moreover, Ogo's ability is really strong, the level of the metal monster is raised so quickly, there are no side effects, and it seems that the exercise of normal ability has not fallen.

Dawu also avoided taboo at all, opened the box directly, took out one of the energy cubes, and fed the metal monster directly.

Seeing the satisfied expression of the metal monster, Dago was very happy and gave Aoki a thumbs up directly.

"Aoki Jun, really amazing.

By the way, you can calculate for me, how much money will be given to you. "

Aoki shook her hand, and Ogo continued before he could speak.

"Don't refuse, you know I don't lack this. We are friends, but there are still some accounts to be calculated."

Who wants to refuse, did you see that I want to speak interrupted by you? Big households are amazing?

Aoki, with a white eye in his heart, said, "I didn't mean to be polite to you, I mean, it would be best if you can count it without money. Besides, you also helped me sell the energy cube formula, I have n’t thanked you."

"Do n’t do it, I have n’t sold your energy cube formula yet. But what you said makes sense. Talking about money hurts your feelings ~ ~ Then you talk about what you want, if I If yes, I'll bring it for you. "

"If I can, I want a high-quality dark stone, or a sharp claw with excellent appearance, or a certificate of the king. Alas, the price of the king's certificate is a bit high. If it exceeds, I can supply it. You. "Fortunately, the Dark Stone and the Sharp Claw said that one is necessary for the evolution of the Dark Crow, and the other is required for the evolution of Paula.

The evidence of the king is what the dumb beast evolved into the hippo king.

Although the stupid animal did not decide the direction in which it wanted to evolve, as a trainer, Aoki was ready to let the stupid animal choose to become a stupid beast or a hippopotamus king.

But no matter which one, the preparation should be done well in advance.

"Well, I can try to find a high-quality dark stone. It should be found soon. The sharp claws should not be a problem, but the evidence of the king is more troublesome." Ogo also refused to hold it. Chin thought.

"But I can leave it for you, and you will wait for my message at that time. But even high-quality dark stones and sharp claws cannot offset this. If you have any other needs, the certificate of the king will not be counted for the time being. Go in. "Dawu wasn't a noob who didn't understand the knowledge, the value of which he calculated at once.

As the heir of the German company, is this value ratio still unclear?

Aoki nodded and refused. After thinking for a while, he said, "If I can, I want to keep Coco Dora all the time."

This is the big family who let me kill him. If he does n’t kill, he will not give him face.


Paying off debts even more! Alright, the rewards for giving birth and love to the big brothers are also over. I now miss the days of three changes every day!

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