The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1294: Alliance Legion

Latest website: When Aokiko opened his heavy eyelids again, he found that he was lying in a white room.

The nose can smell some of the more unpleasant disinfectant water.

Just look at the pure white sheets and you're in the hospital ward.

On the bedside table next to him was neatly stacked his dark red four-king king costume, along with his many elven **** and communicators.

Fortunately, Aoki knew that he might faint, and put away some of the more secret things on his body in advance.

The dull kings have not been taken back by the elven ball. I believe that their IQ will not let people randomly mess with their own things.

When Aoki was about to sit up, she found her body was sore, her arm could not exert a little strength, and she gave up after a little struggle.

It's still easier to lay the salted fish.

Just as he gave up, the door of the ward was pushed open. I saw a Miss Joy wearing a nurse costume and an auspicious egg like this. He pushed in a small tool cart and saw it was opening. With his eyes, Aoki, who couldn't move at all, stared straight at him.

Miss Joey's cheeks turned slightly red, and she smiled and said, "You are awake, Aoki, I'll go and tell the chairman right away."

After speaking, Fei ran out similarly, leaving only Aoki and Geely Egg there silently looking at each other.

Fortunately, this auspicious egg was specially cultivated, knowing how to take care of the patient, immediately went to Aoki's side and helped him sit up.

Soon, Adams and Huayue and Pony appeared together here.

Mainly also now Aoki is lying in the elven center of the Alliance headquarters, Adams and they are also here, and this incident is also relatively big, almost all the Internet spread the small island was wrapped in red sandstorm at that time, There is also a huge crack in space that has attracted the attention of many people.

In the end, it completely turned into a fragmented island, which became the main topic of people lamenting the fierce fighting.

There are still many people online who perform simulation analysis there. What kind of strength do you need to be able to destroy an island like that?

"Aoki, how are you awake?" Adams asked with a smile on his face.

Aoki now feels sore because he moves casually.

"Not good, how long have I been unconscious?" Aoki asked.

On hearing that, Adams said angrily, "Not good? I thought you were dead when I arrived and hurriedly brought you back for treatment. Miss Joy said that your body was too overdrawn and it would take a while to recover. .

You have been unconscious for three days! I'm a little curious why your status will be overdrawn to that extent. Is it the other party that directly attacks your people? "

Hearing Adams' question, Aoki didn't know how to answer for a while.

But apparently Adams has not been tangled in this matter. Aoki has already done so. Is there any reason for this?

"Do you know the identity of the person who fought against you that day?" Adams' expression looked a little serious when he said it.

Aoki glanced at him, and then groaned a little, then said, "It should be a deity, with superpowers, I am not an opponent, and may be a relatively high identity in the theology. The space crack he created should be It has a special role, but I don't know exactly what it is.

and also...

Judging from his fighting style and command method, it's very much like ... much like ... "

"Much like the fighting methods of people in the Alliance Army, right?" Adams took the words of Aoki.

After hearing that, Aoki looked at Adams in amazement, wondering how he knew it.

I saw Adams taking a photo from his pocket, exactly like the black messenger who fought against Aoki, except that the person in the photo was dead.

Adams continued, "He fled after fighting you that day, but when we investigated the surrounding waters, we found the body."

"Dead?" Aoki froze.

"After our various investigations, we have determined that he is a corps leader of the Confederate Army's Permanent Force in Silver Mountain. He is good at using evil spirits. The five spirits found on the ground at the time also conform to the spirits registered in his alliance. Only one quasi-god, three evil dragons were not found. "

When speaking of this, the entire ward fell silent.

The true identity of the black messenger is actually the head of the Allied Army. This is not good news for them.

"As the leader of the Confederate League, the Confederate Party has issued a notification letter, hoping to transfer various materials as soon as possible," Adams said.

Adams said nothing about Aoki.

Seeing that Aoki didn't say a word, President Adams also knew his thoughts, and it was really difficult to say the past. "At present, you know what is happening in Guandu, it is more passive, so I still hope you Understandable. "

"Guandu's family has passed the review of the League of Nations and has entered the preparation stage? So I don't want to focus on this section, because a high-powered regiment is actually a matter of theologians, which brings a very bad influence? Guandu Union It really has a close relationship with the League. "Aoki's words were slightly ridiculed and unhappy.

Huayue and Boni looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

But there is no way, after all, it is related to the strategic planning of the alliance and the face of the alliance.

Aoki continued, "So, the meaning of the League of Nations is that we want to be as silent as possible, and let this matter be uncovered? What about the losses caused by our prosperity?"

"Whether it is your loss ~ ~ or the loss of the people on the island, the Federation will be responsible for compensation.

And they do n’t just ask us to keep absolute silence. They just hope that we do n’t publish the true identity of the person. As for your record, the League is also very pleased and appreciated. I also hope that when you have time, you can go to customs. In the metropolitan area, and their new four heavenly kings, a four heavenly king exhibition match. "Adams comforted.

"The new Four Heavenly Kings, men?" Aoki seemed to hear something important.

"Yes, another new four-king king in Guandu area has taken office, and you still know who you are. You can guess who it is." Adams smiled and finally turned Aoki's attention away.

This time Aoki paid such a great price, worked so hard, and finally found that the opponent was actually the head of the league, which is a shock to faith for any alliance member, and it is not so easy to accept of.


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