The Flamingo originally had the idea of ​​playing around with Aoki, but now he has no such idea.

Although the elves of Aoki did not see any threats to him, they really found out after fighting and took great pains.

Various small skills that make him feel sick are constantly thrown on his face, making him feel less pain, but more or less pain.

Whenever he wanted to attack those little guys first and let them rest for a while, there were always a few elves who made him slightly daunted and stopped him in front of him, making him unable to deal with those little ones. Guy.

The battle has been going on for five minutes. Aoki used telepathy to command twenty elves to fight, and they also had to cooperate with each other very precisely. This is almost something that many trainers can hardly imagine.

普通 For ordinary trainers, it is already very difficult to command an elf to carry out a smooth and error-free battle.

And some relatively strong trainers have relatively strong command capabilities, and can command two elves at the same time, and even three elves for group battles. Several elves have sufficient teamwork capabilities to be able to do this. The trainers are generally not weak, and they can generally reach the level of the Tianwang class trainers, and they can achieve this level more or less.

再 A stronger trainer can command six elves to conduct a group battle, also known as a full-fighting battle.

Why does the Alliance stipulate that each trainer can only carry a maximum of six elves, do n’t they know that the more elves they carry, the more variability the battle has for the trainers, and the more the elves, the more or less strength Will it be strengthened?

Part of the reason is that the trainer's experience is limited in the view of the league. This is to allow them to concentrate more on training the elves on their bodies.

A bigger reason is that after so many years of testing and investigation by the alliance, combined with the alliance itself, there are many powerful trainers. After collecting his feelings, it is found that the six elves are normal ordinary trainers and can be achieved. Numbers for perfect control.

It's not that you can't command seven or eight elves, but the more elves there are, the more questions trainers need to consider. If you want to make each elf perfectly cooperate with each other and seamlessly connect, it is almost Impossible, and a heavy burden on trainers.

All in all, it is that the six elves are the highest value for money of the elves commanded by the trainer. Commanding the six elves to fight perfectly is not necessarily weaker than the trainer who commands the seven or eight elves.

And as the trainers' skills and connection of their own elves, the so-called single-core tactics and multi-core tactics appeared later, so the requirements for the trainers, the tacit understanding between the elves and the trainers, and the cooperation between the elves Have a great relationship.

That's why the league stipulated that a trainer can only carry six elves, which gave them a clear direction from the beginning.

Now Aoki is directing twenty elves to fight all at once. I can imagine how much his brain load is at this time. In addition, the two elves of Super Geng and Super Bangila constantly gave Aoki during the super evolution. Passing their thoughts and feelings in their brains is also a stress for Aoki.

At this time, the super power extended from Aoki was almost isolated from the entire elven world, and there were space cracks everywhere. If there is now a wild elf with ordinary strength to attack Aoki , Will definitely be cut by these space cracks before he approaches him.

Although rain did not fall on him, Aoki's head was still wet.

The whole face turned red, not only the face, but even the ears turned red, from the forehead to the neck.

Douda's sweat continued to flow from his forehead, but his eyes were staring at the flame bird flying up and down. All the cells in his brain became active. While commanding the battle, he was still looking for flames. The bird's flaw.

Today, if I do n’t give the Flaming Bird a serious blow, I guess I ca n’t retreat.

Although there is a big reason to come to this step is that Aoki himself is hot-headed, and it is difficult to bear to see Bangira being bombarded.

But to be honest, the elves present were all regarded by Aoki as a companion. Aoki did not deny that he might be more optimistic about individual elves, or even had some eccentric behavior, but they were all their companions.

I used to be allowed to be bullied in order to survive, but not now!

Even if the other party is Lao Zi, you must bite off a piece of meat.

Flamingo is also hitting real fire at this moment, but he also feels the kind of madness in Aoki's heart, this person has been labeled by him as a lunatic.

But at this moment in the battle, it must not be so, otherwise the face of his beast, the flame bird, will be put there.

"Oh !!!"

The flaming bird whispered a long time to vent his inner depression.

"This time!"

But when he was crying, Aoki's eyes slowly narrowed slowly because of sweat, and he let the sweat flow into his eyes along the corners of his eyes. An unbearable sting came from his eyes, but he But he didn't want to and couldn't close his eyes at this time, because the opportunity he waited for so long finally appeared.

Under the command of Aoki, the dazzling king and Shanaido locked the super power filaments on the field instantly from the beginning of the battle, as if closing the net, and imprisoned the flame bird in mid air.

Although for the Flamebird, the net bag that can be broken by just shaking the wings a little is completely carefree ~ ~, but then he greeted him with all kinds of overwhelming skills.

Bangira's long-established multiple cliff swords! Meteor group of scale-tailed dragon Dakley's Hell Spike! Geng Gui's giant shadow ball!

In fact, they are already accumulating energy, waiting for the best time that Aoki said. Now it is finally appearing, of course, to blast various skills on the face of the flame bird without money.

When the Flaming Bird hesitated because of the tweet, the action started, and he had already entered the trap of Aoki.

除了 Except that all skills have mutual restraint and not at the same time, but are divided in sequence, almost all the other skills attack the Firebird in less than half a second.

Because of their standing position in battle, both in terms of angle and distance, they were designed by Aoki in advance.

延迟 The delay that all skills may encounter when they are released, or those skills can be better connected back and forth, and those must be separated, etc., everything has been calculated in his mind.

If it was the flashing nine tail that was subjected to this attack, it is estimated that it would directly turn gray, because this is not as simple as one plus one.

Boom! !! !! !!

Even the explosion when attacking the flame bird was only one sound!


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