The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1310: The disaster of Musashi and Kojiro

This situation, it is best to ask a few ghost experts to ask.

Aoki's heart has a very suitable candidate, but now it is impossible to find each other, only to find out for himself temporarily, hoping to find a good way.

Take this trial island as a temporary training place for elves.


a week later.

At the Trial Island Rocket Base, a new batch of testers, after becoming familiar with their elves and their surroundings, began to explore the resource-rich forest.

Although their testers experienced less things and tasks than those of Aoki's group, the test island is a very dangerous place after all. The wild elves here are much more aggressive than the outside elves. .

"Musashi, it's our turn to go out, but we only have a meow. I don't think it will come back." The blue-purple-haired Xiaojiro and Musashi hid behind the team.

"What are you afraid of? Meow Meow, although it ’s not very effective, is at least an elf and can always play a role. As long as we can conquer another elf one by one, this is where we start again on the trial island, until we go out Being promoted to be the captain and the captain, the cadres will not be far away from us! "Musashi's full-faced Greek wings, as if a beautiful future is beckoning towards them.

After hearing Musashi's words, Kojiro also magically let go of his worry and felt that the future was promising.

The only meowing meow who was a bit sane, when he heard that he was going to fight, he suddenly scared the soul out, "I do n’t want to fight! I won't fight! Meow!"

While the trio was discussing how they were going to fight, two people slowly walked in front of them, with strong disdains on their faces, "Well, isn't this Musashi and Kojiro? And yours Meow meow, are you ready to leave the base? Don't come back when you gather at night. "

Hearing this sharp, mocking sound, Musashi and Kojiro looked at the same time, and suddenly they were so angry.

Musashi's red hair was about to stand up, "Amador, Saburo! You two are everywhere !!"

"Just three times!" Kojiro echoed.

Kozaburo, who seemed very calm at first, looked like a cat with a tail on his tail, and immediately jumped up, "Laozi's name is Kozaburo !! Remember to me, I! Call! Little! San! Lang! "

Kojiro nodded thoughtfully aside, "Okay, three times smaller, no problem, three times smaller!"

Kosaburo was about to jump up again, but was stopped by Amado. I saw her coldly saying, "It's useless to slap the tongue. This time I went out to open the whole trial island for us. From this moment on, instructors won't care more about us, do you know what it means?

In other words, from this moment on, even if I kill you two here, you do n’t need to be punished, understand? Two wastes and your waste meow! "

Koburo looked at them sneer with both hands, as if he had seen some delicious prey.

After hearing Amado's words, Musashi and Kojiro froze.

Although they were ready when they chose to participate in the mission, when the reality of Chiguo was in front of them, it was not so easy to accept.

Looking at the silent Musashi and Kojiro, Yamato and Kozaburo left with pride.

The two of them were among the best in this trial, and Musashi and Kojiro were undoubtedly the bottom.

"Musashi, they ... they said it, is it true?" Kojiro's voice shook slightly.

As a spoiled aristocrat, when was he threatened by life and death.

But Musashi nodded solemnly, looking at the back of Armado and Kosaburo, and lost his thoughts.

A seed called the desire for strength is taking root in her heart.


It's another three days.

With their three-inch, unbroken tongue, Musashi and Kojiro barely survived the forest on the island of Trial.

"I'm so tired and hungry!" Kojiro leaned against the tree with a grief over his stomach.

"Be quiet!" Musashi covered his mouth with a hand. "This is the third day, and the three-day wild survival will soon be over. By then, as long as we stay in the base, we don't have to worry about food. After three days of survival, the instructors will no longer care whether we are in the base or in the jungle. "

Hearing that Xiao Jilang and Meow Meow at the same time revealed their longing for a better life.

But when they were happy, a voice appeared in their ears.

"I finally found you. I didn't expect that the two of you could really live to this day, but it seems that from now on, your good luck is coming to an end." A female voice appeared.

Hearing this voice, Musashi and Kojiro's bodies stiffened at the same time.

Staring at the two figures walking out of the woods directly opposite them, it was Amado and Kozaburo who declared that they would stay in the woods, and the elves around them.

"Ya ... Mado, little ... three times ..." Xiao Jilang said stumblingly when he saw the two.

I heard that Kojiro called his name wrong again. Kozaburo's forehead was full of blue muscles, but he did not immediately launch an attack, but said with gritted teeth. "Last time, Lao Tzu's name is Xiao San Mi ... Oh, Lao Tzu Called Saburo !!!

Forget it anyway, I won't see you two anymore after today. "

Amado and Xiaosan three times, alas, Xiaoburo slowly came to the two of them, looked down at them, and the meow standing in front of them shivering but never leaving.

The corner of his mouth outlines a radian of victory. "Annoying things, I'll send you on the road now!"

Having said that, the Aba snake beside her and the supersonic bat beside Xiaoburo attacked them at the same time.


Meow Meow rushed up desperately, but he was not good at fighting. He could not be the opponent of Abo Snake and Ultrasonic Bat.

"Meow meow!" Kojiro's shouting was a little distressed ~ ~ Instead, Musashi's expression remained unchanged. I saw she stood up from the ground with her teeth in her hands, and a wooden stick in her hand was Her only weapon at the moment.

"Kojiro, you'll run away soon! It's the Rockets that I brought you into, and I must let you go back alive!" Musashi, who was not very long at this time, stood by Kojiro In front of him, it made him feel different for the first time.

One hand wiped the tears in the corner of the eye, and the other hand grabbed a stone from the ground and held it tightly in his hand, changing the appearance of weakness before, "I won't go! Let's fight together to the end!"

Although his voice was still trembling, he showed great courage when he stood beside Musashi.

On the other side, Meow Meow slowly crawled over from a distance and stood in front of the two.


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